Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband - Chapter 93

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The man behind them seemed to be in disbelief that they were awake when they were supposed to be unconscious. After a short blank stare, his sword flashed and plunged through the air towards Su Jiu. He clutched the woman’s hand next to him.

Su Jiu leaped from Ji Yuxian’s arms into the air, grabbed the woman’s wrist, and turned her body before sending the woman flying with a kick. She blocked the sword thrust.

Xu Changsheng promptly retracted his sword, stretching out his arm to protect his woman.

Suddenly, everything went black. Su Jiu had flown at him and pierced his throat with a bamboo rod that had found its way into her hands.

Xu Changsheng retreated, clearly stunned. His eyes gaped open as he hacked at the bamboo rod with his sword.

The bamboo rod was just a dried-up stick, but in the young woman’s hands, it was agile as a snake: picking, pricking, penetrating–it varied every second and had pierced the man’s body so hard that fresh blood flowed out in all directions.

Su Jiu was a distinguished figure. Her actions were both lofty and nimble, flowing naturally like water. She closed in with every step. She first kicked away Lian Er, who was attacking her lower body. Then, eyes flashing, her wrist cut through the air and thrust the bamboo rod through the man’s chest with a sickening plop.

“No!” Lian Er jumped forward, crying and begging as she grasped the bamboo rod. “Please, madam, I beg you to spare his life!”

“Who are you two?” Su Jiu asked quietly as she rose in a dignified manner.

“We are assassins from the Clear Wind Gang. We were ordered to kill Ji Yuxian!” the woman immediately blurted out without being forced to speak.

“The men dressed in black who ambushed us and tried to kill us yesterday, were they also from the Clear Wind Gang?”

“Yes, yes!” The woman kept nodding. “Our gang leader received a pile of silver as the bounty for Ji Yuxian’s life!”

“Who was the client?”

“We don’t know; we really don’t know. We’re just assassins who follow the gang leader’s directions.” The woman was weeping. The man behind her was covered in blood and holding his chest. His face paled, and he ground his teeth in a deathlike manner.

Mandarin ducks (1) who are pretending to run away often try to gain others’ sympathy. It is a common trick of theirs.

“We’ve already said everything we can. Please, madam, let us escape with our lives!” The woman raised her head to implore Su Jiu, her eyes filled with tears as she grasped the bamboo rod.

Su Jiu retracted the bamboo rod and turned to leave. “Get lost!”

At the exact moment she turned to leave, the tear-stained face behind her suddenly changed into ferocious eyes. The woman’s uninjured hand flashed a dagger and rapidly shoved it towards Su Jiu’s back.

The man covered with blood also leveraged his hand against the ground and leaped a considerable distance, slamming his sword toward the top of Su Jiu’s head.

Su Jiu’s mouth curled up in a sneer. She pivoted her body and grabbed the woman’s wrist, aligning herself parallel to the woman’s outstretched arm. Clenching the woman’s hand, she plunged the dagger forward into her chest with a plunk. A stream of blood squirted out and splattered the furious eyes of the man leaping towards her head.

The man roared and used his entire body’s strength to hack the sword into Su Jiu.

Ji Yuxian was still sitting in front of the fire. He casually lifted his eyes and flicked the kindling branch in his hand just slightly. An inconspicuous spark suddenly launched into the darkness and penetrated the man’s throat. Only a black mark remained on his neck, but the man’s sword hand abruptly stopped in that position, his entire body’s energy having been soundlessly dispersed.

Although this subtle shift took place in a moment’s time, Su Jiu noticed the man’s lifeless eyes and ousted him with a single punch.

The man’s body made a thump as it collided with a distant tree and flopped to the ground like a comatose rabbit.

Su Jiu took a deep breath and went to check the status of the woman named Lian Er. She confirmed the woman was clearly dead before rising and clapping her hands together.

She knew that when an assassin reveals the truth to her opponent, it was not because she expects to die, but rather because she plans to send her opponent to the grave.

That’s why Su Jiu had never taken this woman lightly!

Su Jiu lazily walked to the fire, shrugging her shoulders. “We just wasted two good rabbits!”

Ji Yuxian laughed a bit and lightly said, “Let them eat a good meal while they are dying, as a charitable act of my lady!”

Su Jiu snorted a laugh. “Thanks to the prince for his consolation!”

“My lady is wrong again. I’m not the prince, I’m your husband!” Ji Yuxian helplessly interjected.

Su Jiu didn’t argue. She adjusted her clothing, seated herself next to the fire, and asked, “What are your plans?”

Apparently, the Clear Wind Gang was wholly invested. They had sworn not to give up until they killed Ji Yuxian.

