The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex - Chapter 435

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Li Qin happily invited all her relatives to the biggest Royal Restaurant in Ye City for dinner, and ordered the best wine in the restaurant.

They seemed to be having a grand celebration dinner.

“Yunsheng, thank you so much this time.” Li Qin patted her younger brother on the shoulder, believing that they were able to win the case so smoothly all because of her brother’s personal connections.

Li Yunsheng’s smile was a little awkward. He held a small glass of alcohol and drank it down, looking at Li Qin with some kind of helplessness.

“Elder sister, you think too much. It’s not me who help.”

Li Qin asked, “Who is that?”

Li Yunsheng simply smiled without replying. Today, he was also present when the judge announced the judgment. Seeing his niece-in-law in extreme pains he felt kind of sympathy for her as well. After all, she was just a woman without any backing or background. Filing a lawsuit against such a woman, Mo family behaved like a bully.

The final judgment, however, was due to Ye family’s intervention, which had little to do with him.

“Sister…” Li Yunsheng patted his sister on the shoulder and said, “After you finish your meal, go and see He Xiyan with Yixuan. After all, she is the biological mother of the child. If needed, you should compensate her. In addition, you should raise the child well. Don’t spoil him too much.”

Li Qin nodded with a smile. That smile of joy still hung on her face.

“I know. Rest assured. I will educate Yuanyuan well. As for He Xiyan, as long as she is willing to leave Ye Hao and return to Mo family, I will certainly not mistreat her. If she is not willing to come back, I have no other way either.”


In a hospital in Ye City, He Xiyan lay in the snow-white hospital bed. She closed her eyes tightly, the trace of wet tears still visible around her eyes.

She lay there quietly, not a trace of blood perceivable on her tightly bitten lips. Even when the nurse came to give her an injection, she didn’t know either.

Bedside the bed was a monitor, which showed her heart rate, blood pressure and other data at the moment. Everything seemed stable and normal.

Ye Hao sat beside the bed, sometimes looking at his wife in deep sleep and at times looking at the monitor. Only seeing the data displayed were normal could he feel a little more at ease.

“Yanyan, I will always be here with you.” Ye Hao murmured to himself, one hand gently falling on his wife’s seemingly calm face.

“It’s all my fault. I’m not strong enough to protect you, so you are deprived of the custody of Yuanyuan.”

Thinking of something, Ye Hao suddenly frowned, helplessly turning his head away. His amber eyes were full of coldness and gloom.

His root in Ye City was still shallow. The wealth and status he had was all from his father. Although he had some power of his own, yet it was not strong enough to exert an influential impact now. Therefore, many things did not go as he wanted.

At the door, A Mu, his bodyguard, suddenly came in.

“Mr. Ye, Mo Yixuan says he wants to come and see madam. Besides, there are other things he wants to communicate with her.”

A Mu said so, his face expressionless. As a security guard, his duty was to protect his employer.

As soon as Ye Hao heard the name of Mo Yixuan, his face turned gloomy immediately, his eyes full of disgust.

“Tell him that madam has not woken up. Besides, she would not like to see him even if she wakes up. If he has something to say, ask him to tell me.” Ye Hao’s cold words were as bitter as ice dregs.

A Mu nodded, then turned around and went out.

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