The Ultimate Evolution - Chapter 388

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation
Rum and Songs activated!

A string of blood launched out from Jacquess back. In that instant, he could only feel his vision darkening.losing control of his senses as he stood rigidly where he was.

Amidst the pitch-black darkness, a fiery tongue abruptly spat out; propelling its bullet into Jacquess calf. The bullet exploded upon impact, its immense force sending the stunned Jacques crashing to the ground.

Another 4 cunning rounds came chasing in viciously, striking Jacquess braids, as his braids wobbled wildly upon impact; releasing a whiff of burnt stench. Indeed, it was the careless and severely injured Mogensha who had finally resurfaced.

As mentioned previously, a Na’vis braids were like the sensitive jewels of a males future. Naturally, those 4 bullets had delivered unimaginable agony to Jacques; a similar sensation that of ferocious consecutive kicks against the swaying jewels between a males legs. Once he recovered from being stunned, Jacques groaned as he swung round to retaliate; his eyes terribly bloodshot.

Mogenshas chest was still shedding blood from the arrow hole. How would he forget the recent lesson he paid in blood so easily? After opening fire, Mogensha quickly dove towards the side, utilizing a dead na’vi corpse with a broken neck thanks to Sheyan, as a perfect meat shield. However, the next second, he issued a mournful howl. Jacquess arrow, one filled with resentment and suffering, penetrated through the corpse of his own species; finally piercing into Mogenshas perky buttocks.

After Jacques released the arrow, he spared no delay as he forcefully endured the searing pain jolting through his braids. Exerting force through his legs, he leapt and seized the vines ahead. Like an orangutan, he prepared to flee. Instead, a merciless figure appeared from the tree hollow entrance, pursuing Jacques with matchless speed.

Mud splashed wildly, a momentum incomparably unyielding. Although Jacques possessed breakneck agility, his hopes of survival were destroyed in just 50 metres. Zergling Rush had already been activated on Sheyans body long ago. Once he drew in, he unleashed 3 ruthless punches consecutively, smacking the vision out of Jacques!

Jacques was about to continue fleeing, but how would Sheyan allow him to? A curse-mix shattered onto the floor, a confusion effect gripping him. Like a vengeful spirit not willing to disperse, Sheyans fists came crackling in. Though Sheyan could only land 1 out of 3 punches against the nimble Jacques, one punch was sufficient to send aching sorrow into Jacquess heart!

When Jacques counterattacked, his foe completely disregarded trying to block; blatantly swapping injury for injury. Hence, even before escaping the poison fog, this valiant warrior was forced into desperation.

Jacques made a last ditch attempt and stabbed his war-dagger deep into his enemys chest. Instead, all he felt was stabbing into solid wood. The enemy was shockingly ignorant of pain, as his neck was gripped by the enemy. A firm grip, one that had completely constricted him. His elongated body easily lifted up, then forcefully slammed downwards! At this moment, Jacques still attempted to retaliate, whipping against Sheyans face with his tail!

Sheyans answer was just a fist.a domineering and cumbersome fist!

Mud splashed sorrowfully, Jacquess war-dagger carved a lonely and melancholic arc in midair, finally submerging into the sordid mud. Bubbles gurgled up, and finally its glow dimmed and extinguished. Sheyans eyes flickered with maliciousness, once again raising his fist and pounding down!

One fist,

Two fists,

The brave Na’vi resolutely gritted his teeth shut, not willing to offer a single sound; even till the brink of death, not a single scream. This was the cruelty of war. In death, his clansmen would avenge him. Akin to that human skull hung above the fire dyke previously, one that was even converted into food for the Na`vis!


After affirming all ambushing Na’vi warriors had been slain, the 3 gathered by a bonfire within the Hometree hollow. Sheyan dragged the Na’vi corpses in, causing the black dude Mogensha to feel heavy in his heart; thinking his boss was a vile individual who intended to roast these Na`vis in the name of justice. Who knew after a brief inspection, Sheyan whispered seriously.

The thunderstorm is almost over, Im afraid we have to risk it and travel in darkness.

Mogensha was taken aback. just said that it was insanely dangerous!

Sheyan gently shook his head.

Take a look, do you see any differences between the corpses?

Reef carefully examined but found nothing. Instead, Mogensha was more keen on picking up signs, his eyes immediately differentiated it.

Eh, theres something fishy with this guys ornaments!

