The Situation in Her Bed - Chapter 3.6




Last time Sunghee was with Sejin, she didn’t get to touch and  feel his body. He overwhelmed her so much that she didn’t get the chance. But now, she was finally given an opportunity, and… He felt pretty good. His chest was hard yet supple. It felt pleasant under her hands.


Sejin slanted his face to push his tongue deeper into her mouth. Obediently, Sunghee kept her lips apart and accepted him. She couldn’t remember why she was so angry until a moment ago. She also couldn’t remember why she followed him here. Her mind was filled with his kiss and the anticipation of what was to come next. She didn’t even care how sore she felt the morning after last time. 


Sejin lowered his right hand to grab her breast. Sunghee flinched even as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His lips refused to let her go while his hands caressed her breasts through the blouse and the bra. She felt his hand move a little and suddenly, Sunghee realized her blouse was now unbuttoned. Sejin snuck his hand inside and massaged her bare breast with his rough fingers. Sunghee sobbed in pleasure.


“Good girl.”


Sejin mumbled incorrigible words as he pinched her nipple. Sunghee felt the wet heat fill her stomach and her womanhood squirming with excitement. Every time his tongue moved inside of her mouth, his fingers moved in the same manner. Her body reacted to every little thing he did when suddenly, he took his hands out from her blouse. Sejin then slowly pushed her. Her arms still wrapped around his neck, Sunghee took a few steps back until she felt the bed against her legs. With one more push from him, Sunghee fell back. By the time she realized what had happened, Sejin’s body was on top of her. 


“Wait, Sejin. We didn’t come here to do thi… Ngh…”


He covered her mouth with his own again and quickly pushed open her blouse. Roughly, he grabbed both of her breasts with his hands. Sunghee’s mouth was filled with the taste of Sejin while his scent took over her head. Her body, on the other hand, was now trembling with excitement. His hard body pushed on her thighs. Even through his pants and her own, Sunghee could feel his explosive heat.


When his lips left hers, she gasped for air. Her head was spinning as his hands moved lower from her breasts to her pants. His lips traveled across her cheek to her ear, and he bit her earlobe lightly. Vaguely, Sunghee worried he might get hurt because her earring had a sharp tip.


When she realized he was trying to remove her pants, Sunghee raised her lower body a little to help him. 


“You’re wet.”


After feeling her panties, Sejin whispered in her ear. Sunghee couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment. She covered her face with her hands and moaned. Why did she react so passionately to this man? She just couldn’t understand. Most women would resist if they were dragged into a hotel like this, right? So what was wrong with her? Was she just naturally slutty? 


When his thick fingers massaged her chubby clit, Sunghee moaned and thrusted her body towards him. Her legs flinched and every time his fingers moved, the inside of her body tightened. His other hand was still on her generous breast while his fingers inside of her continued to do their magic. 


“I said you’re wet. Your body clearly loves this, so how can you blame me for anything, huh? Miss Jo Sunghee, are you listening?”


Sunghee continued to hide her face with her hands. She felt overwhelmed by his voice and his hands. No, no, no… She hated this, yet she refused to let him stop either. Her butt continued to move up and down following the rhythm of his fingers when slowly, he moved a little lower to explore her dark entrance. 




When she felt his finger plunging into her, Sunghee screamed. His hand that was massaging her breast moved lower as well to grab her butt. Holding her in place firmly, Sejin used his body to spread her legs open and thrusted the second finger into her body. 


“It already feels too tight with two. Do you think I can put in the third one?”


Sunghee shook her head emphatically. Her lower stomach felt so tight and the rest of her body was on fire. Her blouse and bra still weren’t completely off her body, so every time she moved, the friction of the fabrics excited her further. Her panties, also still clinging to her thighs, felt cumbersome yet arousing. Sejin continued to insert two of his fingers in and out leisurely. 


“No, stop… Please, Sejin…”

“But you said all I’m good for is sex, right? And whenever we’re in bed, you become so docile like this. Don’t you agree?”

“Sejin, Please… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to say those things… Kya!”


Suddenly, he removed his hand and flipped her completely. Losing her balance, Sunghee found herself on her stomach. Sejin quickly climbed on top of her and raised her butt so that she was kneeling on the bed.


“Open your legs wider.”

“Pardon? B…but…”

“Hurry up.”




When Sejin slapped her butt soundly, Sunghee’s eyes widened. What the heck? Did he just slap her?




She tried to turn to face him, but Sejin’s hands roughly forced her down and spread her knees wider. Resting the side of her face on the bed, Sunghee ended up in a position where her butt was pointing towards the ceiling. 1


“Sejin, what is this…”

“This is exactly the position I wanted to try. Have you done this before? Of course not.”



She screamed his name, but ignoring her, Sejin pulled down her panties to her knees. 




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