The Situation in Her Bed - Chapter 2.1



Sunghee stared at Sejin as if he grew a horn on his forehead. What the hell was he talking about? Do it once more? And if she still didn’t like him afterward, he will forget about the whole thing?


How ridiculous!


“So you think… I will like you after we do it one more time? Am I hearing this right?”


Sejin nodded. He looked like someone who had never smiled in his life. He looked so serious.


“Do you realize that you’re not making any sense at all? I was totally drunk that night, so it makes sense that I don’t remember anything. This has nothing to do with your ‘performance’ as a man. I’m not trying to hurt your ego or anything.”

“I’m not trying to brag, but I can assure you that there has never been a time when a woman slept with me and forgot about it.”


Sejin crossed his arms and raised his chin as he looked down at her. Sunghee rolled her eyes at his arrogant expression, but to hide her annoyance, she shook her head.


“No, I can’t do it. Name something else.”

“But you said you would do anything.”

“Except for that. Name something else.”

“Then let’s just forget about it. I would rather tell everyone at the office what happened. I’ll tell them you like to force men to sleep with you when you get drunk.”


Sunghee blushed, but Sejin continued mercilessly,


“You told me you were annoyed that your boyfriend dumped you and married another woman. So your plan is to find the best husband material possible and get married, so you can show off to your friend. You said that is the only way to regain your pride. I’m sure Manager Min would love to hear about this. Don’t you agree?”


“Fine, fine! Let’s do this. I already slept with you once, so why not twice? Let’s just do it! Gosh, you’re so annoying. Let’s just get it over with!” 1


Sunghee gave him an ugly smile, but Sejin continued to maintain his poker face. His eyes did narrow a little; Sunghee suspected he was laughing at her. Getting even angrier, she smirked.


“I can now understand why you don’t have a girlfriend, Mr. Sejin. I guess no woman will have you unless you threaten her, huh?”

“Well, I sometimes get lucky with drunk women.”


He didn’t seem ashamed at all. Sunghee sniggered and stood up.


“Let’s go and do it right now. We can do it at the same place as last time.”

“No, I didn’t like that place.”


Sejin remained seated and looked up at her. Sunghee frowned and asked,


“Then where?”

“I heard you live alone, Sunghee. Let’s go to your place.”

“My house?”


She screamed.


“No way! Why would I have my one night stand at my own apartment?!”

“But this is your first one night stand, right? So when did you come up with a rule like that? I thought you only ever had sex twice before.”

“How did you know that?!”


Sunghee was now practically screaming. The cashier at the counter was giving her a warning look, but Sunghee didn’t care. She could feel her face reddening.


“You told me, Sunghee.”


Sejin stood up as he replied. Sunghee closed her eyes and prayed for patience.


‘Please God… Please make sure I don’t do something stupid like this ever again… I beg you! I will never get drunk like that again!’


With a determined look, Sunghee opened her eyes and announced,


“Fine. Let’s go to my place. But as soon as we’re done, you need to leave. Got it?”

“We’ll see. If you still feel the same way and want me to leave after we’re done, I will.”


Of course, she’ll want him gone! She never wanted to be involved with him in the first place! Gosh, how was she going to endure his presence for the next few hours? 2


Feeling like this whole situation was surreal, Sunghee staggered outside.




Sunghee’s place was a small apartment. Until last year, she lived with her younger brother, but early this year, he began his military service. 3  Ever since he left, she has been living alone. Her parents sometimes visited, but they were busy with their own lives. It was rare for them to come to see her anymore. The only time she saw them nowadays was during the holidays.


Unlocking her front door, Sunghee made an effort to calm down her pounding heart. Why was her heart beating so fast for a man like him? No, it couldn’t be because she was excited. It had to because she was anxious and worried. She has never done something like this before, so she must be panicking, right?


“Nice place.”


Sejin followed her inside and looked around the living room. Sunghee didn’t say a word and instead, walked straight into her room. Within a few minutes, Sejin followed inside. After putting her jacket and purse down on the vanity chair, Sunghee put both of her hands on her waist. She tried to keep her voice relaxed and uncaring.


“How should we do this? I should take my clothes off now, right? You already know this, but I’ll just say it again anyway. I don’t have much experience, so I don’t know the correct order. I was drunk last time, so that one doesn’t count.”


Thankfully, her voice sounded confident, but her fingers felt numb. Trying not to make eye contact, Sunghee stared at her blouse buttons. Her hands shook as she tried to unbutton her top. Looking down, she struggled to take her top off when suddenly, she saw two large feet approaching her. His giant hands gently pulled her trembling hands away from the buttons. Sunghee’s body began to shake as she stared at Sejin’s crumpled dress shirt.


“Don’t be so scared. You weren’t nervous at all last time.”

“B…because I was drunk. I obviously didn’t know what I was doing!”


She screamed at him, but she continued to keep her gaze away from his face. Sunghee could feel the pleasant warmth of his hands. A peek of the undershirt underneath his dress shirt caught her eyes. Trying to breathe normally, Sunghee focused on his chest. Suddenly, she noticed a slightly darker spot on his shirt, and when she realized she had been staring at his nipple, Sunghee jumped and lowered her gaze even more. His pants, the zipper, and… No! She needed to find a safer place to stare!


“Don’t be so nervous. You’ll remember that night soon enough.”


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