Virus Girlfriend - Chapter 60

Ling Mo rested for more than an hour and he continuously experienced how he could control his spiritual power. In other words, he practiced how to make his tentacles possess more power…

Ye Lian and Xia Na took turns as a lab rat. Ling Mo soon grasped some techniques. Then, he turned his target on using his spiritual power to control objects.

Ling Mo’s experience was limited to controlling living organisms and he was confused when he had to change it to control objects. But of course, perhaps his tentacles weren’t strong enough yet. He failed after trying a few times.

The closest attempt to success was Ling Mo successfully making a leaf on a tree sway slightly. But that alone almost made his head explode.

Although it didn’t go as Ling Mo planned, he needed to take one step at a time. He was already happy that he could find another way to use his power.

As he improved his spiritual power, his chances to succeed would increase.

Energy consumption was too big to use his power. Ling Mo was already at his limit after an hour. If he continues to push himself, he wouldn’t be able to recover from it.

His shoulder felt better and he immediately decided to take the girls back.

It made Ling Mo feel gloomy that there was a storm on the way back.

But he decided to hurry on to get back to the construction site before it got dark.

Although zombies weren’t afraid of the rain, Ling Mo didn’t want Ye Lian and Xia Na to get soaked. He stopped by a small store by the street and found them some raincoats.

Three people with dark blue raincoats advanced in the rain and it was probably the most unique scene in the whole city.

It was the first storm in the apocalypse. Raindrops that were as big as red beans splattered, washing away the clogging blood on the ground.

Rainwater formed small streams of a blackish-red color on the ground and it seemed to grip Ling Mo’s heart. How many people died for the world to look like this?

With Ye Lian and Xia Na forcing open a path, they moved rapidly despite the storm. They returned to the construction site before the sky turned darker.

He arranged what he had collected together simply and after having a bowl of noodles, Ling Mo took out the gel part from the advanced level zombie.

He planned to halve it between Ye Lian and Xia Na, but when he gave it to Xia Na, she hesitated and divided more from her part. In the end, there were only about a third in her hand.

Xia Na spoke hesitantly when Ling Mo looked at her in confusion, “Too much… This, too pure.”

Ling Mo realized that Xia Na’s physical evolution wasn’t as high as Ye Lian and that she wouldn’t be able to handle too much.

For safety purposes, Ling Mo made Xia Na and Ye Lian eat them one after another. Perhaps they already evolved to a certain level, since neither of them fainted despite the gel being much purer than before. Their eyes merely turned red as the gel awakened their instincts as zombies. Under this state, both of them struggled to accept the further evolution that the virus was bringing them.

However, even Ling Mo didn’t expect that this time, the evolution would last for three days. Although Xia Na and Ye Lian didn’t faint during this period of time, they had no awareness. Ling Mo didn’t dare to let his tentacles reach deeper to check on them. Whether it was their physical body or their spiritual world, they were both experiencing tsunamis.

Ling Mo also sensed his own improvement. Just like before, his physical body didn’t improve much as there were only minor improvements in strength and speed. However, improvement in his spiritual power was more apparent as his spiritual tentacles became more flexible and its color became closer to blood red.

Ling Mo was satisfied with this change. Now that he discovered the real use of his puppet control power, the stronger his spiritual power got, the better it was.

The first one to eat the gel was Xia Na, and she was the first one to recover.

She looked at Ling Mo confusingly for a moment before her eyes turned clear. “I think I remember a lot.”

Ling Mo was shocked at her tone of voice and he looked extremely joyful!

Her tone of voice was too similar to Xia Na before she had turned into a zombie! Although she still sounded a little cold and emotionless, it was so close! If someone who didn’t know the truth sat here, they wouldn’t even realize that something was wrong with her and they would never expect her to be a zombie!

“What do you remember?” Ling Mo asked excitedly.

Xia Na looked at Ling Mo’s eyes earnestly and spoke word by word, “I remember you.”

Ling Mo’s expressions became awkward.

“You said that you were going to shower me but touched me…” The more Xia Na spoke, the more complex Ling Mo’s expressions became.

What was this!

Wasn’t the first thing to do after regaining intelligence to sigh at her life, look back on it, and thank Ling Mo for all the efforts he had put in?!

Even if she doesn’t promise to marry him to appreciate him, it wasn’t too much to give him a kiss, was it?

Ling Mo fantasized the moment of Ye Lian and Xia Na regaining their memories numerous times. Perhaps they would be deeply touched, or perhaps it would be like dry wood meeting fire…

But definitely not what was happening now!

Xia Na sounded extremely calm and there were no fluctuations in her emotions… if he neglected what she was saying, she was the same as three days ago.

Although Xia Na remembered all these, she never really said it. Perhaps in her perspective, it was nothing to put her mind to.

Did Xia Na completely regain her intelligence?

But at this moment, Xia Na suddenly added something calmly, “This is the **** to you humans, right?”

“Uh, you humans?”

Ling Mo froze.

When her words went into his ears, his expressions became complicated.

Xia Na confessed before that she was no longer a human and she didn’t want to go back to being a human, unwilling to recall everything.

But Ling Mo didn’t expect that she would still think the same when she had regained so much awareness back.

But it was normal. It would be problematic if she actually recognized herself as a human. Without mentioning others, the memories of eating those gel parts alone were enough to make her have a breakdown.

After mutating, Xia Na belonged to the zombie race.

She could regain her memories, but not her natural instincts. Essentially speaking, she would be a zombie no matter how much she regained her awareness and intelligence.

No matter how many memories she found of her as a human, she would only consider problems the way that zombies did.

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