“I’ll listen to my wife!” Ji Yuxian smiled as the light of the fire intensified.

“Let’s raid the Clear Wind Gang and overturn their den!” A bloodthirsty aura oozed from Su Jiu’s eyes.

Ji Yuxian was stunned. Someone had paid assassins to take his life, and Su Jiu wanted to take out the assassins’ den!

His wife was certainly intimidating!

Su Jiu clapped her hands and stood up. “There’s still two hours before daylight. The Clear Wind Gang is in Chongxi, and Chongxi is right outside this valley. Let’s go!”

Ji Yuxian grabbed Su Jiu’s hand. “Does my lady have any injuries?”

“These trivial injuries won’t get in the way,” Su Jiu announced nonchalantly.

“Okay then!” Ji Yuxian held her wrist tightly as the two strode into the twilight, their shadows partly swallowed up by the nighttime fog.

Behind them, the fire was still blazing. Two cold corpses lay beside it.

While the assassins sent out by the Clear Wind Gang were combing the whole mountain like headless chickens to find Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu, the two in question had already ravaged the assassins’ hometown.

Right as the sun reached the sky, Su Jiu was standing at the doorway of the Clear Wind Gang’s hideout. Her sleeves were rolled up, and she clutched the bamboo rod. Her thin, straight body emitted an aura of doom.

“Who are you?”

The doorway opened and out surged ten gangsters clothed in black, each holding a gleaming longsword. They turned to face Su Jiu.

Su Jiu lifted her eyes and scoped out the village in front of her.

The Dragon Conqueror Gang owned only three mud houses, and the Eight Dragons Gang occupied a small mountain stronghold, but the Clear Wind Gang’s area was actually large enough to be a village.

The towering stone wall, the lavish jet-black gateway, and the two savage-looking stone lions were all extremely impressive.

The Clear Wind Gang had also begun as a stronghold for mountain bandits but had gradually shifted away from robbery and established the assassin profession. They had earned plenty of money this way, and as the number of assassins naturally grew, they also became very famous in Chongxi.

It must be admitted that they were quite successful!

The ten gangsters in front of her were all robust, strong on their feet and baring fierce faces. They had clearly received very strict training.

Su Jiu waved her bamboo rod with the sound of rushing wind. Her voice was stern, impossible to distinguish from a man’s voice.

“Kick open the door. Don’t waste time talking, just come at me all at once!”

The gangsters glanced at each other with faces that betrayed their astonishment. They shouted violently, “You’re dead!”

Wielding their longswords, they simultaneously rushed at her.

Su Jiu sprang into the air and kicked the foremost gangster in the chest. There was only a cracking sound denoting the breaking of bones, and the man was launched directly backward. Su Jiu twirled in the air until her feet pointed at the gangsters’ faces. As she employed her bamboo rod, the black-clad gangsters hollered miserably, streams of blood squirted into the air, and in just a short time, the ground gained five or six new corpses.

The gangsters in black retreated, terrified. They carefully surveyed Su Jiu, who had killed so many men almost effortlessly. Where did this youngster come from?

The bamboo rod in Su Jiu’s hands was dyed red with blood. Her ink-black hair hovered above her black clothing. She looked like a demon from the nine nether regions.

She tramped through the bloody path in the darkness. Without giving them a moment to gasp for breath, she wielded her rod. It carried the rushing wind once again.

“Kill her!”

The black-clad men clenched their teeth and suddenly charged.

The young woman’s body flew back and forth amid the group of gangsters as gracefully as a fairy. Her bamboo rod danced vigorously, and the only sound to be heard was endless whimpers. The fallen swords reflected the light above the mountains, brightening the silent scene of death and dying.

Not far away, Ji Yuxian stayed in the tree where the young lady had placed him, watching lazily as the attackers fought hand-to-hand. His cold and clear eyes were fixed on the woman’s body, and he happened to see someone sneaking up behind her. Without even the faintest sound, the leaf between his fingers flicked towards the attacker and lodged in his chest. There was no blood, only another corpse.

Pretty soon, all the black-clad gangsters had fallen to the ground, their blood following into the crevices in the tiled pathway. The cold wind carried a strong smell of blood into the mountain village, causing panic in the whole town.

Su Jiu grasped her bamboo rod, kicked the door back with one foot, and took a large step inside.

In the village, knives sparkled like stars. Hundreds of people stood in the courtyard gaping at Su Jiu, the uninvited guest.

The village chief stood in the main room wrapped in an enormous black fur coat. He looked like a wild bear who had come to spend winter in the mountains. His face radiated evil as he strolled out of the house, eyes cast on Su Jiu. “Who are you?”

