Virus Girlfriend - Chapter 40

It’s been more than a day since Ling Mo killed the zombies and dug out the gel part. He took out two of lower purity, gave them to Xia Na, and hid the rest carefully in his pockets.

To avoid getting infected by the virus, he intentionally put all the parts in a plastic bag.

Although he touched it with his hands before, it was only for a few seconds. If he had to put it close to him for a long time, he was disgusted by the thought of it before he worried about potential infection.

When Xia Na ate the parts yesterday, the gel’s appearance didn’t change at all. But after the night, it became like this.

There were quite a few pieces in it before, but they silently merged together and Ling Mo could barely separate it into two pieces. Despite this, the overall volume shrunk by over a half!

Did these viruses eat each other? Ling Mo lifted the plastic bag to his eyes and found out that they indeed looked different from before.

It was more transparent and redder… The red parts on it from before looked like veins spread inside it but now, the veins almost shrouded the gel part completely.

“What kind of virus is that…” Ling Mo was confused, but he had no knowledge in this area and all of his knowledge of the virus came from his observations of Ye Lian. But now that the virus became purer, it would be more useful for Ye Lian and this is certain.

However, when Ling Mo took out the gel part from the plastic bag, Xia Na’s emotions fluctuated.

Her eyes were shrouded by red as she stared closely at the gel part in Ling Mo’s hands.

Although she was infected and became a zombie, her situation was very different from a normal zombie and even different in her nature.

The biggest characteristic of normal zombies was irrational behavior and extreme violence when attacking. When Xia Na wasn’t on a rampage, she would constantly look confused and even give some reactions when she faced people she knew, such as Wang Ling. Not only this, but she would also turn to whoever called her name and this was definitely something normal zombies couldn’t do.

But in another aspect, Xia Na also kept the characteristics of a zombie completely: her ability to attack. Perhaps because Xia Na ate two gel parts during her infection, she wasn’t as strong as a zombie but her habits became the same as them, such as her merciless attacks against the same kind, and the desire for gel parts…

When Ling Mo took out two gel parts that were obviously refined, Ye Lian and even Xia Na showed desire towards it.

But Xia Na’s speed of devouring them was too fast! She just had two and it was not even forty-eight hours ago!

Ling Mo looked at Xia Na hesitantly, but a stingy sensation immediately pierced his brain as the redness in Xia Na’s eyes became brighter and brighter… It looked like she would break free of control and throw herself at him if he didn’t give it to her.

Ling Mo had no choice but to give one of them to Xia Na. After she took it, she cupped it in her hands like something extremely delicious and shoved it in her mouth…

But after Xia Na ate it, her body suddenly froze and her skin immediately turned into an odd, light red color.

Ling Mo was shocked and as he reached out to support her, he felt something was wrong. Judging by her appearances alone, Xia Na’s temperature should be high, but her skin was cold when he touched her!

Then, Ling Mo could see that Xia Na was struggling through her eyes. She even looked like she was mumbling in an attempt to speak. Not only that, her consciousness also fluctuated violently. If Ling Mo didn’t clench his teeth and try to maintain the connection, Xia Na would’ve broken free from him.

But this phenomenon only lasted for more than ten seconds before her head tilted to the side and she completely fainted.

Ling Mo became limp and fell to the ground. He just forcefully tried to control Xia Na and he was exhausted. He couldn’t even keep it on for another minute.

Luckily, Xia Na fainted as she was unable to bear the impact of the virus, and the fluctuations of her consciousness world changed from the boiling state to silence.

The silence was somewhat strange… Even when Ling Mo just controlled Ye Lian, she wasn’t completely silent. At that time, her instinctive desire was already stronger than normal zombies.

However, normal zombies couldn’t be described as silent as they had no emotions or thoughts like a blank slate. Xia Na’s current state was as if all the fluctuations stopped, but perhaps there was a storm under the seemingly calm surface.

Ling Mo wasn’t strong enough yet to peek into other people’s minds. At this moment, he could only feel that all of Xia Na’s desires and resistance disappeared but it was still different from a normal zombie’s completely blank state.

After Xia Na ate it, Ling Mo also felt a slight change. Perhaps because his connection with Xia Na wasn’t strong enough yet and her consciousness world was as tranquil as water, she didn’t impact Ling Mo very much when she was transforming through the gel.

But even so, Ling Mo could feel madness raging from the deep end of his brain, and his heart was beating furiously.

At first, Ling Mo was concerned about this feeling but nothing changed after quite a while. Ling Mo guessed that perhaps this is the most Xia Na will impact him…

“What will Xia Na become…” Xia Na still grasped the sword tightly in her hands despite being unconscious. Her face was pale and her lips were pursed tightly together, Ling Mo couldn’t help but pity her.

She survived the apocalypse by her skills alone and she supported so many classmates. In the end, she was harmed by her own people and became a zombie…

Ling Mo sighed silently. He carried her on the couch and approached Ye Lian with the last piece of gel.

This piece was bigger than the other one and the color was brighter!

Ye Lian was different to Xia Na as she starved for a few days already. Ever since they met Xia Na’s group, Ye Lian hasn’t eaten anything. Today, her desire reached the highest point.

This was also why Ling Mo was in a hurry to separate from Liu Yuhao and the others. Although he thought Liu Yuhao was a good person, Ling Mo didn’t trust him completely to trust him, let alone become close friends.

Whether it was his supernatural ability or the intentional evolution method, neither should be known to others yet. After all, this wasn’t only strange, but also crazy and horrifying!

Not to mention that Xia Na was also one of his controlled targets…

Until they parted with each other, Liu Yuhao still thought that Xia Na had some rational thoughts left. Also, she was friendly towards Ling Mo for no good reason. It was why she didn’t intend to attack Ling Mo. However, he would probably never expected a normal person like Ling Mo to have the ability to control zombies!

But even if he did know, the situation would be completely different. If Liu Yuhao couldn’t accept it, would Wang Cheng be able to accept it?

Not to mention these people who were close to Xia Na, normal survivors wouldn’t be able to accept his dreadful ability.

Hence, despite his good ability, he needed to keep it a secret away from others before he was powerful enough…

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