The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex - Chapter 1148

“Yanyan, do you think it’s okay?” Ye Hao asked.

He Xiyan nodded, and it was obvious that Ye Hao had spent his time and mind on that.

In fact, she could see that he loved their daughter very much.

In the evening, He Xiyan returned to her bedroom. Her wound occasionally hurt, but acceptable.

Tomorrow will be a busy day, and she needed a good rest to restore energy. Therefore, tonight, she went to bed very early, no later than nine o’clock.

Ye Hao also stayed in the castle for the night today. He slept in the master bedroom on the third floor, which used to be their marriage room. However, no one had slept in this room for a long time.

Here were many of his clothes, which were all once bought by Yanyan.

He chose a set of dark gray pajamas to put on, and at nine o’clock he lay on the big bed.

However, he couldn’t fall asleep, and it was a long night for him.

A lot of their past came to him, whether good memories or bad, all of which were quite clear. Even after so many years, some details of them getting along were still clearly imprinted in his mind. He remembered the color of her clothes and shoes when she came to the castle for the first time, the specific time when they had intimate actions for the first time, and even the day when they had conflicts for the first time

He knew that she had already been deeply engraved in his heart. It was impossible for him to fall in love with another woman during the rest life.

She said that she would not marry again, and he would not marry any other woman.


The next morning, some luxury cars came into the castle one after another, most of which were at a price over one million yuan. Only one Toyota car was of low-end, which cost simply about 200,000 yuan.

Out of the Toyota car came mother and son. The mother was called Wang Min, 32 years old, tall and slender, with a pair of beautiful apricot eyes. Her eyes were full of affection, making her look a little more like a mature woman. Her son’s name was Jiang Cheng, whose childhood name was Chengcheng. He was a smart child with delicate facial features.

Chengcheng and Xixi were not classmates, but because he often gave Xixi things, Xixi held a deep impression of him. So when he sent Xixi chocolate not long ago, Xixi invited him over to her birthday party.

“Chengcheng…” Xixi saw her little friend from afar. She had invited 16 classmates in total, including 7 boys. Chengcheng was one of them, while the other nine were girls.

Chengcheng waved to Xixi, smiling elegantly and brightly. He was holding a small box in his hand, in which there was a beautiful small bracelet. Although the bracelet was only worth more than 7,000 yuan, he had saved money for it for a long time.

In order to buy this small bracelet, he took out several years’ red packet money and the pocket money he had saved in recent years.

His family was of an average level. His father opened a very small company, which only had less than ten employees and was still running at a loss. His mother was a housewife with no job.

His dad managed to send him to noble children’s school by selling one house.

“Xixi, this is for you.” Chengcheng handed a beautiful small box to Xixi. It was a pink box. He knew Xixi liked pink best.

Xixi happily took it over and said thanks.

She had received a lot of gifts today, all given by her classmates. Since they were all in small boxes, she didn’t know what they were.

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