Trembling At A High Altitude - Chapter 40

Li Teng answered, “This chair is my lucky star. It has jinxed a b*stard to death for me in the past, and it’s going to help me jinx another b*tch to death in a while, too.”

Mrs. Guo flew into a rage and snapped, “Are you insulting me?!”

“Did he mention your name? Aren’t you the one who made the connection yourself? So, are you admitting that you’re a b*tch?” replied Gao Fei sarcastically on behalf of Li Teng.

The pretty boy threatened Gao Fei, “Young lad, he’s doomed tonight, yet you’re still backing him up so stubbornly. Your days are gonna be rough in the future!”

“A tranny that doesn’t look like a man or a woman like you seriously disgusts me! Get lost!”

Gao Fei knew that he had already thoroughly offended Mrs. Guo and the pretty boy, anyway. There was no going back anymore, so he might as well be stubborn to the very end.

The pretty boy let out a few insidious laughs and said nothing more.

The bus started to move.

With the dim street lamps’ help, one could see through the bus windows that the scenery outside was becoming more and more desolate and dilapidated.

A few indistinct shadows seemingly appeared in the run-down buildings on both sides of the street.

Strange noises were also faintly audible.

Although they knew that the place was a part of the film studio and that everything in the scenery had been constructed for use in filming, deep fear welled up in everyone’s hearts on the bus nevertheless. They felt as though they had entered a ghost city.

No one spoke again after the bus started to move and speed up.

After they were summoned here in the middle of the night and put through all that for almost an hour, all the actors were rather tired by now.

Li Teng looked especially tired. He sat in his seat with an arm around his bar chair, but his head was against the chair’s back as if he had fallen asleep.

Had he completely given up?

Gao Fei was rather sad to see Li Teng behaving like that.

In Li Teng’s case, what else could he do other than to give up?

In any case, Gao Fei couldn’t think of anything that could resolve this, anyway. If he were Li Teng, he would perish tonight for sure.

No matter how clever Li Teng was, as a human, he couldn’t possibly defeat a fiend!

Although Li Teng was leaning against the chair’s back with his eyes closed as though he had fallen asleep, Mrs. Guo’s eyes were wide open. She didn’t dare to relax for even a moment.

She knew that Li Teng was exceptionally sly, so she had no choice but to keep an eye on every action of his and every little detail at all times and analyze his counterattack measures without even a moment’s pause.

She mustn’t be like her son and throw away her life so easily because of a moment of carelessness. She had to consider every possibility and nip them in the bud.

Fifteen minutes later, the bus gradually slowed down.

The director’s voice sounded in everyone’s earphones—they had reached the first stop.

The passengers were rather out of it, but upon hearing the director’s voice, all of them became wide awake in an instant.

Everyone looked at Li Teng in unison, then at Mrs. Guo.

This was where the two of them were going to alight.

Mrs. Guo was incredibly nervous at this point. She was worried that Li Teng and Gao Fei had secretly exchanged their lots, so Li Teng was actually alighting at the third stop. If that happened, things would become more troublesome for her. She would have to use her points to redeem a speed-type ghost ability after she alighted to ensure that she could reach the third stop before Li Teng alighted and wait for him there.

The bus slowed down even further. It was about to stop at the bus stop.

“Hahaha…” All of a sudden, Li Teng started laughing loudly.

Everyone looked at him at the same time.

Mrs. Guo’s expression turned incredibly tense.

Had he come up with more tricks after all?

“Congratulations, you’ve been tricked again! My lot actually is for me to alight at the third stop because I’ve already exchanged my bamboo sticks with his under the table,” said Li Teng as he looked at Mrs. Guo.

“What?!” exclaimed an alarmed Mrs. Guo.

“At that time, I even asked if you were sure that you wanted to alight at the first stop and warned you not to regret your choice, but you simply didn’t believe me. Well, it’s too late for regrets now! You can’t catch me anymore!” said Li Teng with a shrug.

