The Talented Doctor - Chapter 10

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

This was actually not the actual Zhu family mansion. It was a separate villa that belonged to the family.

To be exact, this was Zhu Zhongba’s private villa. This was where all his vices took place, and all the women he snatched off the streets were brought here, too.

The cage was quickly brought to his room. The girl was brought out and tossed on the soft bed.

Needless to say, her limbs were still chained and cuffed to the wall.

“All of you get out, no one’s allowed to come in and interrupt me!”

Zhu Zhongba headed creepily towards the bed after everyone had left. “If your body wasn’t pure Yin, I’d never touch an ugly thing like you!”

The room was illuminated by a luminous pearl, and the light scattered dreamily and gently on the girl’s face.

A small face, delicate eyebrows… a refined nose and lips. Long lashes and curves that rose and fell with her breaths.

The dim lighting softened the girl’s darkened complexion and dark circles, adding a touch of delicateness to her.

She suddenly seemed like a beauty?

Zhu Zhongba swallowed as his heart palpitated. All the blood in his body rushed southward.

“Now that I look at her, she’s quite a beauty!”

He swallowed his saliva and reached his chubby hands towards the girl’s body. “Little Beauty, don’t worry, I will make sure you feel good soon… Ahh!”

Before the man’s hands could touch the girl’s clothes, he flew and landed heavily on the floor.

The fall made him lose consciousness momentarily.

Before the man’s hands could touch the girl’s clothes, he flew and landed heavily on the floor.

They clearly had no hold against her.

Zhu Zhongba shivered as he regarded her. “Ho-how did you break free from the chains?” He stammered.

He Xi took a step forward with a cold smile on his face. “I see Young Master Zhu never learns. I was able to break free from the chains once at the auction. What makes you think I can’t do it a second time? Do you think a thicker chain would hold me?”

“Yo-you… stay away!!”

Zhu Zhongba clamored backward. As if having recalled something, he scrambled to bring out the slavery bondage and began channeling spiritual power into it.

He Xi immediately wrapped her arms around her head as she made a pained expression and fell on the bed.

Zhu Zhongba was reassured and got up from the floor with a smile. “You’d better smarten up and listen to me. You’ll suffer less if you make me happy!”

So what if this woman was good? She was at his mercy as long as his hand the slavery bondage.

Besides, the more high and mighty they were, the more satisfying it was to ruin them!

Lust flashed across the man’s eyes as he sauntered forward with the slavery bondage in his hand. “Hurry up and come over and undress me. If you make me unhappy, I’ll make sure you suffer!” he said with a raised chin.

He Xi’s body was curled up and trembling.

She went quiet for a moment after she heard Zhu Zhongba’s words. She then slowly reached her hand out towards his collar.

“Good girl! As long as you listen to me, I’ll treat you well!”

“Really? You want me to be obedient?” He Xi suddenly looked up and into his eyes coldly. “Stupid fatso, keep dreaming!”

With that, she lifted her leg and sent the man flying!

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