“I am Su Jiu, from the Dragon Conqueror Gang on Yuhu Mountain!”

“Why did you come here?”

“To clean out Clear Wind Gang!”

Chief Bear took two steps forward. Behind him, three or four gang leaders followed, disdainfully looking at Su Jiu and laughing. After they finished laughing, they suddenly barked, “It’s just you?”

“It’s just me!” Su Jiu yelled loudly and leaped into the air, her icy eyes glinting with murderous intent. In a split second, she had thrown herself forward. The wind whistled and sod flew as she raged on, quick as lightning, wiping out everything in her way.

Chief Bear retreated, staring in astonishment. He anxiously yelled, “Kill her! Kill her!”

The second to fifth-ranking commanders protecting him from behind as the entire remaining force of gangsters simultaneously charged at Su Jiu. The shining swords in their hands were like a net, closing down towards Su Jiu’s face.

Su Jiu wielded the bamboo rod, blocking the dense net of swords with a sound like a thunderclap. The atmosphere in the room was like a thick storm with lightning and thunder. The young woman shot through the clouds and darkness like a bolt of lightning, exposing in an instant her awesome splendor.

A whole slew of black-clad men surged forward, falling down once again with horrible shrieks. The bodies piled up on the floor, creating pools of blood filled with mangled limbs and broken bones. The once-arrogant Clear Wind Gang, who had pilfered and molested unscrupulously, were being silently slaughtered.

The village chief hiding in the back watched as the woman gathered and killed each gangster with a single blow. He slowly advanced, stepping on the bodies covering the floor. He finally knew terror; his eyes no longer displayed their earlier contempt. Struck with panic, he carefully considered when he may have offended the Dragon Conqueror Gang.

Su Jiu’s blood-coated body worked on, killing a person with every step. Her eyes blazed red, and the sun above her almost seemed to turn red as well.

Ji Yuxian silently crept behind her and spoke softly in her ear, “To catch brigands, first catch their chief. After killing him, the Clear Wind Gang will be subdued and at your disposal!”

Su Jiu abruptly turned her head. “Why are you here?”

Ji Yuxian lifted his hand and wiped a drop of blood from her eyelash. He pushed her forward just a little. “Go on!”

Su Jiu momentarily saw blood-red blurriness, but quickly recovered and leaped forward. She donned a stern expression as she plunged her bamboo rod towards the chief hidden at the back.

The chief, shocked, grabbed the man next to him and used him to block his body.

“Plunk!” Fresh blood splattered all over his gruesome, alarmed face.

Su Jiu pulled back her foot to kick a gangster charging at her, then vigorously thrust the bamboo rod forward once again

The chief lurched back onto the furniture, the man he had turned into a human shield lying in front of him. Both of the chief’s hands gripped the bamboo rod, blood dripping slowly along the cracks between his fingers. His face was full of agony, and there was a whistling sound as he spoke. “Clear Wind Gang and Yuhu Mountain’s bandits always keep out of each others’ business. Why would you enter Chongxi boundaries and provoke us?”

The black-clad gangsters behind Su Jiu looked in horror at their chief. They didn’t dare to advance forward, but instead formed a circle surrounding Su Jiu and Ji Yuxian.

“If our gangs keep out of each others’ business, why would you travel to Yuhu Mountain to murder one of us?” Su Jiu’s breath was ice-cold.

The chief’s hands tenaciously gripped the bamboo rod, his teeth clenching tightly. He shifted his eyes and suddenly lifted his head to the handsome guy behind her. “Ji Yuxian?”

“That’s right, now you can die with peace of mind!” Su Jiu’s pupils flickered with hatred. Her wrist used a bit more strength and plunged the bamboo rod into him.

“Ahhh!” The chief cried out deliriously, but with an astonishing burst of energy, he stood up. His fur coat shaking, he seized the bamboo rod and split it into pieces. His fist, like a tiger claw, whistled through the air towards Su Jiu.

Su Jiu dodged sideways, causing the man’s fist to fall towards the pillar supporting the roof. As the fist and pillar collided, the earth swayed, and the entire room shook.

When the chief saw he hadn’t hit Su Jiu, he turned towards her again and ferociously dove in her direction.

The two opponents moved rapidly, one powerful and bold, the other uniquely agile, and in a short period of time, they performed several intricate stunts.

A slap of wind swept across Su Jiu’s cheeks, and as she towered into the air, she felt a hot rushing feeling in her chest. During her brief sluggishness, the man instantly grabbed her wrist and tossed her powerfully towards the pillar.