Woah, even his facial painting is different!

Look at the feather ornaments of these fellas, they are all monotonously faced downwards!

And the embroidery design of their arrows; these few guys are the same, while the others have another design. Right, I seem to have come across this somewhere before! Right! Its right on the wooden wall over there!

Sheyan nodded.

Im not as observant as you. Except, I noticed those embroidery designs on that wooden wall, which most of the aboriginals possess. Yet, those few stronger ones didnt. Instead, they host a different grainy pattern at the similar spot – It appears as if they arent together.

Reefs face became sullen.

Youre saying.reinforcements?

Yes! If we continue staying here, then reinforcements will arrive. Im afraid, our chances of leaving then would be zero.

Sheyan earnestly continued. Furthermore, the thunderstorm has ended. Earlier, the biggest worry for not leaving, was due to an ambush by the Na’vis in the dark..youve already experienced how deadly their archey can be right. Since the threat is temporarily alleviated, then we should make haste to avoid them.

Jacquess special arrow had sent Reef flying for 5-6 metres; Penetrative damage + ability damage + explosive strike + poison effects. Even after the 30% damage reduction of the Hydra armour, it deducted an astounding figure of close to 300 HP; and this wasnt factoring the persisting damages (damage over time) yet.

Such mighty clan warriors if a few arrived, no, it just required 2-3 vigilant ones to trap and suffocate them inside the tree hollow. Then, there would be nothing they could do. If that amount was doubled, then there would no longer be a party Ace.

Faced with Sheyans jesting, Reef gnashed his teeth and snorted.

What deadly, I was just a little careless.

Mogensha chuckled silently.

Too careless, letting an arrow pierce your heart.

Reef blushed, but jabbed back at Mogensha.

Thats better than being pinned to the wall!

When Mogensha heard the words pinned to the wall, his vision darkened. His breath choked within his throat, an unbearable trauma that he hadnt grown accustomed to. Fortunately, Sheyan clapped his hands, deciding to split the spoils now.

The primary reason for them being here was to accomplish the milestones of Plunderer and Headhunter for Lille and Uzel. At present, the storm had concluded. With their shared party storage, they naturally accomplished Plunderer with ease. After searching through the Na’vis, they only managed to amass a total of 6 longbows.

After a discussion, they allowed Sheyan to accomplish the milestone. As for the Headhunter title reward, it was actually 20% damage boost against Na`vis. Although it seemed a little trivial, but after considering title synthesization that even reserve-duty Growth-hunters like Uzel and Lille had placed heavy emphasis on, there should be some obscure profound worth pegged to it.

Apart from that, Jacques also dropped a peculiar shaped bugle horn, radiating with faint black glow. After a brief inspection, they realized this should be a Na’vis version of a top grade key. When they opened it, 3,000 utility points and 3 potential points surfaced. Apart from that, there was a piece of black glowing leaf, and a bundle of arrow darts. On the leaf were strange characters written with blood. Once they interacted with the two objects, information popped out.

Name: Hardstone Arrow-darts. (condition: normal)

Origin: Takji Clan – crafted by warrior Jacques.

Rarity: Dark blue.

Usage effect: Every Arrow-dart deals 10 – 17 damage.

Description: An essential object for all na’vi hunters.

Usage requirements: This object can only be used with longbow/ bow/ crossbow type weapons.

Description: Hardstone Arrow-darts are commonplace in Na’vi clans. But I swear haughty elves have definitely not seen this before, since their archery is manifold superior to a Na’vi.


Esoteric mobile firer (Incomplete) (Unique object: This ability can only be dropped in the Avatar world)

Rarity: Black

Usage effects: Increases the accuracy of firing, while moving at high pace.

Usage requirements: Agility 35 points, perceptive sense 20 points, basic long-range combat lvl 4

Description: This ability is only grasped by rare intellectual creatures; normally the genuine insights personally recorded by these intellectual creatures during training. To upgrade this ability is exceptionally difficult, one requires the complete volume.


No doubt, Esoteric Mobile Firer (Incomplete) was learned by Mogensha, where it shockingly required 10 potential points! He could only withdraw an advanced payment from the allotted share of the party. As for the intended effects, it was still unknown, but still it definitely wouldnt fall short! Not only was this Esoteric Mobile Firer of black grade, more critically, it was a unique product only produced in this world! This was exceedingly rare. It could be described as an inheritance, totally unsubstitutable!

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