The Villainess Became A Mother - Chapter 4

“I told His Majesty the Emperor that we will move up our wedding schedule. Thankfully, he gladly grant it without even a bit of hesitation. I’m sure the Marquis also knows. I guess he didn’t say anything to surprise you, Laure.”

…What kind of bullshit is this? I stared at Calix blankly with my mouth open wide.

He looked at me and laughed charmingly. Then he lowered his head and gave a fleeting kiss on my forehead.

He then lowered his lips on my cheeks, chin, and nose, and finally stop on my lips.

The arm around my waist tightened. He hugged me affectionately, and whispered in a low voice.

“Our wedding is in a week. Laure. Isn’t it great?”


I could feel a tremendous obsession in Calix’s voice. It’s as if his words were saying, ‘You dare to avoid me? I’ll tie you up to my side in a week.’

What, what is this? This is scary! The real Calix won’t do something like this to Laure!

L-Let’s calm down first. Let’s put the thought that Calix is being weird behind for a moment. How can the wedding be held so soon?

So what will happen when Sia shows up in a month…? What happens to me then? Oh, my God, am I getting divorced?!


I unceremoniously shouted. I shut my mouth immediately, but the words that had been said already couldn’t be taken back anymore.

As I glance up and look at Calix, he had a very strange expression on his face. He seems to be angry, and he also seems to be hurt, but he also seem… somewhat, terrifying.


A long silence passed. I felt overwhelmed and suffocated.

Calix was still holding me tight, and I had given up after trying a few times to get out of his arms. I don’t think he’d let me go anyways.

No, what are you saying ‘release’. I could feel as if he wants to swallow me whole. His eyes shows that he really wanted to do just that!

Uaah, what the hell is going on!


D-Don’t call my name with your deep voice. Why are you doing this, it’s not like you! Why are you acting like the obsessed male lead?! This is not the correct setting of the original story! Not even to Sia, but to me?

I’m the kind of existence which you think comfortably like a childhood friend. Why the hell are you looking at me like that?

It’s as if he wants to devour me right this moment…

Gulp. There was a loud sound that came out of her throat.

“Laure. You.. Don’t want to marry me?”


I was very distressed. I don’t know what to answer. Neither what to do in the future.

I don’t know why Calix is doing this, but all I know is that there is only a month left for me to wait, just for a month.

Until then, if I don’t get marry and endure, wouldn’t everything go back according to the original story?

R-Right. I’m sure it will. Today was a bit unexpected, but the fact that I became Laure was the first thing that altered the original story, right?

So this kind of development can also happen.

When that time comes, Calix will think it was rather fortunate. He’ll be glad he didn’t marry me hastily… He’ll realize that his fated partner was not Laure Ecree, but the lady named Sia.

So this was for all of us. You and I would be a bit hurt, but it was way better than going through rough times ahead.

I’ve been trying so hard to avoid the fate of becoming a villain. I can’t let all my efforts be in vain.

So Calix, please understand. This is the best decision that I can do. It’s for the best for all of us.

I raised my head and looked into Calix’s eyes. His blue eyes glistened faintly, which made my resolve waver briefly, but I was exuberant.

After a great deep breath, I took courage and declared,

“Calix, let’s annul our engagement.”

Calix’s pupils shrank as if he received a great shock. He blinked as if what I have just uttered was very unfathomable.

Calix stiffened, I slipped carefully out his my arms, then stood away from him.

Anxiously waiting for his answer, a momentary flare rose from Calix’s blue eyes.

“Did you just say annul?”

He strode towards me. I stepped backward and nodded. I raised my hands with an expression asking him not to come any closer.

Calix halted. I stood close to the wall and stated,

“Calix. It may be all of a sudden, but I don’t want to get married with you.”

“Why? If it’s not that you hate me, then for what reason? Why are you suddenly doing this, Laure?”

Calix reached out to me. I stepped aside and avoided his hand. Calix grasped the air and murmured as he lowered his arm.

“After that night, you suddenly started avoiding me.”


“There should be some excuse. I know you’re not the kind of person to do this for no reason.”

You say the same thing as my father. I laughed bitterly.

He must’ve misunderstood my expression, Calix’s eyes suddenly sharpened. He seemed to have realized something.

No, what the hell? Doubtful, his wounded voice blurted.

“As expected, do you want to be the Crown Princess?”


What rubbish are you spouting all of a sudden? Crown Princess? I was so taken aback that I couldn’t answer properly and just kept on staring silly at him.

Assuming that he hit the bull’s eye, Calix groaned and grabbed his hair.

My heart felt a sharp sting as I look at his tormented appearance. After a long moment of silence, Calix continued.

