Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband - Chapter 85

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sky slowly darkened. Dusk in winter was particularly short. The sun set quickly, and the wind was getting colder and colder. Water droplets froze into ice.

Back at Ji Manor, Ji Yuxian sat in the dining room. He leaned back into the chair, tiredly rubbing his forehead.

Next to him, Jin Mi and another servant girl were busily ladling soup, arranging dishes, and otherwise methodically bustling around.

“Eldest Young Master, please enjoy!” With two hands, Jin Mi held out carved silver chopsticks to Ji Yuxian.

Ji Yuxian slowly opened his eyes. His gaze swept across the array of fine foods, but he did not have the slightest appetite.

He took the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of venison. He put it in his mouth and slowly chewed. The venison had been marinated in coconut milk, spices, sesame oil, the best pine mushrooms, and other fine ingredients. Then, it had been roasted over low heat until it was nearly done. A perfect sauce had been poured over it. The outside was crisp, and the inside was tender. The flavor was rich, and it was incredibly delicious.

He remembered that Su Jiu was particularly fond of this dish. At every meal, she enjoyed it immensely. For some reason, he felt that it tasted like wax.

Putting down his chopsticks, he quietly issued an order: “Go over to Phoenix Pavilion and see if Young Madame has eaten supper yet. If she hasn’t, then invite her over. If she has…” he paused for a moment, then said, “then, still call her over!”

The servant girl, Ming Bi, curtseyed respectfully. “Yes, I will go ask for Young Madame!”

“Young Master, have a taste. The sea bass we steamed today is delicious!” Jin Mi stepped forward, took some of the fish, and put it on Ji Yuxian’s plate.

Ji Yuxian, however, did not move his chopsticks. He only nodded slightly. “Put it there!”

Seeing that Ji Yuxian was going to wait for Young Madame before eating, Jin Mi retreated behind him. Her eyes flashed with envy, and her expression became uglier and uglier.

Ming Bi had just arrived at Perched Phoenix Pavilion when she saw Su Jiu and her servant girl coming back. She ran quickly over to Su Jiu and respectfully greeted her, “Hello, Young Madame!”

Su Jiu thought that the servant girl looked familiar. She seemed to be from Ji Yuxian’s place. She asked, “What is it?”

“Young Master is asking Young Madame to come to the main court to eat with Young Master!” said the servant girl, dipping her head.

Su Jiu knew that her way of eating was graceless and that Ji Yuxian had always frowned upon it. Yet, he was still calling her to eat with him. Did he like suffering?

It didn’t matter to her. She could eat anywhere so long as she could get her full. Nothing else mattered.

“Sure. I’ll be right there!” Su Jiu responded, then turned to Chang Huang to say, “You go ahead and let Nanny know that I’ve returned. Tell her not to wait for me!”

Chang Huang reluctantly nodded. “Alright!”

In the twilight, Su Jiu strode toward Cloud Pavilion.

As Su Jui pushed the door open on her way in, the warm breeze wafted in the fragrance of delicious food. Su Jiu shed her cloak and smiled. “Young Master, you’re too polite. You’re always treating me to meals.”

Ji Yuxian’s eyes gleamed like sunlight on the water as they swept over her flushed face. His voice was soft as he said, “My lady, where did you go that you’re all dusty and travel-worn?”

Su Jiu had not even sat down yet, but she tore off a piece of meat and put it into her mouth. She ignored Ji Yuxian’s question completely and praised the food, “It’s delicious!”

Jin Mi frowned as she watched, her face revealing a ridiculing expression.

Ming Bi brought over the water basin, respectfully holding it before Su Jiu. “Young Madame, please rinse your hands with this!”

“Oh, I’ve forgotten again!” Su Jiu’s fingers were shiny with oil. She put them into the water basin and rubbed them a bit. Another servant girl next to them immediately brought her a soft towel.

“You can all leave!” Ji Yuxian ordered calmly.


Jin Mi and the others responded then filed out of the dining room.

“Come sit on this side!” Ji Yuxian’s long gaze fell on the seat beside him.

Su Jiu sat right next to him and smiled. “With me so close, what would you do if I picked at all the dishes right in front of you?”

She remembered that he did not eat off plates from which others had grabbed.

Ji Yuxian smiled, grabbed a piece of venison, and put it on Su Jiu’s plate. “Then, I will have to get them for you.”

