The Situation in Her Bed - Chapter 3.1



Sunghee slapped Sejin’s back with her fist, but he refused to slow down. There was no time for her to get used to the overwhelming sensation as he thrusted into her over and over again. The pressure within her continued to build to an unbelievable level, but because he was holding down her legs with his hands, there was nothing Sunghee could do. She just hung on to him for her dear life and gave herself to him.


“Please just slow down a little. Ack! I can’t take it… Stop! No! Not yet!”


 She felt the stars bursting in front of her eyes. Sunghee arched her back and climaxed once more. Sejin slowed down a little when he felt her clench, but when she began to relax, he upped his tempo. Before she had time to fully relax, Sunghee was forced to tighten her hold around him again and sob.


“You jerk… Bastard… I can’t do this anymore… Stop it! Ahh… Ahh…”


Her body repeatedly went through a cycle of clenching and relaxing. Her whole body ached. Every time his chest rubbed on her breasts, they stung, but instead of slowing down, Sejin raised her lower body closer to him. The constant friction made her inner thighs burn and the intense boiling sensation began again inside her belly.


“Haa… Ahh… Ngh… Stop…”


She felt the world crumble down around her twice more before Sejin gave himself up too. Tired but satisfied, Sunghee accepted all of him till the very end. It was clear he possessed her completely several times, but when Sejin slumped on top of her, Sunghee felt a strange contentment of dominance over him. He was breathing so hard like he ran a marathon.


Her legs, still raised, felt numb at this point. Oh my… Even if she was drunk that night, how could she have forgotten her time with this man? It was an impossible mystery to both of them.




“Wake up.”



When she heard the baritone voice, Sunghee tossed and turned a little without waking up. But when she felt a puff of warm breath in her ear, she jolted. 


“I… I told you not to do that…!”


She blinked in confusion. The sun was up and her whole room was filled with it. Staring at the window blankly, Sunghee wondered what time it was and how she got here. What happened…? She got home early yesterday and…


Ryu Sejin!


She turned towards him hurriedly. Sejin was resting on one of his hands on the side and smiling down at her. His hair was messy as usual and the blanket only covered up to his waist, revealing his nude upper body. 


Smooth chest, dark brown nipples, and solid arms… Sunghee blinked and gazed at his body like an idiot. She really hated to admit it, but… He actually looked pretty good.


She couldn’t understand why. At work, Sejin looked so boring and unattractive, so how come he looked great in bed? He certainly wasn’t the best looking guy she has ever seen, and at work, he was a mediocre employee, so how could he be SOOOO good in bed? She hadn’t had much experience, but based on what she had heard from other women, it was rare to find a man with this much skill. Or could it be that it felt like he was amazing to her just because she was too sensitive?


But then… If this was her first time having sex, this might have made sense. But when she slept with her ex before, this definitely was not how things went. 


“I can see your brain steaming from trying too hard to figure out all of this.”


Sejin fondled her breast slowly as he mumbled. Her nipples still stung, so Sunghee slapped his hand away and covered her breasts with both of her hands.


“What do you think you’re doing? It’s over now.”

“Over? You should have a look at all those condoms we used before saying that.”


Sunghee blushed again. After the first intercourse, which ended with her becoming almost unconscious, she was woken up by Sejin again. She was half asleep as he washed her body with a warm wet towel. Shockingly, this act excited her once more, and she began to rub her body against him like a cat in heat. So… after the second time, Sejin woke her up AGAIN in the middle of the night for their third and last round. Three times… The most embarrassing thing was the fact that Sunghee definitely orgasmed more than three times. She couldn’t even remember exactly how many.


“Well, I…”


Pulling the blanket closer, she tried to think of something smart to say, but nothing came up. It didn’t matter, however, because the important thing was that it was over, right? The deal was that it was going to be just for one night.


“Umm, well… Anyway, it’s over, right?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Of course!”


Sunghee answered hurriedly and looked at him. He was now lying on his back and using his hands as a pillow. Strangely, Sejin seemed to become more and more handsome every time she saw him. 


It was clear she had gone mad. 


Shaking her head, she turned towards her nightstand to check the time. 


“Umm, I think it’s time to get going. We need to get to work.”

“Who should shower first? Or do you want to do it together?”


Sunghee turned around to glare at him.


“You can go ahead first and I’ll go after. Got it?”


Sejin shrugged and got off the bed. When his fully naked body was revealed, Sunghee’s eyes widened. 




My goodness…




She had watched a few porns in her college days, and it seemed that Sejin looked much better than those porn stars. 


Much better.


Sunghee didn’t like hairy men, which made Sejin her perfect type. His smooth body was golden brown and his butt looked rock solid. Afraid he might turn around to find her ogling him, Sunghee quickly turned away.



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