Virus Girlfriend - Chapter 41

It looked like Xia Na wouldn’t wake up anytime soon and Ling Mo decided to give the gel to Ye Lian.

His spiritual connection with Ye Lian was already tight. Although Ye Lian looked at the gel passionately, she didn’t intend to forcefully take it away. When she faced Ling Mo now, her instincts also weakened.

It was understandable as Ye Lian was like Ling Mo’s clone. He didn’t have problems as he did with Xia Na as controlling Ye Lian was almost the same as controlling his own hands and feet.

In the end, it was because he wasn’t strong enough yet. He could manage controlling a few normal zombies, but it wasn’t so easy for him to control Ye Lian and Xia Na at the same time.

“Eat up.” Ling Mo touched Ye Lian’s face dearly and watched her swallow the high purity gel.

As the gel part entered her body, the pure virus was going to spread to the rest of Ye Lian’s body and eventually converge in her brain. Ling Mo wondered but he didn’t know how pure the virus was inside Ye Lian’s head…

As he watched Ye Lian closely, Ling Mo also became nervous. She was different from Xia Na; as soon as Ye Lian evolved, he was influenced greatly as well.

When she evolved last time, Ling Mo benefited significantly but the process was extremely painful. And at that time, she only swallowed one piece of normal gel and this piece was of high purity.

It wasn’t the equivalent to ten, but definitely equivalent to five of the normal gel parts!

As expected, Ye Lian gurgled as she swallowed the gel part. After the last evolution, her eyes turned black, but after she swallowed it, the white parts of her eyes suddenly became bloodshot and completely red. Even her pupils seemed to be covered in a canvas of red fog.

But luckily, she didn’t show any signs of resistance and it didn’t seem like she would faint immediately like Xia Na.

Ye Lian was trembling from head to toe and her eyes were filled with bloodthirst. If Ling Mo had his back on her without looking at her delicate body and petite face, everyone would have thought that a ferocious human eating beast was lurking behind them.

Ling Mo always thought that the ‘murderous aura’ was only to scare people and it didn’t exist at all, but Ling Mo finally experienced what that feels like when he looked at Ye Lian.

Although she was sitting on the chair without moving, Ling Mo stood in front of her, too scared to move an inch. It felt as if she would attack him if he moved a finger.

Of course, it was only what he felt at that moment. The spiritual connection between them didn’t destabilize and it was impossible for Ye Lian to attack him.

Even so, Ling Mo was still shocked. The unmasked franticness was something Ye Lian never showed before.

At the same time, Ling Mo jolted at the effect transferred through the connection as a mad franticness engulfed his state of mind in an instant.

It was different from before; Ling Mo didn’t feel any discomfort physically this time and on the contrary, his eyes glowed red and clenched his fist. What he felt now was extreme comfort and freshness!

Every pore on his body seemed to open up and his head was clearer than ever. Despite that, his field of view almost turned red, but Ling Mo felt satisfied as he was gripping onto power.

But at the same time, his mind was affected by the murderous intentions that he felt and he wanted to destroy everything that appeared in front of his eyes.

Although the physical thrill was already pleasant, Ling Mo thought that if he could let himself free and destroy everything, his heart would truly be satisfied and double the pleasure.

He even thought that his way of thinking and the feeling of his body was extremely the same as a zombie at this moment!

If Ling Mo didn’t strengthen his mind, he thought that perhaps he would fall into his feelings. As he gradually lost his rational thoughts, resistance came through Ye Lian’s head and made him snap back to reality.

He just experienced it and Ye Lian almost broke free from him.

No wonder zombies lost their rational thoughts and became slaughtering machines. The feeling of leaving his body all to his instincts was like pressing down on a thrilling button. As soon as the door opened, it would never close again.

Ling Mo felt the lingering fear after he woke up, and he struggled to fight against the strange feeling deep down in his heart.

Even though he was exceptionally strong-willed, he couldn’t help but pant and tremble. It wasn’t because of the pain, but it was actually the waves of pleasure that rushed into his body.

Ye Lian was sitting opposite him and her cheeks were pink. She stared at Ling Mo as if she was already occupied by that feeling.

When Ling Mo felt like he was on the verge of losing control, he suddenly roared in a low voice and suddenly threw himself at Ye Lian, hugging her tightly in his arms.

He could only shift his attention this way and break free from the desire to destroy everything! Hugging her wasn’t enough, he needed something more!

Ling Mo immediately cupped Ye Lian’s face and under her blood-red glances. He trembled furiously as he suddenly pressured his lips on hers roughly.

Cold lips and a warm tongue finally made Ling Mo’s frantic heart calm down a little.

Ling Mo didn’t know how long it had been before he finally woke up. When he pulled himself together, he was on the carpet with Ye Lian and her lips were parted slightly without moving.

Ling Mo’s desire for Ye Lian was completely awakened to battle the franticness when he almost lost control of his heart under the drive. Now, it looked like the effect of the method wasn’t bad at all…

But kissing with a zombie?

He was probably the only one who could do something like this… But who the hell said that he can’t kiss a zombie? She tasted sweet too…

Of course, Ye Lian wasn’t a bloodthirsty zombie nor a monster to Long Mo. Perhaps she wasn’t a human, but Ling Mo still thought that she was the girl that he loved.

But after Ling Mo calmed down, he felt like a bucket of freezing ice was dunked on his head!

He was certain that the virus could transfer through blood after Lu Xin and Xia Na’s experiences… what about saliva? He just lost control and he came in contact with a lot of it!

The main problem was that Ye Lian just swallowed a piece of gel! Didn’t he basically drink some virus?

When a person’s head spun, they end up losing the ability to think. Ling Mo already did well that he didn’t lose his sanity and go on a rampage when he was affected by Ye Lian. Now that he calmed down, he was drenched in a cold sweat.

No normal person would want to turn into a zombie and as soon as he did, Xia Na and Ye Lian were also done. Perhaps Ye Lian would dig out his brain and disappear in this horrifying city filled with zombies…

And Xia Na? She probably wouldn’t be able to escape Ye Lian as well. What should he do?!

Ling Mo sat there trembling. He stared at Ye Lian and smiled bitterly.

My first kiss was freaking fatal!

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