“How do you know that I won’t resent that?” Su Jiu frowned.

Ji Yuxian was taken aback. Then, he put down his chopsticks and switched them for a pair that hadn’t been used yet. “These will work, then!”

“I’m not as pretentious as all of you, anyway!” Su Jiu used her bare hands to grab the venison from her plate directly and put it in her mouth.

“This meat is so fragrant, but I’ve eaten better venison,” Su Jiu said offhandedly as she ate.

“Where?” Ji Yuxian sipped his tea as he asked with a smile.

“About four years ago. That winter was particularly cold, and we were starving to death, so we went into the mountain to hunt. We stayed in the snow for two days and one night. We were just about frozen solid when a wild deer came out to forage for food. We were so hungry that we didn’t even set anything up. We just put it directly on the fire and ate it. That fragrance—the entire Yuhu Mountain could smell it!” Su Jiu’s expression went back to those memories as she spoke.

Ji Yuxian didn’t accept this. “All of you were just starving!”

“Possibly!” Su Jiu didn’t refute him. “But that venison didn’t have as much seasoning as this one. It was the original, authentic taste of the meat. It was really, really delicious!”

Su Jiu nodded thoughtfully.

Ji Yuxian looked faintly at her, involuntarily wiping the sauce from the corner of her lips with his hand. Suddenly, he really wanted to try this fabled venison, which was absolutely delicious even without a table. He wanted to see if it was just like her, ignorant of the world’s affairs and maintaining a most original innocence.

Living just to fill their stomachs.

But, ever since that day, when she’d decided to take Su Yuejiu’s place and marry into Ji Manor, she could never to return to being the Su Jiu she’d been before.

He took a piece of venison and put it in his mouth. He concentrated on the juice and suddenly found the meat very tasty and unusually appealing.

Seeing Su Jiu stuff her mouth full of meat, Ji Yuxian blew on his soup and personally fed it to her, smiling. “There’s no one fighting you for the food here. No need to eat with such urgency. Have a bit of soup!”

Su Jiu was stunned, and her eyes shot a glance at the handsome face so close by. Her lips grasped the soup bowl, and she even forgot to keep chewing the meat in her mouth. She was not used to other people taking care of her like this.

And then, this was the very noble Eldest Young Master Ji.

Reaching up to take the soup bowl, Su Jiu slowly said, “I’ll do it myself!”

Ji Yuxian put his arm over the back of the chair and watched her with a light smile. His eyes were full of delight, clearly intentional.

Su Jiu turned to look at him warily. “Are you looking for a woman?”

Ji Yuxian’s smile stiffened a bit. “What do you mean?”

“Look at those lecherous eyes!” Su Jiu mumbled something to herself then said quietly, “You have lots of concubines in the rear court. If you’re feeling horny, then look for them. Don’t you look at me like a woman!”

Ji Yuxian’s expression darkened. “My lady, if you’re not a woman, then what are you?”

“I’m fake! Did you forget?” Su Jiu frowned.

“Whether you’re fake or not is up to me. If I say that you’re Su Yuejiu, then you are Su Yuejiu!” A light flickered through his eyes, and his face was full of pride.

Su Jiu shot another glance at him. Now, she was even more confused about what he wanted. She raised her head to finish drinking the rest of the soup and stood up with a thud. “I’m full; I’ll get going now!”

She said this and headed out without even looking back.

Ji Yuxian watched her retreating figure with a chuckle. With this kind of character by his side, life was going to be all kinds of fun.

“Such a teasing young girl. Be careful, or one day you’ll meet your retribution!” Suddenly, clear laughter rang out from behind him.

Ji Yuxian didn’t turn around. He simply sipped his tea. “When did you get back to the city?”

“This afternoon. I leave tomorrow morning!” A man slowly walked out from behind a curtain in the East Pavilion. He was dressed in white brocade and was tall. His face wasn’t particularly attractive, but his temperament was elegant, and he looked very comfortable.

“Have a lovely trip. I won’t be sending you off!” Ji Yuxian’s lips held a smile.

The man sat down at the wooden chair next to him, laughing lightly. “I’ve come and gone so many times. When have you ever sent me off?”

“Then, what are you doing here tonight?”

The man smiled gently. “I missed you, so I came to see you!”

