The Real Daughter With A Buddha-like Mindset - Chapter 34

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

This was only the second time Zhou Ying saw Ming Jing after more than a month had passed by. It was looking more and more like Ming Jing was making herself scarce in front of Zhou Ying.

On the first day she returned, she had a bald head. Even though her face was pretty, there was nothing really interesting about her at all.

Today, she was dressed in a shoulder-length wig and a white cotton dress. Her entire person seemed to be emitting a beautiful glow. She was so gentle and radiant that just the sight of her could make anyone breathless.

She just stood on her spot and turned to give Zhou Ying an indifferent look. Too stunned to say a word, Zhou Ying’s legs started to turn to jelly.

“Cousin… Cousin, you have become even more beautiful,” Zhou Ying stuttered out her sentence and studied her face with envy filling her eyes.

She was much more beautiful than Cousin Xiangxiang. Everyone had the same features from the eyes, nose, and mouth, but why did Ming Jing, in fact, have such a beautiful face?

Upon closer inspection, it appeared that she did not put any makeup on. She showed her bare face and her skin was so smooth and flawless that Zhou Ying could not help but watch her with jealousy in her eyes.

Seeing that she was still staring at her, Ming Jing walked around Zhou Ying and went up the stairs. Zhou Ying immediately followed behind her and said after her, “Cousin, there’s something important I need to tell you.”

Ming Jing gave her a glance. Her eyes were two dark and deep pools, like an abyss yawning before you, giving people the inexplicable feeling of fear for no reason.

Zhou Ying seemed to shrink back. Finally, she mustered up the courage to say, “Uncle… Uncle is having an affair. Aunt just found out about it. She is feeling very sad. You should talk to her about it. Also, the family must keep strong. You must not give the mistress an opening. Even if a divorce does happen, you must do everything you can to protect your property well.”

The little girl’s eyes were filled with worry and concern for her aunt and cousins.

Ming Jing looked over at her, and at this time, her eyes appeared much gentler.

It was a mystery why this girl wasn’t spoiled by her mother.

“Thank you for your concern.” Then Ming Jing walked past her and proceeded to go up the stairs.

Zhou Ying stared at Ming Jing’s receding back, wanting to talk to her some more about it, but for some reason or another, she felt a little afraid of her.

Before Zhu Xiangxiang found out the truth about her background, she felt incredibly blessed as the happiest princess in the world. Her parents were not only loving, but her family was also rich. As long as she was able to maintain her status as the number one socialite… zero problems would come her way.

In less than three months, this all changed.

Things resumed like normal even though she was a fake princess. After all, her adoptive parents were human as well. Nothing about her status changed as long as she continued to be filial towards them. But now she could not help but notice that the love between her parents was also fake as well.

Her father, whom her admiration for was like that of a mountain, actually cheated on her mother.

Zhu Xiangxiang was both angry and sad. As a female, she completely felt for her mother.

“Mom, tell me who that Mistress is.” Zhu Xiangxiang tried calming herself down. The only thing she should focus on right now was getting rid of this threat.

She knew that the only reason she could stay in this family was because of Lin Qing. If Lin Qing was kicked out, there was no hope that a stepmother would treat her fake daughter well. Only in her dreams will this happen.

Lin Qing did not want to show any signs of weakness in front of her daughter. She held her tears in because tears were useless at this time.

“It’s your father’s secretary. She has been at the office for three months. I went to the company and saw her today.”

“Only three months? Then there shouldn’t be much affection between them. Mom, don’t worry about it. This might not be serious. You and my father have been through a lot together. He wouldn’t be so reckless as to bring the mistress home.”

Lin Qing gave her a bitter smile and shook her head back and forth. “Your understanding about men is very little. This is no simple woman either.”

Zhu Xiangxiang clenched her teeth tightly. “I think you should give her a sum of money and have her leave Dad on her own.”

“That person is too naive.”

Lin Qing added, “Don’t bother yourself over this matter. Don’t worry. Mom will handle everything. Don’t let this thing affect you and your studies. Mom promises that no matter what, Mom will never leave you.”

Tears started to fall down Zhu Xiangxiang’s face and she threw herself fully into Lin Qing’s arms, feeling very emotional. “Mom, I’ll always stay with you. For the rest of my life, I swear I’ll always be your obedient daughter.”

After making her way out of Lin Qing’s room, Zhu Xiangxiang thought it over and decided to knock on Ming Jing’s door next.

Ming Jing opened the door to be greeted by Zhu Xiangxiang’s red eyes. “Such a big thing happened in the family, and you couldn’t even show your face at all?”

Ming Jing turned around and showed her her back view. “The joys and sorrows of the world are unrelated. All the self-righteous pain in the world is just unnecessary excess in the end.”

Her voice was very calm like she was standing apart from humanity high above in the clouds.

A sneer appeared on Zhu Xiangxiang’s face. “You are really cold-hearted. This is your real home, your real parents. If they get a divorce, do you think you will still have a place in this home?”

“I’ll say this, there’s nothing holding me to this world. I can live just about anywhere, but you… you will be leaving the Zhu family empty-handed.”

Zhu Xiangxiang was enraged by her words. “Is this your vengeance for me stealing your identity and for Mom treating you so unkindly all this time?”

Ming Jing said simply, “Are you guys worth the trouble?”

Zhu Xiangxiang started to choke on her words and it took her a long time before she could regain her composure, but she finally said, “If you still consider yourself a member of the Zhu family, don’t just be a spectator. We are all members of this family, and much as you like to set yourself apart, you are no exception.”

Having said that, she slammed the door closed and left without saying another word.

Ming Jing started fiddling with her Buddhist beads with her fingers and said in a rather relaxed voice, “Senior Sister, what would you do if you were in the same position?”

At 7 pm, Zhu Wentao headed home from work.

Right when Zhu Wentao was arriving home, Zhu Wenjie immediately came up to him, wanting to stoke the fire. It was her wish that Zhu Wentao right away divorce Lin Qing. She hated that woman so much that Zhu Wenjie could only hope that Lin Qing would continue to not live a good life.

Zhu Wentao’s temper started to come to a boil. He yelled at Zhu Wenjie, “What is this nonsense you are talking about? Go home quickly.”

Zhu Wenjie said unhappily, “Brother, this is for your own good. Why else would I do this?”

Zhu Wentao could no longer be bothered with her. With a wave of his hand, he instructed the butler, “Have the chauffeur bring her back.”

After having said that, he went straight to Grandma Zhu’s to show that he was still a filial son.

Zhu Wenjie was so incensed that she stomped her feet heavily. “All of you, just you wait and see.”

That night, neither husband nor wife started a fight. Though they slept on the same bed, their backs were facing toward each other. There was a noticeable chill to their relationship.

More than twenty years of marriage came up short next to a moment of lust.

A tear fell from Lin Qing’s eyes as she slept.

The following day was Monday, the very day the test results were revealed.

Ming Jing got up and did her morning routine. After paying Grandma Zhu a visit, she went downstairs to eat breakfast. Zhu Xiangxiang was sitting in the car, waiting for Ming Jing. When she saw her heading out, she said to the driver in a cold voice, “We can go now.”

Ming Jing cocked her eyebrows, seeing the car leaving without her and made her way down the hill. It was still early in the morning, so she boarded the bus and then transferred to the subway.

Once she got to school, a mass of students was crowding around the results list. Ming Jing gave them an indifferent glance and instead, walked towards her classroom.

Someone who had sharp eyes saw her leaving and immediately pointed her out. “That girl is Ming Jing.”

At that instant, all eyes washed over in her direction like the rise of a tide..

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