“Hmph! So what even if you’re alighting at the third stop? You can’t escape from me, nevertheless!”

Mrs. Guo calmed herself down quickly. She hated Li Teng to the core at this point and wished she could get rid of him immediately.

Everything this man did and uttered frightened her and filled her with anxiety. She was constantly worried over whether he had set any traps and whether anything outside of her expectations would occur.

If she continued to play this game with him, her heart would give out soon.

Therefore, she must kill him tonight, no matter what! She would spare no cost to do so, even if she had to use up all of her points!

Gao Fei was rather surprised when he heard Li Teng’s words.

He hadn’t exchanged his bamboo sticks with Li Teng at all! What did Li Teng mean by that?

Was he telling him to alight at this stop in his stead? Was he trying to throw Mrs. Guo off?

Surely the director wouldn’t agree, right?

Gao Fei was honestly rather scared at the thought of alighting with a ghost like Mrs. Guo.

However, since Li Teng had spoken, then he would help him out. He would take it that he was repaying him for saving his life in the first scene. Otherwise, it would weigh on his conscience.

Should he die, at the worst, he would just become a pair of wax statues with his girlfriend.

In any case, Gao Fei’s opinion was that with his level of intelligence, he couldn’t possibly survive that many scenes, anyway. He didn’t have any wild wishes to earn enough points to return to the ground or save his girlfriend, either.

As he got up, Gao Fei braced himself for the worst and said, “Haha, I’m the one that’s really alighting at the first stop! Old ghost, go down with me and have some fun!”

Mrs. Guo also stood. She glared viciously at Gao Fei and replied, “Hmph! I’m not interested in you for now! I’ll go after him and kill him at the third stop before I take my time to take care of you!”

At this point, the bus slowly came to a stop next to the bus shelter.

The bus shelter outside was empty and looked even more run-down.

The advertisement lightbox at the bus stop was still lit.

A movie poster was displayed in the lightbox. It was a promotional poster for the exact same movie that they were filming, Film Crew of Death.

Featured on the poster was a ghost with its sharp claws swiping toward someone escaping from it.

Li Teng pressed Gao Fei back onto his seat and said, “Sit back down, I’m just joking with her. Be careful not to get punished by the director.”

Then, he charged over to the area beside the door, picked up his bar chair, and got off the bus.

“Run!” shouted Gao Fei at Li Teng. Then, he tried to reach out and block Mrs. Guo, who was also on her way to alight.

However, when he reached out, he heard the director’s warning telling him not to do anything that would interfere with the plot in his earphone immediately. Otherwise, he would be penalized 1,000 points and disqualified on the spot!

Gao Fei could only withdraw his arm.

When Mrs. Guo realized that Li Teng had already slipped off the bus while she wasn’t looking, she immediately understood that she had been tricked by Li Teng again just now. She hastily rushed over to the area beside the door.

At the point of alighting, Mrs. Guo was a little hesitant…

She couldn’t decide whether she wanted to bring the bar chair down with her, too.

Would she lose out if she didn’t?

What’s there to lose out on? I’ll have a ghost’s killing ability the moment I get off. Will I even need to care about an ordinary object like the bar chair?

Mrs. Guo seemed to come to her senses in an instant. Li Teng was probably thinking of using a scheme like this to distract and delay her, so that she couldn’t catch up with him after she alighted, right?

She mustn’t fall for it!

She quickly alighted and unsealed her ghost abilities. She would catch him, torture him, and kill him right away!

She absolutely mustn’t let him get away!

However, Li Teng’s actions after he alighted surprised everyone once again.

He did not attempt to run at all. Instead, after he got off the bus, he placed the bar chair at the bus stop and propped himself up on it with his hands.

After he took a seat, he even smiled and waved at Gao Fei and the others, who were visible through the windows.

A sinister smile appeared at the corners of Mrs. Guo’s lips. “Not running? Prepare to die, then!”

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