The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex - Chapter 452

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

He Qingguo happily accepted the thick wad of cash. This was money that he had earned without much effort. His niece was truly very lucky and had married rich men on both occasions. He thought that it was a pity that he didn’t foster this niece of his. If he had done so, his family’s fortunes would have been on the rise.

He Qingguo was filled with regret at that thought.

Mo Yixuan stared at the door that was shut tightly. He raised his hand and knocked on the door several times.

There was no response and he couldn’t hear anything inside either.

He knocked a few more times and there was still no response.

He Qingguo waved his hand and said, “I guess she’s still sleeping since it’s only 4 AM in the morning. Why don’t you wait a while longer? You could also head down to the chess room to have some supper,” He Qingguo said, wanting to be on closer terms with Mo Yixuan.

Mo Yixuan took out his phone and saw that it was only 4:13 AM, so it was indeed possible that she was sleeping so deeply that she hadn’t heard him.

He chose not to head downstairs but instead, he sat outside the door and waited for the sky to turn bright and for his wife and son to wake up.

“Thanks, uncle,” Mo Yixuan thanked He Qingguo once more. They had checked the elevator’s CCTV earlier and according to the CCTV, Yan Yan had carried Yuan Yuan up at 9:31 PM last night, so they were definitely home.

Mo Yixuan was left all alone after He Qingguo left. He found himself in a very dim corridor and the lights on the ceiling were probably not even 10 watts.

He observed his surroundings and saw that the building was a little old and worn. This was likely a house that was built more than a decade ago and the white paint had peeled off the walls.

He had never stayed at such a place that was so old and didn’t really have any security measures. The security here was nominal at best.

Obviously, he had never visited this place. He only knew that this was Yan Yan’s hometown and knew that she had a house under her name as part of her inheritance.

This was the first time he had seen her place and saw how old it was.

Mo Yixuan played with his phone as he leaned against the door and even lit up an occasional cigarette, waiting for the sky to turn bright. He waited until it was 6 AM, then 7 AM. At 7 AM, he finally heard some movement inside the house and the sounds of a child’s laughter.

It was Yuan Yuan!

He suddenly rose to his feet and he could feel his heart racing.

His wife and child were inside.

He immediately stretched out his hand once more and knocked at the door. This was a sturdy wooden door that was painted bright red and due to the passage of time, it looked very old. There were many flyers and other advertisements posted on the door.

He Xiyan was making Yuan Yuan some milk while Yuan Yuan played at the living room. He looked around curiously and kept reaching to touch all these unfamiliar items in the house.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound at the door so he ran curiously toward the sound. The sound grew louder.

“Ma ma…” Yuan Yuan said loudly.

He didn’t know that it was somebody at the door. He only knew that there was a knocking sound coming from it.

He Xiyan had also heard the sound from the kitchen and she quickly rushed out to see that there was indeed somebody knocking at her door.

She walked to the door and asked, “Who’s that?”

She couldn’t figure out who would visit her so early in the morning.

Moreover, she didn’t know anyone here. She had only just returned to her hometown, so there couldn’t possibly be anyone looking for her.

Mo Yixuan suddenly stopped knocking. He opened his mouth to speak, then he stopped.

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