Ji Yuxian laughed out loud. “I’m overwhelmed by your graciousness!”

The man did not seem to register the sarcasm in Ji Yuxian’s voice. His eyes were peaceful as he asked, “Is that woman who was here just now your new wife?”

“That’s right!” Once the topic changed to Su Jiu, Ji Yuxian’s eyes flashed, gentle yet bursting like moonlight. “Isn’t she interesting?”

“Do you like her?”

Ji Yuxian’s eyes showed he was unfazed. “What is ‘liking’? In this world, everything is worthless to me. It’s only the word ‘like’ that is too luxurious, too expensive. I can’t afford it, and I can’t have it!”

“Then I advise you to stay away from that woman. Don’t provoke her, and maybe you’ll avoid getting hit in the face one day!” the man said slowly then drank some tea.

“Don’t worry. She’s not a normal woman. Her heart is more than sturdy enough!” Ji Yuxian’s fingers gently stroked his cup as his eyes burned.

“That’s right. Coming back to Shengjing City this time, when I was passing the Jingzhou Province, something didn’t seem right. But I was in a hurry and did not have time to investigate properly. If you have the time, you should go for yourself and take a look!” The man changed the subject. His tone also became more solemn.

Ji Yuxian nodded. “These last several months, the Jingzhou Province account has indeed been having problems. It’s being done extremely secretively. I was just about to go there.”

The man nodded, put down his teacup, and stood up. “I wasn’t able to make it back for your big wedding ceremony, but seeing you now, it looks like you’re fine. That’s good. I’ll be on my way, then!” he said and began to head out. “No need to see me out!”

Ji Yuxian looked at his retreating figure, raised a brow, and smiled. “I never planned to!”

The next morning, Su Jiu showed up at the study at precisely eight in the morning.

She was dressed neatly, her face was clean, and she had already had breakfast.

From one to ten, she practiced writing. Su Jiu wrote two lines on the paper, neatly and accurately. She completed every stroke and each flick. Although she was copying Ji Yuxian’s writing, in the finer details, there were already signs of her unique style.

Ji Yuxian watched and became increasingly sure that Su Jiu must have learned to write as a child.

Once the word exercises were finished, Su Jiu carefully wrote ‘Su Yuejiu’ at the very top of the paper. She put it in front of Ji Yuxian and said with a warm smile, “I finished my work early today. Can I go back now?”

“Do you have something to do?” Ji Yuxian raised a brow as he looked over.

“No!” Su Ji denied.

“Then, sit here with your husband!”

Su Jiu could only force herself back down again. She picked up a brush to write and draw and then took up the book, which Ji Yuxian had prepared for her. She opened it and continued to study the numbers until after ten. After asking Ji Yuxian, she practiced by herself on paper again. By noon, she had learned fifty words.

The speed at which Su Jiu was learning extremely surprised Ji Yuxian. He discovered that, once she saw something, she could remember it perfectly. He would tell her just once what a word meant, and she’d remember. Only practicing how to write correctly was taking some time.

“What is this word?” Su Jiu pointed to a word in the book for Ji Yuxian to see.

“Man—as in husband!” Ji Yuxian smiled at Su Jiu, his eyes twinkling.

Su Jiu held up another book and read: “One man holds the pass against ten thousand. So, does this mean that once one husband becomes an official, the other ten thousand aren’t needed? That is an impressive woman—she has ten thousand minus one husbands!” Su Jiu said seriously.

Ji Yuxian held his forehead, turning a bit green.

Seeing that it was nearly noon, Su Jiu remembered that she was going to destroy the bandits with Xiao Rui. Afraid that Ji Yuxian would not let her go, she looked around then suddenly clutched her stomach. “I’m going to have diarrhea, and I can’t hold it!”

Ji Yuxian immediately, involuntarily leaned away. “My lady, please, you must hold back.”

Su Jiu bit her lip and nodded, frowning in pain. “Then, I’m leaving. Don’t wait for me. After I’m finished in the restroom, I may go back to eat.”

In a daze, Ji Yuxian nodded. “Alright!”


Bent at the waist, Su Jiu ran outside.

He watched the girl disappear from the study like smoke. Then, he involuntarily turned to look at the chair where Su Jiu had been sitting. Seeing that the surface was completely clean, without a trace of anything unusual, he let out the breath he’d been holding.

