The Real Daughter With A Buddha-like Mindset - Chapter 37

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

The old man’s condition began to stabilize and his twitching stopped.

Right then, the young girl took out a pack of tissues from her school bag. No one could forget what happened next.

The onlookers watched on as an unbelievably beautiful and clean young girl used her white fingertips that had yet to be stained by the dust of the world to wipe the vomit off the old man’s lips…

This was such a dramatic scene that a lot of people could not bear it and closed their eyes. But there were some who were so riveted by the scene that they could not tear their eyes from the people on the ground.

The young girl’s expression was as calm and composed as ever as if she was going about some ordinary activity.

It was because she was acting so calm that a lot of people felt this was rather unusual.

Even someone like the old man’s biological granddaughter would hesitate to do this. This young girl helping the old man was too kind and generous…

As Gao Chang pushed through the crowd and rushed forward, he was met with this scene.

It was a scene he would remember for the rest of his life.

The old man’s eyes slowly opened and he said in a weak voice, “Thank… Thank you..”

Ming Jing saw the tip of the old man’s cell phone peeking out of his pocket. She took it into her hands and said, “I’ll notify your family about what’s going on.”

The old man’s cell phone did not require a passcode. It was easy to open. The most recent contact on the phone’s call history was a person named Shen Zhou.

When the other party learned that the old man had lost consciousness on the subway, his face turned pale from fright and he immediately asked for the old man’s location.

“We are on the second line on the subway. The next stop will be People’s Park. Someone has already called 120. The patient has acute cerebral hemorrhage and is in critical condition.”

“Wait just a moment.”

Ming Jing could hear the person on the other line ordering someone, “Notify the nearest hospital in People’s Park that my father will be arriving. You must make sure that my father gets there safely.”

This person’s voice was filled with energy and power. Only a high-standing person would have such an imposing manner to them.

“Lady, thank you for your kindness. The doctor will be there soon. Before the doctor gets there, please protect my father’s life well. I, Shen Zhou, will definitely pay you back for saving his life in the future.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.”

Soon after, the train arrived at People’s Park. The crowd of onlookers began to leave the train. The conductor also arrived at the scene and had the police evacuate the crowd from the subway station.

Ming Jing said to a police officer, “Sir, please help me carry out the old man first.”

The police officer was reluctant to lend a hand. After all, the old man’s head was drenched in blood. Was it really okay to move him around so casually?

However, this was rush hour. They couldn’t just put a stop to operations just because of the old man’s condition.

Soon the police’s officer got a message through his walkie-talkie. He immediately notified Ming Jing, “We’ve just received notice that the subway will be temporarily suspended until the medical staff can come to the scene.”

Ming Jing cocked her eyebrows. It appeared that the old man’s family was quite affluent.

The subway operations were momentarily halted, and the crowd began to stir restlessly. Many people took out their phones and filmed videos and took pictures. The suspension of the subway during peak hours was no small matter, and soon, it caused a small sensation over the Internet.

A lot of people were talking about the girl who had saved the old man’s life. However, in the video, the heroine kept her head bowed down with her long hair flowing over her features and the quality of the video was too poor to get a good look at her. However, her delicate frame and tall figure were enough to stay in people’s minds for a long time.

After less than five minutes, with the police keeping the crowd at bay, the emergency doctor pushed the stretcher into the subway station and quickly confirmed the condition of the old man. “The patient has suffered an acute cerebral hemorrhage. His heart rate and blood pressure are stable…”

Then, he gave Ming Jing a quick look. “Did you move him so that he would be lying on his side?”

Ming Jing nodded her head.

The emergency doctor said, “The patient had acute cerebral hemorrhage accompanied by vomiting. Cleaning up the vomit as soon as possible was a good move, or else the patient would have gone into asphyxiation shock. By doing this, you managed to save a life. Well done.”