Ji Yuxian’s pupils narrowed slightly. With a flick of the sleeve, he instantaneously caught the young woman’s body just before she hit the pillar. At the same moment, she bared her eyes, mustered her strength, and pivoted around in the air. Like an arrow shooting from a crossbow, she pierced through the air directly towards the chief. She held the snapped bamboo rod in her hands, which had transformed its appearance into an image of innumerable pointed swords.

The man was only aware of a gigantic breath of fury pouncing on him. His blood rushing, he tried to hide but couldn’t. His feet were locked in place, absolutely fastened to the floor. Suddenly, he felt a flood of severe pain as the broken rod penetrated his throat and the space between his eyebrows, releasing an enormous flow of blood. He fell backward to the floor with a thump.

It was in this manner that the crowd of people watched the woman finish off their chief, a chill running down their spines. They all retreated at the same time, eyeing the blood-covered woman with alarm as if they were looking at an evil spirit descended from the heavens.

Whoosh! Su Jiu casually pulled her bamboo rod back.

The Clear Wind Gang’s second-in-command had just been slain. The third commander was tall and thin with a dark face. His knees gave way, and he thumped to the floor in a kneeling position.

“Ninth Master Su, spare our lives. The Clear Wind Gang submits and pledges to follow the Dragon Conqueror Gang. We are at Ninth Master’s disposal, no matter what!”

As soon as he surrendered, the other gang members threw down the longswords in their hands and kneeled in a row before Su Jiu.

“We salute Ninth Master!”

The young woman stood with majestic form. Sunshine streamed into the room and illuminated her frigid eyes, reflecting a dazzling radiance.

Ji Yuxian saw the pale face beneath her eyes. He took a step forward, tighten his arm around her waistline, and spoke confidently.

“Starting today, the Clear Wind Gang has pledged allegiance to the Dragon Conqueror Gang under the supervision of Ninth Master Su. Any traitors must be slain without mercy!”

Su Jiu lifted her head to glance at the man, a deep look in her eyes.

“We pledge to follow the Ninth Master to the death!” The crowd simultaneously yelled this deafening cry.

The profession of mountain bandits and assassins was always this way, taking place daily at the blood-hungry edge of a knife. There was no definite loyalty or betrayal. Superiors were established by their strength.

Whichever person was strongest became the master!

“You!” Ji Yuxian focused on the third commander.

“Your servant is present!”

“Clean up the village. Find us a clean room and prepare us hot water. While you’re at it, bring us some food!” Ji Yuxian commanded him with a calm and confident voice.

“Yes, sir! Your servant will do it right now!”

“Everyone leave!”

“Yes, sir!”

The gangsters exited the den, carrying Chief Bear’s body. Their frozen bodies walked outside and saw the bright sunshine. Within two hours’ time, the Clear Wind Gang had already changed hands.

“Village chief, please accompany your maidservant!” The servant girl who had waited upon the previous chief bent at the waist, trembling as she spoke.

Ji Yuxian tightened his arm around Su Jiu’s waist and followed along slowly.

Su Jiu’s entire body was drenched in blood; it was impossible to tell where she had sustained injuries or to distinguish whose blood belonged to whom. She followed the servant girl in a composed manner.

As soon as she entered the room and the door was closed, her body suddenly began to shake.

Ji Yuxian took a step forward to support her, hugging her waist to himself. He quickly helped her into the innermost room.

Although the Clear Wind Gang’s hideout was just a small town halfway up a mountain, the previous chief really knew how to enjoy life. The village was decorated with rock gardens and running streams, and the inside was embellished in a comfortable and luxurious fashion.

After entering the innermost room, Ji Yuxian laid Su Jiu on the bed and promptly unbuttoned her shirt.

Su Jiu pressed her hand over his. Although excessive blood loss had caused her consciousness to gradually become blurrier, she maintained her vigilance. “Don’t let them find out!”

If those people knew she had received severe bodily injuries and was almost at the end of her rope, they could charge into the room and tear them into pieces.

“Don’t worry, my lady. Only you and I are here!” Ji Yuxian’s voice was soft and gentle.

Su Jiu nodded just a little. She relaxed her tense body and before long had lost consciousness.

It was just as he’d expected. Once her clothing came off, he saw that the wounds on her chest and arms had split open, and she’d also sustained two new injuries. Although they weren’t deep cuts, the amount of blood loss was excessive. The red blood had dyed her underwear all the way through.

Observing the young woman’s slender body, Ji Yuxian knitted his brow. He had suddenly begun to wonder if all the blood in this petite body had completely drained out.

If she were any other person, she would have already died. With this amount of blood loss, she shouldn’t have been able to soldier on this long.

The young woman’s tough and explosive spirit had certainly exceeded his imagination.