Jin Feng, who had been keeping watch at the door, saw Su Jiu come out bent at the waist.

Su Jiu went all the way out of the main court. When she saw no one behind her, she immediately stood up straight. With a giggle into her hand, she walked proudly toward the Perched Phoenix Pavilion.

Jin Feng’s anxious expression turned dumbfounded. He silently turned back.

In the study, Ji Yuxian was flipping to a page in his book. With a sudden turn of his eyes, he raised a brow and asked, “Jin Feng, where did the Young Madame go?”

Jin Feng pushed the door to come in and told him honestly, “Young Madame walked cheerfully back to her place!”

Walked cheerfully?

Sure enough!

Ji Yuxian shook his head, and his thin lips pulled up in a smirk.

Su Jiu returned to the Perched Phoenix Pavilion. Following the plan that they had made, she let Nanny dress her up. She changed into a jade-colored dress with gold embroidery. The golden threads were intricate. She drew in her eyebrows and put on some rouge. Her hair was adorned with several gold hairpins. She was the picture of a wealthy family’s madame.

Nanny looked at the exquisite face in the mirror and smiled. “Young Miss, what is going on today?”

She usually found putting her hair up too much of a hassle.

Of course, she couldn’t tell Nanny that she was going to infiltrate and kill bandits. Su Jiu simply said that she was off to see a friend and took Chang Huan with her as she left.

It was already nearly noon. Several horses and carriages were stopped in front of the Qingyuan Restaurant. They were loaded with goods and luggage. A servant sat in the front. The caravan looked like it was temporarily taking a break in front of the restaurant before continuing the journey.

Xiao Lie, who had been gazing out the door, came out from the restaurant when he saw Su Jiu appear.

Today, he had changed into a dark green robe. His outer garment was made of black fur. He looked noble, handsome, and sharp. He seemed very much like a wealthy merchant’s son.

Soon, Ah Shu brought a carriage to a stop in front of the restaurant. Xiao Lie’s eyes flashed. Then, he slowly approached.

The carriage door opened. Chang Huan, as usual, was dressed as a young servant girl, thoughtfully helping her young lady out from the carriage.

Su Jiu exited the carriage, and the first thing she saw was Xiao Lie. Her delicate face immediately filled with cheer. Her pink lips smiled as she exclaimed, “You’re here!”

Xiao Lie, on the other hand, was taken aback. This was the first time he’d seen Su Jiu dressed as a woman.

She was still herself. Her face had not changed much, but she still seemed like a different person. Her brows were filled-in darkly, her skin was beautifully pale, and her features were exquisite. Her usual heroic air was there, and her beauty was bright. She was extraordinarily splendid.

Her eyes seemed like they could talk, bright and clear. Xiao Lie’s stomach leaped into his chest, and he felt tugging at his heartstrings.

Su Jiu jumped down from the carriage and saw sacks piled on the carriages in the front. Her brows shifted. “Grain transports?”

Right now, it was winter, so the mountain bandits were starving.

Xiao Lie, noble as always with black eyes that held a tenderness of which he was never aware, nodded and said, “Yes, there are three carriages or grain and one for luggage. Then, you and I will be together in another.”

Everything was just as they had planned!

“Alright. Then, let’s head out!” said Su Jiu.

Right then, Ah Shu and Hu Dapao also came out. They were dressed as attendants, part of the entourage. They nodded slightly to Su Jiu, then, one after another, climbed into the grain carriages.

Su Jiu and Xiao Lie got into the carriage in the very front. Chang Huan and the driver sat in the front. The whole party began to move majestically toward the city gates.

“You and I, as husband and wife, are leaving the city to return home. I’ve already sent people ahead with the news. The Eight Dragons Gang should send people to raid us. If we can successfully infiltrate the bandits’ base, then the servants who manage to escape will report it. General Nangong Shu will send imperial guards, who are stationed outside of the city for defense, to ambush the base from outside. They’ll wait for the opportunity to move.”

Xiao Lie explained the plan.

Su Jiu nodded. “Alright!”

The carriage swayed gently, slowly passing through the city gates. It headed all the way to the foot of Yuhu Mountain.

