The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex - Chapter 1122

He Xiyan looked at her daughter’s smiling face, not knowing how to refuse for a moment. She then stroked her daughter’s head and said, “I’ll check whether I have time.”

“Well, mom must have time.” Xixi happily turned several circles, quite delighted at the thought that she could go out with her parents and had a good time.

If every time dad could take her out to play and mom could go with them together, that would be better. She would like to sleep between her parents at night.


Xixi ran into the study and took out her little cell phone. She would tell her father the good news. He must be happier than her.

He Xiyan, however, smiled bitterly and sighed helplessly, hoping that her daughter would not be sad one day.

Her two ex-husbands always found some excuse to get close to her and stay with her. Seriously, she was really bored.

Sometimes she even hoped that they could find a girl to marry as soon as possible, so that they would not pester her like this.

He Xiyan went downstairs for dinner. After checking her children’s homework at night, she went back to her bedroom.

She lived in the big bedroom on the far right of the second floor, not the one she lived with Ye Hao a few years ago. At that time, they lived in the main bedroom on the third floor. She had never seen that one since she lived in the castle again, which had been locked for a long time.

He Xiyan took a deep breath. All of a sudden, she wanted to see what else was there, or whether there was something left by her before.

He Xiyan found the key to the room, and opened the door at about 10 p.m., and then turned on the light.

Soon, she saw what the room looked like.

The inside decoration hadn’t changed. The bed was not the same one she used to sleep in, the sofa was the same one, and so was other furniture. Even the sheet on the bed was the one she used to choose.

But the big wedding photo was nowhere to be seen in the room.

Yeah, how could that thing still be there.

He Xiyan went in. She bit her lip, some scenes appearing in her mind. She shook her head quickly, trying not to recall anything she didn’t want to remember.

She went towards the wardrobe first, paused for a moment, and then pushed the door open.

What appeared before her eyes were some clothes. These clothes hung there neatly, shirts in a row, suits in a row, together with some neatly folded sweaters and so on.

He Xiyan had a long breath and blinked her eyes several times suddenly.

Although these clothes were not hers, she was very familiar with them, because they were all what she had bought for Ye Hao in person. At that time, every time she went shopping, she would buy him one or two clothes. She probably had bought him fifty or sixty pieces during their one-year marriage.

After all these years, she didn’t expect that the clothes were still there.

He Xiyan pushed open another cupboard door. However, this cupboard was empty. The clothes and bags she left were not there any longer.

That was reasonable. She was then confirmed dead by the police, so her relics were probably thrown away long ago.

He Xiyan then came to the bedside and opened the cabinet at the head of the bed.

At this time, her eyes ached badly as if some sand had flown in.

What caught her eyes was a pencil drawing.

The man in the picture sat in front of the computer, eyebrows fixed, thin lips slightly bitten, who was then focusing on the work in hand.

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