“I know that you have been confessed by the Crown Prince.”

What? My jaw dropped. That happened more than a month already. It’s been a long time since I turned it down.

Of course, even after that, the Crown Prince kept on pursuing me. But no matter how much he was the heir to the throne of the empire, he won’t be able to move my heart.

No, even if he is the Crown Prince, what kind of person is stupid enough to confess to a woman with a fiancé in the first place?

But how does Calix discovered I’ve been confessed? Where did you dig it up?!

“I heard it from Allen.”

Unbelievable, the culprit was my brother! Gaah, he never help me in anyway. Just try to come home later, I’ll just, ugh…!

“Laure. Do you think I’ll just give you up?”

Calix’s voice dropped even lower. I held my hands together and glanced up at him.

He slithered over, as if a leopard locking at his prey, trapping me under his shadow.

I nervously stood firmly against the wall. I, I feel like I’m going to be devoured like this.

“Laure Ecree.”

W-Why are you suddenly calling me by full name?!

“You’re mine.”


“I’ll never let you be taken away by anyone, not even by the Crown Prince.”

Suddenly, seeing Calix claiming ownership of me, I didn’t know what to do.

What do you mean I’m yours? What kind nonsense are you spewing? I’m nobody’s. I own myself!

…is what I want to say, but I don’t think the way Calix stares at me at the moment seem normal.

Nice, awesome! Imperial people! Grand Duke Rochester turned mad!

“You can never get away from me. Laure.”

Calix caressed my cheeks then declared. His eyes were tangled with familiar tenderness, low-line possessiveness, and obsession. Those feelings were explicitly subjected to me.

Good lord. This is driving me crazy. What do I do now? Should I just run away at night? As I groan inside, a laugh came out of Calix’s lip.

“Come to think of it you’ve been acting like that since before.”

W-What have I been doing since before?

“You were with me, but you were strangely distancing yourself, pretending you didn’t know nor see my feelings for you.”

T- That’s reasonable. Because you’re the male lead. I just wanted to avoid the fate of being involved to you somehow. Now that I think about it, it’s all useless…

But what do you mean ‘feelings’?

W-Was he? Has he really been showing how he feels for me all this time? I really don’t know… Am I really the dense type of person who doesn’t even have the slightest idea when someone was showing me their affection?

“However, Laure.”

Calix grabbed me by the shoulder, gathering me into his arms. Settling down in his embrace without resistance, I looked up at Calix with troubled eyes.

Calix, you shouldn’t be like this… I’m not Sia, you shouldn’t be obsessed with me.

“You’re going to marry me. It’s fated to happen.”


I suddenly froze. The word “fate” from Calix’s lips hit me hard.

My head pounded as if it had been hit by a hammer. As though ice water was poured out, my heart cooled down.

I bit my lips. Fate? You… Do you even know what that word means to me? You don’t know anything…!

“Calix, let this go.”

I said, pushing him away. With my head down, I tried to keep my face from being seen by him.

My facial expression must definitely be a mess right now. For no reason, memories of the past kept on springing up in my mind, I resent that damn thing called ‘fate.’

If it weren’t for fate, I wouldn’t have had to reject Calix. I could have dreamed of a happy future with him.

Calix, you idiot. You don’t even know how I’ve lived my life.


I kept pushing Calix away, but he wouldn’t let me go. Rather, he seized my chin and lifted it up.

Thanks to this, I had tears in my eyes when both of our gazes met. N-No. You shouldn’t see me with this kind of expression.

“Laure, why…”

Calix’s voice trembled with concern. He hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to wipe out my tears. Then he hugged me tightly.

The hand caressing my back, patting my shoulder, was so gentle, that I felt even sadder. Tears streamed down incessantly.

“Laure. Did I scare you…? I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry. Laure…”

Calix kept me in his warm embrace and continued on comforting me. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard him apologize.

In retrospect, he is always like this. Ever since we first met, he has always been a compassionate guy to me.

That’s why I fell in love with him. Even though I know I shouldn’t.

I suppressed my sobs and opened my mouth.

“Calix, please forgive me.”


“I’m truly sorry… But when the time comes, you’ll understand everything. That’s why…”

I wiped my face with my sleeves and pushed him away. Calix Rochester. A person who was always compassionate, gentle and kind. He was the most irreproachable person in my eyes. However, I’ve already decided to cut off my relationship with him, and now is not the right time to be indecisive.

Because it will be very ungrateful for the kindness I’ve received from him.

So I have to proceed to do what I’m meant to from the beginning. Either way, we have to break up some day…

“I can’t marry you.”


“I’ll say it again, Calix. Please, let’s get… annulled.”

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