Su Jiu pulled the curtain aside and watched as she came closer and closer to her home. She suddenly experienced some confusion in her own heart. After all, she used to interact with the bandits daily. Although they’d often fought, ultimately, they were her people. Besides, she understood that many of these people used to be very poor and had been forced into banditry by village officials and evil tyrants. Their hearts were filled with hatred of the rich and lots of resentment, and they’d had to become extremely fierce and ferocious.

Did all of them have to die?

“What are you thinking about?” His low, lazy voice rang out in the carriage.

Su Jiu turned and asked, “What are you going to do to these bandits?”

Xiao Lie reclined lazily on a soft pillow, his clear eyes hiding a cool arrogance. “Those who resist will be killed without exception. Those who surrender will be locked up, executed, or sent into exile!”

Under her long sleeves, Su Jiu clenched her fists tightly. Her expression turned cold and pale. She turned to look out the window, and her gaze fell upon the mountains towering in the distance.

In the winter, from a distance, the mountains were just a black outline. She knew that this was the harshest season for the bandits.

So, if the Eight Dragons Gang heard the news of a wealthy merchant with grain passing the mountains, they would definitely come raid them.

“Don’t be afraid. I will protect you!” Xiao Lie saw her pale face and thought that Su Jiu was scared. He put a hand on her back.

His hand was cold. A pale smile flashed over Su Jiu’s lips. “I can defend myself. You should take care of yourself!”

Xiao Lie’s deep eyes showed a shallow smile. He looked at Su Jiu and said warmly, “Are you worried about me?”

Su Jiu raised a brow. “Of course! If you die, then those imperial guards might think that I’m a bandit and kill me too!”

Xiao Lie’s black eyes smiled. “Where would there be such a beautiful bandit?”

Su Jiu looked up and met his eyes, too deep to fathom. She shrugged. “What if it really happens?”

“Then we’ll just have to see!”

The carriage’s bumping was becoming more and more turbulent. They had already arrived at the foot of the mountain. They pressed on along the official path, not stopping the horses.

A knock came at the door, telling them to get ready.

Su Jiu and Xiao Lie looked at each other, and their expressions grew more serious.

Suddenly, Su Jiu said, “Hold on, do I have to pretend to be scared?”

Xiao Lie was taken aback. “Of course. You are a normal woman right now. Seeing a mountain bandit is going to be frightening!”

“How do I do that?” Su Jiu frowned.

“If you can’t make the expressions, just hide behind me!” said Xiao Lie, laughing.

Su Jiu nodded solemnly. “Alright!”

Once in the mountain, the sun was blocked. The sunlight was immediately obscured as if the sky had abruptly turned gloomy.

There were few travelers on the road. After entering the mountain, their surroundings were very quiet. The carriage wheels rolled over the mountain stones. They could only hear the drivers calling out to their horses and the mountains echoing back.

As they gradually went deeper into the mountains, Su Jiu drew open the curtain. Looking outside, she found that they were in the exact spot where they’d planned for the ambush.

On the left side of the mountain path was a forest, and on the right was a low mountain ridge. It was the perfect place for ambush and escape.

“It should be here!” Su Jiu said very quietly.

“What?”” Xiao Lie had barely gotten the words out when there was a big bang, as if a huge mountain rock were rolling down the mountain and crashing into their carriage.

Then, they heard fearful screaming from the carriage right behind them!

Without hesitating, the two of them looked outside. They only heard rumbling sounds, as if countless rocks were rolling down the mountain, hitting the ground, and shaking the earth.


“Set down the food, and we’ll spare your pathetic lives!”

People shouted and rushed down from the mountain.


“The bandits are coming!”

The servants covered their heads, threw themselves off the carriages, and hastily scattered into the mountain forest.

There were shouts and the sounds of killing. Screams and the shrieks of the horses all mixed into one chaotic cacophony.

Su Jiu wanted to open the door and go outside, but Xiao Lie held her back. He whispered, “Follow me!”

Su Jiu’s expression was icy cold. She nodded.

By this point, all of the family servants had already made their nimble “escape.” Only Hu Dapao, Ah Shu, and Chang Huan were still resisting “tenaciously.” The horses that had been pulling the carriages had been frightened and were howling. Broken rocks were scattered all over the ground. Twenty or thirty bandits now surrounded the traveling party.

As soon as Xiao Lie opened the carriage door, a knife was at his neck. An evil man with a face full of pockmarks grinned and said, “Scurry on down here!”