With a creaking sound, the door opened, and the young servant girl called from outside, “Chief, the hot water is here!”

Ji Yuxian pulled down the curtains of the bed canopy. His smirking voice carried ambiguity as well as gentility. “Put it there, in a while I will bathe with your chief!”

“Yes, sir!” The young servant girl’s face turned red. She didn’t dare to look behind the bed curtains, but instead led the servants behind the folding partition to fill up the shower bucket.

“Do the two princes require any special services today from your maidservant?”

The young maid hadn’t dared to look Su Jiu in the eyes. She had only seen Su Jiu ruthlessly slaughter scores of warriors and unconsciously assumed she was a man.

“No, you can leave now. Bring me a clean set of clothing shortly!” Ji Yuxian’s voice was unemotional.

“Yes, sir!” The maidservant lowered her head and bowed down as she retreated.

After the door was closed, Ji Yuxian carried Su Jiu behind the wooden partition.

Though Su Jiu’s body was covered with blood, Ji Yuxian didn’t quite know where to start bathing her. With a movement of his arms, he peeled off her clothing and placed her in the water.

Within the thick cloud of steam, the young woman’s exquisite figure floated gracefully. Her slender legs and brilliant white skin were steeped in pink water, hair mostly hidden from view. She breathed enchantment.

Ji Yuxian stooped down, lifting her a bit at the waist to prevent her whole body from sliding in. The sensation of touching her silky, tender body made his focus slip slightly from cleansing her.

This young girl was quite slender. There were so many places on her body that could stand to add a bit of weight!

The man smiled softly. His arm pressed up against the flexible, curved part of her back. He was only conscious of the heat from the water vapor increasing and that certain parts of his body were becoming aroused.

Before long, he lifted Su Jiu’s clean body to his chest, used a cloth to wrap her, and placed her on the bed.

A set of men’s clothing and a piping hot meal lay on the bedside table nearby.

After applying ointment to Su Jiu’s wounds and binding them up, he also helped her swallow a blood-red pill. He smiled slightly as he observed her in deep sleep. “This shengxue tablet is made from boneless ginseng. Even one pill is extremely valuable. I’m afraid that if I were to deduct this from my lady’s monthly allowance, my lady would have to remain madam of the Ji family for the rest of her life.”

After letting down the bed canopy, the man walked behind the partition and used the remaining water to bathe a little. He then ate a bite of dinner and sat on the low-lying couch opposite the bed. Closing his eyes, he drifted into a catnap.

Su Jiu awoke when it was already dark outside. There were no lamps lit in the room; it was just a vision of lonely darkness.

“Ji Yuxian!” Su Jiu sat up suddenly.

“I’m here!”

In one quick maneuver, he pulled the young woman to his chest. He caressed her cheeks and smiled softly. “When my lady awoke, her first cry was for me. I am content.”

A familiar scent of freshwater lilies enveloped her. Su Jiu calmed down a little. She sent him a scornful glance. “I was just afraid that you had died. Then my escort business wouldn’t have any work to do!”

Ji Yuxian smiled lightly and stooped his head to kiss her cheek. “Whatever it may be for, I’m just glad that my lady has me in her heart!”

Perhaps it was due to Ji Yuxian’s gentleness, but for whatever reason, the affection and intimacy made Su Jiu feel very out of sorts. She inclined her head to the side slightly. “Where are we?”

“Clear Wind Gang’s hideout!” Ji Yuxian sat up and lit a candle, which gradually brightened the room.

Su Jiu took in the bedroom’s surroundings and nodded slowly. “Tomorrow we leave as soon as it’s light.”

“No rush!” Ji Yuxian poured a glass of water and brought it to Su Jiu’s lips. He pressed his hand on her outstretched arm and gently smiled. “My lady sacrificed her life for my protection. It makes sense for me to wait upon her!”

Su Jiu smiled, receiving his statement without misgivings.

A servant entered the room to bring them dinner. “Chief, the third commander requests an audience,” he reported.

Su Jiu had lost a lot of blood and was very weak, but she knew that she couldn’t hide at this crucial time. After getting out of bed, she dressed herself and stepped outside with Ji Yuxian.

The sky was already completely dark, but the torches illuminated the entire village as if it were daytime. Hundreds of people stood in the courtyard. At Su Jiu’s appearance, they immediately fell on one knee and shouted, “Hail the chief!”

Su Jiu was wearing a man’s outfit, and Ji Yuxian had fastened her jet-black hair behind her head with a gold-embroidered, violet band. Her exquisite facial features and delicate manners were combined with an icy, stern aura that emanated from her entire body.

