Trembling At A High Altitude - Chapter 49

A moment later, Li Teng saw a big blood pool under his body and was extremely nervous.

The vultures had pecked open a wound in his lower abdomen, which was now bleeding non-stop.

Li Teng could only use the vultures’ claws to tear the bed sheet into strips of cloth. Then, he found a suitable piece of cloth and tied it up.

The pain almost made Li Teng faint.

Finally, the wound was tied up. The blood was still flowing, but the flow had reduced a lot.

That was all he could do at this point.

There was a problem after tying up like this… It seemed that he couldn’t pee now.

Presently, the most important thing was to stop the bleeding first. As for peeing, it was a problem for the next stage.

He would temporarily not die without peeing, but he would surely face death if the blood kept flowing.

Fortunately, Li Teng did face the risk of fainting again due to malnourishment as the vultures’ flesh, and blood would give his body energy.

Nonetheless, the pain when walking was unbearable. The particular pain source was several times stronger than pain coming from other body parts—it was killing him.

Women bearing children should feel even more painful than this, right?

If women can bear it, I can bear it as well!

I can’t, though!

I’m dying from the pain!

By the time he was about to sleep at night, the bleeding had stopped, and the pain had finally subsided a little.

Unfortunately, the accumulated urine in his bladder became a big problem.

Li Teng knew nothing about medicine, so he was in the dark about whether or not he could untie the straps now.

If he untied it and the bleeding couldn’t stop, it would be a big problem.

What made Li Teng even more fearful was that… He realized that the temperature of his surroundings didn’t drop, yet he felt very cold.

There could only be one reason—he had a fever!

The fever caused the temperature in his body to be higher in relation to his surroundings’ temperature, so his body would feel cold.

This seemed to be a precursor to bacterial infection.

He didn’t know whether the infection was from the wound or from eating a scavenger animal, like the vultures, raw. In any case, it was beyond doubt that any infection was fatal for him at this point.

Next, it would turn into sepsis. If the helicopter still didn’t come to get him tomorrow, this infection would kill him right away.

The bladder’s swelling pain, the burning pain of the wound, and the inexplicableness of his whole body from the fever made Li Teng feel like he was in Hell.

Worse, he could see no end to this Hell at all.

Li Teng didn’t know whether he fell asleep or fainted in the end. Either case, it was good for him.

His body’s instinctive response temporarily blocked his pain sense, or his consciousness might collapse from the torture of such pain, which would cause his body to break down entirely.

It was dawn again.

A gust of wind blew, making Li Teng very uncomfortable.

He could also hear loud booms.

Suddenly, Li Teng realized something. He hurried to open his eyes and saw an approaching black helicopter! The rope ladder was already lowered, awaiting for him!

“Finally, I’m rescued.”

At that moment, Li Teng had an urge to cry.

But very soon, he discovered a problem. Because the infection and fever caused severe sepsis, he was on the verge of death now. His body was so weak that he couldn’t move at all.

It could be said that it was already a miracle that he could wake up in his present state.

It was the manifestation of his strong will to live.

To climb the rope ladder onto the helicopter himself under such a condition would be wishful thinking.

I have to get up!

I have to get into the helicopter!

Or I’m sure to die!

Li Teng roared internally.

However, to climb into the helicopter, the will to live alone couldn’t do it.

All was in vain if his body couldn’t move.

His bodily functions had already collapsed completely. The result of trying to sit up was just making himself almost faint.

Perhaps, because it had waited for too long, and Li Teng didn’t climb up himself, the helicopter withdrew the rope ladder. It seemed like it was leaving directly!

Don’t leave!

Li Teng wanted to shout loudly, but he couldn’t make a sound, however hard he tried.

The helicopter did not leave. Instead, it lowered the height, lowering the cabin door to the same height as Li Teng.

But even so, Li Teng still had no way to enter the helicopter cabin.

His body didn’t even have a trace of strength, and he was completely dependent on his willpower to hang on and not die.

After a while, a metal plate protruded from the helicopter cabin.

Two mechanical claws came out of both sides of the cabin doors.

The two mechanical claws grabbed Li Teng’s body like a piece of cargo, placed him on the metal plate, and then withdrew back into the cabin.

Are they recovering me like a corpse? I’m still alive!

Li Teng felt that the situation wasn’t so good.

This is how the body of the elegant old lady was recovered last time, right?

Once he got recovered back as a corpse, the ending waiting for him was to be sealed into the wax.

Thus, he couldn’t die yet now.

He had to wake up the moment he entered the film studio to prove to them clearly that he wasn’t dead yet.

After Li Teng was taken into the cabin by the mechanical claws and metal plate, the cabin door closed. The interior of the cabin became completely dark.

Li Teng knew that there was a box next to him, in which there was bread, biscuits, drinks, and so on, that could help him recover.

But he couldn’t get up, open the box, and get them.

In order to prevent himself from sleeping and falling unconscious again, Li Teng kept scratching himself with his nails.

Because of the fever, even his feeling of pain was much weaker now, making it very hard for him to stay awake.

His bladder was already numb from the pain of swelling.

When Li Teng felt that he was about to be unable to hold on and would fall unconscious soon, he tried hard to pee.

As a result, this action caused his wound to tear, and there was a very clear pain that caused Li Teng to draw a rapid breath, and finally made his mind sober up a lot.

As a result, his arms also gained some strength.

Li Teng quickly raised his hand and felt around. The box with food and drinks was placed in the cabin right next to his arm!

The food and drinks were high-technology products, and Li Teng had already experienced their magic twice.

After consuming them, he could restore his body from an extremely weak state to a near-normal level.

He didn’t know how it worked, though… Nor did he need to understand it.

Right now, he only needed to get them and find a way to get them into his stomach.

His hand felt the box’s lid, but he couldn’t perform the simple task of lifting the lid and taking the food and drinks out.

After a series of struggles, his lifted arm fell weakly again.

For the current him, the distance between the box and he was the distance between life and death.

In order to stay awake when he arrived at the film studio, and not let them think that he was a corpse, all depended on him obtaining the food and drinks right now.

It was a great fortune in his misfortunes that the helicopter came to pick him up today.

It gave him a chance.

He had to grab this chance in order to survive.

Suddenly, Li Teng understood something—the real meaning behind the woman in the sunglasses’ three knocks on his head when they had parted the other time.

He also guessed why she hadn’t allowed him to confirm with her after finding the answer.

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