The doctor and nurse joined forces to carry the old man out on the stretcher and quickly pushed him off the subway. Ming Jing followed them out and Gao Chang was not far behind.

A man in a suit made his way out of the crowd and headed in their direction. He asked a security guard, “Where’s the lady who saved the old man’s life?”

The guard pointed to a spot behind him. “She’s standing over there…”

When he turned his head, a crowd was surging behind him. The girl was long gone.

Gao Chang was about to run after Ming Jing, but when he saw the man heading over, he was stunned for a moment. “It’s actually him?”

When Shen Zhou hurried to make his way into the hospital, even the hospital director was shocked to see him. He had the best medical staff in the hospital treat the old man to ensure that Old Master Shen got the best possible care.

Pretty soon, the lights in the operating theater were extinguished, and the doctor made his way out of the room. He was an extremely famous brain surgeon. With him in charge of the surgery, the patient would naturally be out of danger.

“Mr. Shen, don’t worry about it. Your father’s operation went without a hitch. He has already been moved to the ICU. There shouldn’t be any problems after 24 hours of observation. After that, he will be transferred to a normal ward.”

“Thank you, Doctor Wu.” Shen Zhou let out a huge sigh of relief. Worry and stress had taken a toll on his body, and he nearly fell over. Doctor Wu hurried to come over and support him.

“Mr. Shen, your father was actually treated on time. Acute cerebral hemorrhage is very dangerous if it does not get urgently addressed. Your father was in critical condition at the time. It was only through some stranger’s quick thinking that they were able to save your father’s life and send him to the hospital in time. Otherwise, the consequences would have been grave. Nonetheless, saving lives and treating injuries is a doctor’s duty. I’m not the one who you should be thanking.” Having said that, he turned on his heels and left.

At this time, Shen Ke made his way over in a rush. “Sir, when I tried looking for her, the girl had already left the station.”

Shen Zhou’s deep voice reverberated loudly in the room as he said in a deep voice, “She’s my father’s savior, so she is my savior as well. Do everything you can to find her.”

At that moment, Shen Ke took out his phone and showed Shen Zhou the video that had gone viral on the Internet.

The video had captured the entirety of the event from the moment the old man fainted to the crowd surrounding the old man, doing nothing, and to the very instant a girl pushed her way out of the crowd to help the old man.

She was very skinny, but her back seemed to be lit up from behind by a halo.

To the side, someone was advising the girl to not stir up any trouble, but the young girl ignored them and continued to apply her medical training on the old man.

She calmly checked the old man’s condition and treated him. She was not even afraid to clean up the old man’s vomit still lingering around his mouth… An exaggerated scream could be heard from someone from the crowd, clearly horrified by her act of kindness.

From the start to finish, the girl showed no signs of hesitation at all. She was very calm and composed when going about treating the old man and seemed to know what she was doing.

Seeing this, a hint of surprise shot through Shen Zhou’s eyes.

He could clearly recall the voice on the phone. It was the moving and graceful voice of an oriole coming from out of the valley. It was also the cold and calm voice that was as peaceful as a mountain. Listening to the voice, one could tell that the person was not only brave and kind but was also a female. Such a talented person must be found at once.

Ming Jing made her way out of the subway station and headed to the opposite side to wait at the bus stop.

“Ming Jing, wait up for me.” Gao Chang was panting and out of breath when he finally caught up with Ming Jing.

Ming Jing briefly looked at him before quickly moving out of the way.

“In the face of all that, you were so brave just now. Aren’t you afraid of being scammed?”

“Saving a life has more rewards than building a seven-storied pagoda.” Though the girl’s eyes were indifferent, her expression was full of unspeakable compassion. In the chaotic and turbulent world, she stood apart from the world, isolated and independent.

Gao Chang stared at her with a blank expression on his face. He could not turn his gaze away. He had forgotten what he wanted to say just now. The only thing he knew at this moment was that, in his eyes, she was the most beautiful thing in this world..

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