Xiao Lie grabbed Su Jiu’s hand, protecting her behind him. He said quietly, “I will give you all of the grain and the money. Just don’t hurt my wife!”

Su Jiu kept her head low and followed behind Xiao Lie. Her face was nearly buried in Xiao Lie’s back.

“Oh, what a lovely pair to face misfortune together!” The bandits’ leader, who was holding the knife, let out an evil laugh.

The other bandits immediately joined in the laughter.

Xiao Lie and Su Jiu came down from the carriage. Two bandits immediately rushed up and into the carriage and began to flip everything upside down. Then they excitedly came back out holding a chest and shouting, “Commander-in-chief, look, we’ve hit the jackpot!”

The fat Commander-in-chief eyed the chest full of gold, silver, and jewelry and laughed in delight. He shot a glance at Xiao Lie. “This pale-faced boy sure has some money!”

By now, Chang Huan, Hu Dapao, and Ah Shu had been subdued by the bandits. They were tied up and thrown at Xiao Lie and Su Jiu’s feet.

Chang Huan just happened to land on his back at Su Jiu’s feet. Looking at Su Jiu, who was hiding behind Xiao Lie, he winked at her mischievously.

Su Jiu imperceptibly stomped on his foot. Chang Huan immediately let loose a howl of anguish.

Su Jiu was pleased. That was more believable!

“Stop crying!” A bandit sent a kick flying toward Hu Dapao and the group.

For his disguise, Hu Dapao had specially shaved his beard and sideburns. Now his face was lily-white. It turned out that he was rather handsome. He shot a fierce glare at the bandit who’d kicked him, his fists clenched. Just wait a bit, and he’d make whoever kicked him regret being born!

Once the bandits had picked apart all the carriages, they came back to report. “Commander-in-chief, there are three carriages full of food. The others are all clothes and bedding.”

“Well, this trip was not in vain, then. We got food and money. We’ll have a good report for Chief!” The Commander-in-chief smiled proudly.

“Commander-in-chief!” Just then, a man with a pointy mouth and cheeks like a monkey indicated to Su Jiu. Kissing up, he said, “This little lady looks rather pretty. Let’s bring her back. Chief will definitely like her!”

The Commander-in-chief crooked his head, looking at Su Jiu. His fingers touched his chin. He looked her body up and down with malice in his eyes.

Xiao Lie immediately took a step back, protecting Su Jiu. “I said, the money and food are all yours. You’re not allowed to touch my wife!”

“If you say we’re not allowed, then we’re not allowed? Who even are you? I want your head rolling on the ground!” Zhang Mazi came up and forcefully pushed Xiao Lie. Then, he reached out to drag Su Jiu away.

Su Jiu dodged him and hid behind Xiao Lie. With her head down, it seemed like she was utterly terrified.

“Little lady, come here! Just wait until we get back to Eight Dragons Gang, we’ll eat well and drink up, and then we’ll give you some loving!” The Commander-in-chief laughed loudly; his two arms stretched out toward Su Jiu.

Chang Huan narrowed his eyes and was about to get up, but his legs were firmly held down by Hu Dapao, who silently shook his head.

If their chief wanted to attack, then these men from the Eight Dragons Gang were no match for them. But this was not their objective!

Chang Huan understood in his head but seeing someone bully Su Jiu made it hard to hold himself back!

Zhang Mazi needed to die!

That’s right—the Commander-in-chief of the Eight Dragon Gang was called Zhang Mazi!

Xiao Lie kept protecting Su Jiu and continuously backed up. Darkness clouded in his eyes, hiding a murderous aura, and his handsome face turned stone cold.

“Stand aside!” Zhang Mazi’s greedy eyes were glued to Su Jiu’s body. He pushed Xiao Lie to the side with a swipe of his hand and said, “Besides the girls, kill everyone else.”

Xiao Lie’s body hit the carriage. Su Jiu followed and fell on his body, her eyes watching Zhang Mazi. She seemed terrified. “Don’t kill my husband! I’ll go with you, but you can’t kill my husband or these servants!”

Hearing the word “husband” Xiao Lie’s eyes turned to her. He watched her with burning eyes and cried, “My lady!”

“How affectionate you two are! Haha! Hurry up and kiss goodbye! In just a bit, these girls will be our wives back at the base!” Zhang Mazi raised his head and laughed loudly.