The third commander stepped forward and respectfully said, “Reporting to the chief, all of the Clear Wind Gang villagers are present. In total, we have three hundred sixty-seven residents. Not counting the one hundred fifty assassins currently on a mission or the seventy-two casualties from today’s battle, all one hundred fifty-two people are here.

Su Jiu lightly nodded and commanded with an indifferent tone, “Immediately summon the assassins back home. If any don’t submit, kill them!”

“Yes, Chief!”

“I leave tomorrow morning. After that, I will send someone carrying my token of authenticity to take over the affairs here. During this time, do nothing without my explicit orders!”

“Yes, chief!”

The third commander’s name was Xue Ying. He had a thin, dark face and eyes full of wisdom. He asked, “Our chief won’t stay here?”

Su Jiu shook her head. “I need to take care of some other matters, so I will temporarily hand over authority to you.” Her voice paused and her clear eyes assessed the person before her. “If you dare to betray me, your fate will be the same as the others who perished today!”

She was an outsider. Although she had intimidated these assassins with her strength, anything could happen the moment she left.

There wasn’t a single person here who deserved her trust!

Xue Ying instantly bowed his head and said, “Your servant vows on pain of death to stay loyal to our chief. I will definitely not waver!”

“I’m not going to listen to vows and promises!” Su Jiu smiled grimly. “You only need to remember, if you want to keep your life, don’t even consider treachery!”

“Yes, chief!”

“Everyone is released!” Su Jiu declared.

When they returned to the room, Xue Ying went with them and presented to Su Jiu a mahogany chest. “Reporting to the chief, here are all of the Clear Wind Gang’s land deeds and paper currency for you to inspect.”

Su Jiu was a bit surprised. The Clear Wind Gang was definitely quite large. They even owned property!

After dismissing Xue Ying, Su Jiu placed the chest down in front of Ji Yuxian and opened it. “Help me look through this!”

Although she had basic reading skills, she hadn’t learned enough to read without difficulty.

Ji Yuxian reached out and picked up the land and housing deeds, as well as the silver banknotes. After inspecting them, he said, “The Clear Wind Gang owns 165 acres of good land at the foot of the hill, all rented out to villagers from that area, as well as two large farms. There are three thousand taels of silver here.”

“Wow! The Clear Wind Gang is pretty wealthy, isn’t it?” Su Jiu stared at the items with sparkling eyes. She’d never imagined that taking over the Clear Wind Gang would incidentally give them such a large payload!

Ji Yuxian chuckled. “In any case, it’s a very large gang. Did you think they would be as poor as the Dragon Conqueror Gang and not even able to eat a meal?”

Su Jiu took no notice of him. She raised her eyebrows, turning the land and housing deeds over and over in her hands.

Ji Yuxian took a sip of tea and coolly asked, “What do you plan to do with these people?”

“I’ll pass on a message to Ah Shu to dispatch leaders to take over here. I’ll send a portion of the people back to the Bodyguard Agency in Shengjing City, and the others will stay here. If the agency keeps expanding, I’ll start a branch in Chongxi and train them all to be armed bodyguards!” Su Jiu replied.

“These men excel so remarkably in martial arts; it would be a shame for them to be bodyguards. I have a business deal for you here. Would my lady like to collaborate?” Ji Yuxian asked as he raised his eyebrows.

“What business deal?” Su Jiu’s interest had been piqued.

“To the east of Daliang Country, across the Eastern Sea, many other countries exist just like ours. Every year they conduct maritime trade with Daliang Country.” Ji Yuxian dipped his chopsticks into a cup of weak tea. He used the water to draw a map on the table with political boundaries. “But if you go north of the Eastern Sea, right here, there are some countries that are quite unproductive. Pirates run rampant in that area, so nobody is willing to go there. My lady would just need to train these assassins to escort the goods across the sea and occasionally bring back silk or porcelain. This way we could trade infinite amounts of riches and treasure back and forth.”

Su Jiu’s eyes shone brightly as she listened. “How do you want to collaborate with me?”

Ji Yuxian replied, “My lady will provide the men, I will provide the ships. Because my lady doesn’t yet understand the commercial market, at the start, my men will temporarily be in charge of buying merchandise. We’ll split the profit sixty-forty in the end.”

“Why is it sixty-forty?” Su Jiu stared, wide-eyed.

Ji Yuxian chuckled. “My lady’s troops appeared from who knows where, but my ships are Daliang Country’s first-rate maritime trading ships. I even have to face the risk of them being stolen, so it’s natural for me to profit a little more.”

Su Jiu squinted her eyes at him. Charlatan!

“What does my lady think?” Ji Yuxian raised his small cup of tea towards her.

