The Situation in Her Bed - Chapter 2.2



No way! Never!


This man, who wasn’t much to look at, seemed to think very highly of himself. Sunghee tried her best to relax her hands. She really didn’t want Sejin to realize how nervous she was.


Please, let this be over quickly! Please!


“Stay still. Don’t hold back. And don’t try to run away either.”


Sejin took his glasses off and placed them on her vanity. Leaning towards her, he came closer to her again. Sunghee tried to take a step back, but his hand quickly held the back of her head. Sunghee closed her eyes tight. Slowly, his lips covered hers.


Gosh, it has been two years since she had felt another man’s warmth…


Sejin didn’t move at all. All he did was to place his lips on hers as he stood still. His soft skin, pleasant warmth, and quiet breaths… Contrary to the horrible way he dressed himself, Sejin didn’t have the unpleasant odor many men had. This was very unexpected. His lips were soft and his hand that held her head wasn’t rough either.


Unable to breathe, Sunghee opened her lips to gasp. Taking this as his chance, Sejin slipped his tongue into her mouth. She gasped audibly, but Sejin drank in her moan without hesitation. Immediately, Sunghee could taste the bitter coffee and sweet cream he had earlier at the cafe.


His tongue expertly explored her mouth. Oh, yes… This was… nice. She closed her eyes and raised her chin a little. She couldn’t help but open her lips a little wider. Sejin’s mouth wasn’t too wet nor too dry. It was… perfectly moist and smooth. To her surprise, he knew exactly how to excite her. Sunghee’s body felt weak against him. One of her hands he was holding felt helpless and her knees began to shake as well.




His baritone moan filled the silent room. His voice seemed even lower than usual. Sunghee sighed as her tongue began to move against his on its own. When he lightly bit her lower lip, she flinched even as her body leaned towards him.


This man was… good.


His tongue licked the inside of her lips before leaving her mouth. His lips then began to move down her chin while leaving small kisses on the way. When his hand that was supporting the back of her neck disappeared, her head fell back. Sejin trailed down her chin, neck, shoulder, and lower. His large hand grabbed her waist to pull her lower body closer to him.




Sunghee moaned sharply when he bit and sucked on her sensitive neck. He pulled away briefly before licking the spot he bit.


“You taste so sweet.”


Sunghee began to sob as she arched back. Sejin supported her butt firmly and slowly rubbed his lower body against hers. His oh-so-obvious erection caressed her sensitive area, drawing her passion out to the world.


While her hands mussed his already-messy hair, Sejin quickly sat her down on the vanity chair. He knelt in front of her and began to unbutton her blouse, revealing her thin camisole. When he saw her lacy bra appear, Sejin smiled faintly. Her hazy eyes looked down at him, finally realizing he was kneeling between her legs.


“Your breasts were amazing. I still can’t forget them. So sensitive and so soft… They were delicious too.”


Feeling her face redden, Sunghee covered her abundant bosoms, but Sejin quickly grabbed her hands and pulled them away.


“Don’t hide them. If tonight is the only night I can see them, I need to do this perfectly.”


Ahh… that’s right. This was supposed to be a one night stand. After tonight, they were never going to be together again. This was for the best for both of them. Well, maybe not necessarily for him, but Sunghee needed this to end. She couldn’t lose her job or her reputation because of this. With the poor economy, it was so hard to find good jobs nowadays…


“Oh, wait!”


When he unhooked and unzipped her pants, Sunghee tried to push him away. Sejin looked up at her as she pointed at the door with a shiver.


“T…turn off the light first…”

“The light? But you said this will be my last time with you. It’s only fair I get to see your body.”


“Let it go.”


He pulled her pants down and leaned towards her thighs. When his teeth touched her fragile skin, Sunghee flinched and tried to move away. But behind her was the vanity and underneath her were her purse and jacket bunched up together. She was trapped. Sejin licked her thigh slowly before looking up.


“Stand up.”


Without knowing why, Sunghee obeyed him. His hand moved behind her and pulled down her pants further. She lifted her foot one by one to help him take her pants off completely. She came this far, so there was no going back, but Sunghee still couldn’t stop her body from shaking.

Still sitting on the floor, he looked up at her. His eyes narrowed as he ordered,


“Take your blouse off too.”


Without a word, she obeyed. Slowly, she pulled her blouse down her shoulders. The soft fabric fell silently to the floor, leaving her only with a thin camisole, a bra, panties, and knee-high stockings.


Sunghee could feel his hot breaths on her thighs. She hesitated as she tried to sit on the bed, but his hands held her buttocks firmly. Before she could do anything, he buried his face between her thighs, making Sunghee scream.


“W…wait! I haven’t even showered yet…”


When his tongue stabbed her sensitive bud through her panties, Sunghee moaned breathlessly. His large hands grabbed her chubby buttocks hard and afraid she might fall, Sunghee held onto his shoulders tightly. Looking ahead, all she could see was the brightly-burning bulb in the ceiling. His slow yet precise movements between her legs made her panties wet, allowing her to feel his tongue even more. The thin fabric, the heat, and the dampness…


And then… she felt his finger sneaking underneath her panties.


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