Su Jiu turned to look at Zhang Mazi. “Bring my husband. Then I’ll go with you!”

The one with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came over and leaned over to whisper in Zhang Mazi’s ear: “Commander-in-chief, these men seem rather strong. Let’s drag them back to base to do the hard labor. If it doesn’t work out, then we can kill them for eating!”

Zhang Mazi rubbed his face and nodded. “That’s true. Killing them here would just feed the wild wolves! Do as he said and throw them into the carriage. We’ll bring them all back to the mountain base. As for the girl,” he said and smiled darkly, “tie her and her husband together, and we’ll bring them too!”


Having received their orders, the bandits immediately grabbed Hu Dapao, Ah Shu, and Chang Huan. They lifted them up and threw them into the grain carriage. The other men fetched the rope and tied Su Jiu and Xiao Lie together then threw them into the last grain carriage. The whole party hoisted heir blades as they drove the carriages. All the while, they cursed and laughed as they majestically make their way deep into the mountain.

Su Jiu and Xiao Lie were tied up facing each other. The bandits had opted for the simplest solution and had not bound their hands or their feet. They had just used one piece of rope to wind around their arms to their legs. They were flat against each other, unable to move.

The road was bumpy but laying on the sacks of grain made it more bearable. Xiao Lie leaned over to look sideways at Su Jiu, who was right against him. He asked in a low voice, “How are you? Does it hurt?”

The rope was tied tightly, almost cutting into the flesh.

Su Jiu looked at his handsome face with her clear eyes. She smiled and shook her head. “No, I’m fine!”

Her breathing was light as orchids. Every time the carriage jostled, her bound body crashed straight into his embrace like a soft cloud, and she fell into his heart as well. There was a strange numbness to the feeling. It made him want to hold her tight and never let go again.

Xiao Lie moved his body a bit, letting Su Jiu lay a little more comfortably. Suddenly, the carriage rolled over a stone and shook violently. Xiao Lie’s body lurched forward, and his thin lips were suddenly on her eyes. His heart jumped and suddenly he could not breathe.

Su Jiu closed her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering. Her heart was full of hate, wanting to get to the Eight Dragon Gang already. She needed to kill more of those mountain bandits to resolve her hatred!

Xiao Lie’s throat caught for a moment. He pulled his head back a little, watching her lashes fluttering like feathers. It felt like something had hit him in the heart.

His gaze became dark and thick, faintly watching her. His lips turned up a little, and he slowly closed his eyes.

“Commander-in-chief, we’ve got ourselves quite the catch today. Chief is going to be so happy; he might even reward you with gold ingots. When the time comes, don’t you forget your brothers!” someone shouted.

Zhang Mazi cursed him, “Screw you! After going back to the Chief, when have you not had your fill of wine and meat? And you’re greedy for a little bit of my money?”

Someone to the side immediately laughed wantonly. “Commander-in-chief has to save his money for Xiao Liuhong!”

The others joined in the ruckus.

Zhang Mazi sat in the first carriage, listening to their joyful words and laughter. “When I give Xiao Liuhong money, she kisses and touches me. What can you give me?”

Everyone around them started laughing lewdly, full of longing.

Then, the whole group of bandits surrounded the women and began to talk. They were all excited, and their mouths only formed filthy, obscene words.

Xiao Lie frowned. His eyes were cold, and he wanted to block Su Jiu’s ears immediately.

But Su Jiu, across from him, seemed like she didn’t even hear what everyone was saying. She didn’t blush, and her heartbeat remained steady. She didn’t seem at all embarrassed or shy. In fact, her eyes were nearly closed, drooping, as if she were about to fall asleep.

Xiao Lie smiled. Truly, Su Jiu could not be treated like ordinary women.

In the back, Hu Dapao and Ah Shu were bound together in the same way as Xiao Lie and Su Jiu. Naturally, they were uncomfortable, and cursed in bursts. They’d cursed eighteen generations of the Eight Dragons Gang.

Suddenly, the carriage swayed. Ah Shu’s mouth landed a kiss right on Hu Dapao’s nose. Hu Dapao’s bronze eyes stared at him. Then, gritting his teeth, he growled, “What the h*ll did you bite my nose for?”

Ah Shu was disdainful. “You’re not Xiao Liuhong, so why would I bite you?”