Su Jiu raised her eyebrows. “Deal!”

“Then let’s toast to a successful future enterprise!” In the lamp shadows, the man’s handsome eyes moved back and forth, shifty like a fox.

So, because of one assassination attempt, two travelers sitting in a small room in the Clear Wind Gang’s hideout settled the initial details of a maritime trade agreement. Perhaps both of them never imagined that this trans-oceanic venture would usher in an incredibly prosperous and prestigious time period, with countless ships transporting billions of taels’ worth of merchandise back and forth, never to see decline for a hundred years!

After having reached an agreement, the two parties discussed their plans for assassin training. They then retired early into a deep slumber.

After getting up early and eating breakfast, Su Jiu handed over a few more matters to Xue Ying and left the camp with Ji Yuxian.

After descending the slope, they perceived Jin Feng, Chen Feng, and the rest of their companions at the foot of the mountain. Amazingly, Ji Yuxian’s horse carriage that had fallen from the cliff was standing next to them, with only the horse having been replaced.

“Your servant arrived late. May the young master and lady forgive me!”

The five servants fell to the ground, each on one knee.

“Did you receive any injuries?” Su Jiu asked.

“Thanks to my lady for her concern. Your servant is fine!” Jin Feng respectfully replied.

“How did you know we were here?” Su Jiu raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

“Your servants were lured away from the forest that night by assassins. Later, while tracking the young master and madam’s footsteps, we discovered the assassins lying by the fire. After seeing their official stamps, we gathered that the young master and madam had gone to the Clear Wind Gang’s hideout. Last night we heard that my lady had, by the strength of her own hand, bravely seized the chief’s position. We decided not to ascend the mountain and alarm everyone, and instead got up at daybreak to wait here!” Jin Feng explained clearly and systematically.

Su Jiu studied Jin Feng with admiration. “Noble Sir Jin, I’ll give you twice the amount of silver that Ji Yuxian pays you. Join our Dragon Conqueror Gang!”

“Uh…” Jin Feng’s voice choked off. He raised his eyes to look cautiously at his own master.

Ji Yuxian’s expression didn’t change. He stretched out his arms, picked her up, and then stepped on the stool into the carriage. He calmly commanded, “Let’s go!”

Jin Feng and the other servants bowed their heads. “Yes, master!”

The carriage started up, its big wheels beginning to roll. They followed the public road at the bottom of the mountain, quickly galloping towards Chongzhou.

“My injury is fine; you don’t need to carry me!” Su Jiu protested from her position nestled against his chest.

Ji Yuxian held her tightly and didn’t release her. His eyes sparkled. “I like it this way.”

Su Jiu squinted her eyes at him. What was so likable about carrying someone? The eldest son of the Ji family certainly had unique interests.

The carriage’s trimmings were exactly the same as before. Not a particle was out of place. Su Jiu marveled out loud. “What is this carriage made of? Even the horse died when it fell off the cliff, but the carriage somehow survived intact!”

Ji Yuxian leaned lazily against a soft pillow, one hand holding Su Jiu’s slender waist, the other playing with her jet-black hair. He said softly, “Deep-sea ironwood. The whole carriage is one piece of wood, hollowed and carved out. Only the wheels are fixed on.”

Deep-sea ironwood?

Su Jiu thought she had heard of ironwood, that it was more valuable than even gold itself. If this large carriage was one piece of hollowed-out ironwood, then how thick would that tree have to be?

Su Jiu couldn’t help but click her tongue in admiration!

The Ji family was certainly the wealthiest family in the district!

Probably even the imperial family couldn’t afford such a distinction!

She suddenly thought of another idea to provoke Ji Yuxian.

“What is my lady thinking about?” Ji Yuxian’s soft index finger lightly touched Su Jiu’s chin.

“I’m thinking, if only at that time we had acted according to the original plan, looting you and then running away, then maybe right now we’d really be living the life!” Su Jiu raised her head, smiling.

“Right now you live in luxury with me, and I even carry you in my arms.” Ji Yuxian bent his body towards the woman on his chest and quietly gazed down. As the carriage shook slightly, his slender eyes also swayed in the broken sunlight. He pinched the young woman’s chin. Bowing his head down slowly, he spoke in a low, deep voice. “My lady, you haven’t finished your homework today.”

Su Jiu had been so absorbed in his slender eyes, she couldn’t even think clearly. “I’ll go practice my handwriting!”

“It’s not that, it’s the ten-times-a-day exercise!”

The man’s voice was low and hoarse. On his last syllable, he covered the young woman’s lips, turning them and pushing them deeply with his own and acting as her own personal trainer.

At dusk two days later, the carriage entered Chongzhou City.

