The Situation in Her Bed - Chapter 2.3



When Sejin’s finger skimmed between her butt cheeks, Sunghee shivered.


“Oh, not there…”


But when he bit her delicate flesh through her panties, she couldn’t finish her sentence. With her eyes closed tightly, all Sunghee could manage was make sure not to fall off the chair. Her legs felt so weak that one wrong move, she knew she would be flat on the floor.


Sejin’s fingers caressed her buttocks underneath her panties until he slowly pulled down the thin fabric just a little. The cold air hit her hot flesh, making her jolt. After biting her sensitive flesh a few more times, he looked up at her. Sunghee was feeling dreamy as she leaned against him. A satisfied smile crossed Sejin’s face. He stood up and carried her easily to her bed.


As soon as she was placed on the mattress, Sunghee opened her eyes to look at him. She could feel that her nether region was completely wet, but she couldn’t tell if it was from her desire or from his mouth. The lower half of her body felt tight and it was as if she was burning from the inside. She looked up at him dreamily, and Sejin raised her legs up. Sunghee felt her soft see-through stockings come off her legs slowly.


“If you had an orgasm already, you have a problem. If you are that sensitive, you might not feel as good later.”


Sunghee felt herself blush. She covered her eyes with both of her hands, not wanting to see him. Perhaps if the light was turned off like she wanted, she wouldn’t have felt as embarrassed. Maybe it would’ve been much better if she couldn’t see…


But with her eyes covered, Sunghee realized her sense of hearing suddenly improved. She could hear the rustle of her stockings being rolled off and even the flick of the buttons being undone. It seemed that Sejin was getting undressed as well.


The bed sank a little, which must’ve meant he climbed on top of it too. Sunghee felt his body surrounding her. When his soft hands pulled hers away from her face, she inhaled deeply and opened her eyes. His hair was still messy, but now, it looked like it was from… making love.


Sejin looked… sexy.


What the hell! Sexy? This man in front of her? Has she lost her mind? How could Sejin look sexy to her? Was it just because he got her to climax a moment ago? What a shallow woman she was.


Sejin’s voice rumbled softly,


“You think too much. Well, most women do I suppose. But I hope you won’t think too much on the bed.”

“I wasn’t thinking about anything.”


Sunghee answered hurriedly, but it seemed that he didn’t believe her. Perhaps it was because her voice cracked when she answered him. She blinked a few times and tried to look calm, but when his body covered hers completely, Sunghee couldn’t breathe. She didn’t understand why, but this man… felt so big. His shoulders were rather broad and…


Without thinking, she carefully raised her hands to touch his shoulders. When he raised his eyebrow, Sunghee blushed.


“I…I didn’t mean to…”


She tried to remove her hands, but Sejin lowered his face to bite her ear and whispered,


“It’s okay. I didn’t mean for you to stop.”


He nibbled on her earlobe and continued to whisper encouragingly. Feeling better, Sunghee continued to caress his shoulders and moved lower to touch his arms. Her ex was a slim man, and she remembered his arms being very thin and smooth. But Sejin’s arms were… They were still smooth but they also felt very firm. It wasn’t that he had fat arms, but they also weren’t slim either. His arms were not too muscular, but they were very hard. When she poked it with her finger, Sejin blew a puff of air into her ear.


Shocked and confused, Sunghee almost jumped off the bed.


“What the! D…don’t do that! I’m really ticklish!”


When she wiggled and tried to escape, Sejin used his body to weigh her down and chuckled.


“I know. You reacted the same way last time too. But you said it was funny.”

“It’s not funny now!”


Just what did she do with this man that night?! For a moment, she wished she could remember everything, but Sunghee decided that ignorance was bliss in the end. Sejin continued to blow on her ear gently, making her scream from the ticklish sensation.


“Don’t! Stop! Please!”


Suddenly, Sunghee burst into laughter.  Oh my… Was sex supposed to be like this? When she slept with her ex, the whole deal felt so serious that she felt like she wasn’t allowed to smile or laugh. Her ex-boyfriend putting on a condom was one of the funniest things she has ever witnessed, yet she felt pressured not to even smile. She had to  try so hard not to laugh at the time… But it seemed that Sejin enjoyed making her laugh.


“You’re such a perv! Do you enjoy making me suffer?”


When he looked up at her, Sunghee glared at him. But the smile refused to leave her lips, making her glare comical. Unfortunately, she knew she didn’t look threatening at all. Sejin smiled as well and replied,


“Oh, of course I like doing this. I love bullying women.”

“You’re a real pervert, aren’t you?”

“Yup. And since you found out my secret, I might as well do all the perverted things I’ve been wanting to do.”


Sunghee’s eyes widened as she  looked down at him. To her shock, Sejin reached for her camisole and ripped it into two pieces. At the sound of the nylon fabric tearing, Sunghee gaped.




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