“To h*ll with red willow Liuhong! That name doesn’t even make sense. Willow trees are obviously green!” Hu Dapao grumbled quietly.

Ah Shu looked at him with more disdain. “Lean back, you’re crushing me!”

Hu Dapao got even angrier. “If I could lean back, would we be having this dumb conversation?”

Ah Shu looked all around him. “We’re at the Three Li Gully. We’re just about to enter Eight Dragons Gang territory!”

Hu Dapao grinned. These little peeps were about to breathe their last.

They traveled for another hour. In the middle of the mountain, the days were short. The sky slowly darkened. In the far reaches deep in the mountain, wolves cried out, each sound more hair-raising than the last.

In the carriage, Xiao Lie’s head leaned forward a bit, almost touching Su Jiu’s forehead. “In a moment, when we enter the base, we don’t know exactly what will happen. The most important thing is to stay alive, understand?”

Su Jiu opened her eyes. He long lashes brushed across his. In the dim light, her bright eyes looked clear like water. It was as if one could see through her just by looking into her eyes. Like water reflecting flowers or mirrors reflecting the moon, she was distant and not quite real. She gave a small nod. “Don’t worry. You do what you need to do. Don’t mind me—I will protect myself!”

Xiao Lie stared at her, unblinking. His lips parted. “Alright!”

The carriage turned down a narrow mountain path. Suddenly, out of the rocks on eider side, two bandits jumped out, yelling, “Stop! Who’s there?”

Zhang Mazi took off his boots and flung them over. “Are you blind? You don’t even recognize me?”

The bandit took a closer look then immediately laughed. He picked up the boots and handed them back to Zhang Mazi. “So, it’s you, Commander-in-chief. My vision was fuzzy, and it’s dark, so I couldn’t see clearly. Please excuse me!”

The other perimeter guard smiled and said, “Commander-in-chief, you’ve got a big haul today. Don’t forget about us and how good we are to you. On such a cold day, the wind could freeze a man to death!”

Zhang Mazi glanced at the two of them and put his shoes on. He asked, “Is Chief at the base?”

“Yes, yes. He went out for a bit and just got back!”

Zhang Mazi, humming like a pig, continued with the carriages.

He brought in the carriages, leaving about ten yards in between. Like a shadow flashing, he was gone a moment later without a sound.

They entered through the gates. They didn’t get very far in before they heard noise in front of them. They traveled through the mountain paths, and a flat area lay before them. Suddenly, the road opened up to a large, spacious area that was well-lit.

There were caves all around the flat area. In the middle lay stone trays, bamboo poles, weapons, and other items for practicing martial arts. At the moment, the members of the Eight Dragon Gang were eating. Smoke and fire was everywhere, and everyone was gathered around, joking and having fun.

These mountain bandits were all wearing ragged clothes, their faces and hair unkempt. Their expressions were mean and evil. Their original appearances had changed a long time ago.

The fragrance of wine and meat wafted over. Su Jiu was suddenly hungry.

D*mn it, the Eight Dragons Gang really was better-fed than their Dragon Conqueror Gang!

Once the caravan came in, the bandits from the base immediately surrounded them.

“Commander-in-chief is back!”

“Commander-in-chief, what goods did you get this time?”

Zhang Mazi smiled meaningfully. He jumped off the carriage and pointed to the back, saying, “Don’t you see? Three carriages of grain and food. There’s even a bonus. I’ll add some side dishes for you in a bit!”

Everyone burst into jubilant cheers.

Hu Dapao and Ah Shu lay in a grain carriage. They stretched their heads out to take measure of the Eight Dragon Gang. Ah Shu said, “Gee, no wonder everyone from the Dragon Conqueror Gang defected to the Eight Dragons Gang. It looks like they have quite the atmosphere!”

Hu Dapao glanced at him. “Be careful that Chief doesn’t catch you saying that! You’ll be beaten.”

Ah Shu abruptly shut his mouth!

“Where’s Chief Cao?” Zhang Mazi asked.

Someone replied, “In the big hall!”

“Alright. I’m going to go see Chief. You all unload the grain, and lock everyone up. Watch them closely. And those girls, they’re for the Chief, so don’t anyone touch them!” Zhang Mazi ordered.

“Don’t worry, Commander-in-chief!”

Everyone responded, then they went up to carry out Su Jiu and the others. They took them to the easternmost cave.

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