Trembling At A High Altitude - Chapter 19

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Blaring sirens rang out. After a while, three ambulances came racing over from afar.

More than ten medics covered from head to toe in protective suits carried three treatment chambers out of the big ambulances. They placed the lightly injured Gao Fei, the heavily injured Li Teng, and the dead Guo Zhipeng, respectively, into each chamber.

Inside the treatment chambers was a substance that was in between a state of liquid and solid. Li Teng, who had sustained heavy injuries all over, sank into the liquid-solid substance after he was placed within the chamber.

The severe pain from his bone fractures was quickly relieved after he soaked in the substance. Li Teng could feel his heavily-injured body healing rapidly.

It felt very intriguing.

Five minutes later, Li Teng had completely recovered.

The treatment chamber opened up, and Li Teng sat up. His clothes were still dry.

He could even sense that he was now in much better condition than what he had been when he had first arrived on the island. He felt incredibly alert and clear-headed. It seemed that the medical treatment had also repaired all the damage his body had sustained due to severe hunger and thirst during the few days he had spent on top of the stone pillar recently.

After going through so many events that would have been inconceivable and unbelievable in the real world, Li Teng was now certain that the world he was currently in was no longer the real world that he was so familiar with.

At the very least, the medical advancements here were unachievable in the real world.

Gao Fei, who had sustained light injuries, had already gotten out of the chamber before Li Teng.

Guo Zhipeng was still undergoing medical treatment.

Li Teng took the opportunity to make a trip to the cafe’s restroom.

Ten minutes later, the dead Guo Zhipeng was revived. He sat up in the treatment chamber with a sullen look on his face.

Medical treatment via the treatment chamber was free of charge, as long as one didn’t die on the film set.

However, if they died on the set, revival via the treatment chamber would consume a large number of points.

Guo Zhipeng had used 1,000 points to revive himself.

However, he didn’t have that many points in his account at all.

Thus, the film studio would be sealing him later—into the so-called wax statue.

Unless someone brought his negative point balance back to zero for him, his seal would stay active.

Filming for the scene officially ended when the injured recovered, and the dead was revived.

At the end of filming, actors would also go through a period of post-filming interaction, which consisted of six segments.

The first was a performance conclusion lasting ten minutes. Actors were free to speak, discuss, and make an overall conclusion of the performance. The director of the film set would also be part of it.

The second was the wax-sealing ceremony, where actors who had died during filming would be turned into wax statues.

The third was point distribution time. The number of points each person earned in the scene would be publicly announced.

The fourth was a question-and-answer segment. All actors present were free to raise questions. Only actors a level higher could answer these questions. If the answers were correct and received the director’s acknowledgment that they provided a degree of helpfulness to the inquirer, the answerer would receive a reward of 1–10 points.

Every low-level actor had the opportunity to raise one question.

For people who had already gone through a few scenes and leveled up to become veterans, this was also a good opportunity to earn extra points.

The fifth was the newbie lottery segment. Newbies entering the island for the first time would more or less have spent a few points to redeem things such as food and clothes. They might also have spent on baths, ball games, movies, playing in the arcade, and so on.

As a result, some of them might have spent all of the 100 points that they had received in advance. Should they be unable to pay off their debts before they left, they would be forcibly turned into wax statues.

Thus, newbies were given the privilege of a lottery. Gao Fei had already told Li Teng about this previously.

After the newbie lottery was the sixth segment—the handling of additional matters. What kind of matters would be taken care of here was not concretely known. There was also a chance that nothing additional needed to be taken care of, leading to the segment being skipped over.

At the end of the six segments, everyone would be sent back to their respective stone pillars by helicopter, whether willing or otherwise.

Soon, the first segment began. Everyone was seated on bar chairs and gathered around the large round table at the roadside like before. They sported varying expressions on their faces while they had coffee.

Guo Zhipeng, who would soon be sealed in wax, was still present. It was just that this time round, most of the others were looking at him in a way that was rather different from before.

It carried some mockery and sympathy.

Unlike his arrogant and domineering attitude earlier, Guo Zhipeng also seemed very dispirited and depressed.

“Counterattack successful! Bro, you’re seriously impressive!” Gao Fei gave Li Teng a thumbs up.

“Çertainly very much so! Even I was astounded.” The white-collar woman was also full of praises for him.

“I honestly didn’t expect such a solution. Is it… really alright for you to do that?” asked the old lady, too.

Li Teng merely gave them a smile and kept quiet. He continued to sip on his coffee.

“Director, I object to this! He seriously violated the rules during filming! Why didn’t you stop him?” said Guo Zhipeng. Although he knew that it was impossible to change the outcome, he raised his objections to the director nonetheless.

“That’s right! His act of taking a chair from the cafe doesn’t fit his role as a pedestrian at all. Jumping up and using the chair to attack the driver when the car crashed toward him is even more mystifying of a behavior. I’d suggest that the director handles this prudently. It would be ideal if we can do a re-take,” said the spectacled man in support of Guo Zhipeng.

Guo Zhipeng was a level higher than everyone here. The spectacled man had sacrificed his pride to cling onto him. It went without saying that he was reluctant to allow Guo Zhipeng to be turned into a wax statue just like that.

The others also looked at the director. The acts of taking a bar chair and jumping up and charging toward the sports car did, indeed, come across as serious violations of the rules. The director had to provide a clear and definite explanation. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to get a thorough understanding of what the rules exactly were.

“Objection overruled! Before the performance, I had already said that everything was to be based on my instructions during the process.” The director rejected Guo Zhipeng’s protests directly.

“I frickin’… How can you do that?!” Guo Zhipeng was extremely dissatisfied with the director’s explanation.

That bastard must be relatives with the director! Otherwise, why would she side with him so blatantly? How are we supposed to goddamn film like this?!

“Extras like us do have a certain degree of autonomy. The key is how you interpret and whether you can thoroughly understand what the director says.” The white-collar woman understood this very well from her experience.

She had already crossed the road back then, yet the director had made her retrieve the bank card she had dropped in the middle of the road. At that time, the white-collar woman had precisely made successful use of the pitiful degree of autonomy actors had and, under circumstances where she didn’t violate the rules and the director’s instructions, sought help from the others beside her. In the end, the unlucky Gao Fei had become her scapegoat.

“Cut your crap!” snapped Guo Zhipeng. He felt that the woman was forcing it with the explanation.

The director had dictated even their speed of walking. Yet she didn’t care about someone stealing a chair and smashing the car with it? Weren’t the double standards here a little too blatant?

Li Teng sneered coldly. He kept quiet and continued to drink his coffee.

Under the circumstances at that point, he had also been pushed to the end of the rope. Even the act of taking the chair had been nothing more than an experiment. It was only because he hadn’t been stopped that everything that happened after had taken place.

Everything he did had been following the director’s instructions. Whether they walked quickly or slowly had certainly been under the director’s dictation. However, she hadn’t said that they couldn’t take a chair and smash the car with it.

Victors wrote history. He had survived, while Guo Zhipeng had died. This was all that mattered.

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