It wasn’t completely dark yet, but Chongzhou City’s evening lights were already shining. Because the rear of the city lay on Chongxi Mountain, the climate was more temperate than Shengjing. The fallen leaves on either side of the road hadn’t yet completely withered, and the pedestrians walking around created a peaceful, happy atmosphere.

The carriage surged independently into the crowd of people. Su Jiu leaned on the window and caught the scent of meat-stuffed buns infiltrating the air outside. An expression of greedy hunger filled her face.

Ji Yuxian pulled her by the waist back onto his knees. Smiling, he said, “Before long there will be saliva dripping on the meat buns!”

“That’s perfect. If he can’t sell them, maybe he will gift them to me!” Su Jiu grinned proudly.

Ji Yuxian shook his head. “You are an honorable lady of the Ji family. This type of shameless behavior really disgraces your husband’s household!”

Su Jiu shrugged her shoulders. “You could just pretend you don’t know me. Other people wouldn’t even be able to tell!”

“But I feel ashamed in my own heart as well!” Ji Yuxian raised his eyebrows.

“I’m not even the real Su Yuejiu, why would you be ashamed?” Su Jiu blurted out casually. She was leaning on the window again, looking up.

Ji Yuxian’s chest was empty again. He looked at the back of the young woman’s body, and the smile on the corner of his lips lessened.

Not the real Su Yuejiu…

The horse carriage stopped at Lin’an Lodge, the largest inn in Chongzhou. The attendant at the gateway immediately led the customers’ horses to their quarters in the back courtyard.

Su Jiu disembarked from the carriage and stretched. Finally, she could eat something.

Ji Yuxian took Su Jiu into the hotel dining hall and ordered food and drink. Jin Feng had already booked four rooms.

Everyone in their party sat down to wait for the meal to be served.

The dining hall was split into a left and right section. It was exactly dinnertime when they sat down, and both sides were full of people and very noisy.

Just as Su Jiu lifted her head to see if the waiter was serving their meal, she observed a woman entering through the doorway. The woman was wearing a pale blue chemise designed with scattered blossoms and smoky mist, and beneath it, a silk skirt shimmered like purple moonlight. On top of all that she was donned in a sateen cloak with a silk-woven design that was emerald green in color. In her hair glittered a butterfly flower (2) clasp mounted with red jewels that somehow fell perfectly between her eyebrows, complimenting her curved brows and almond eyes. She was turning her body to glance around the room.

Two young maids wearing lotus pink tunics followed behind her. One of the maids stepped up to the front desk to have a word with the innkeeper, afterward returning to the fancy-looking woman to give her a hushed report. The woman’s brow displayed a moment of displeasure, after which she lifted her feet and stepped to the side of the hall where Su Jiu was seated.

A waiter appeared and led them to the empty table right next to Su Jiu.

Su Jiu found the woman’s flirty manner fascinating. She held up her cup, drinking the water in it and simultaneously watching the woman next to them out of the corner of her eye.

The maids used strong silk cloths to wipe down the table and chairs again before the woman sat down and ordered a couple of delicate dishes. She occupied the whole table by herself.

Ji Yuxian peeked at Su Jiu briefly and then lifted his hand to pinch her cheek. His sexy voice rumbled deeply, “Don’t be too captivated!”

Su Jiu raised an eyebrow, narrowing her eyes with a smile.

Probably due to hearing Ji Yuxian’s voice, the woman at the neighboring table lifted her head to look their way. The light in her eyes shimmered with feminine beauty, and her ears immediately reddened. She raised her hand to stroke the hair near her forehead, straightening her sitting posture at the same time.

When her dishes arrived, the woman managed to dine gracefully and simultaneously sneak glances at the man across from her. She had never imagined society could have such a refined and elegant man. She had lived a fruitless seventeen years of life, having never seen such a fine specimen.

The young woman seated next to him–she appeared very common. What was their relationship?

The woman was trying to form an opinion, her gaze fixed on Su Jiu’s body. She observed Su Jiu devouring her food crudely and eating much more than the gentleman seated next to her, and thus decided that Su Jiu was just a servant girl.

The woman ate the whole meal absent-mindedly. When she saw the guests across from her finish and retire upstairs, she quickly rose and followed them.

It just so happened that the man’s room was exactly adjacent to hers. At this, the woman’s face flushed even redder. She stood in the doorway, peeking while the man took his servant girl into the bedroom. Only then did she close the door and walk inside.

(1) Mandarin ducks symbolize a happy couple.

(2) The original is “die lian hua,” literally “butterfly longs for flower.” Many songs and art illustrations have been set to this traditional Chinese musical theme.

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