The Maid Who Became a Knight - Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Ashley’s personal mission was not told to the Commander and Vice Commander. Leasis thought it was better like this. She did not want to worry the two people.

The superior maid had told her several times to be careful and had given her a package of silk containing the sword.

The Prince’s palace, completely deserted, seemed to be haunted. Leasis looked up at the dreary palace and was lost in thought.

She had heard a lot of rumors about Crown Prince Elnos, but she could not even guess what he was like. There were so many strange rumors.

She slowly went inside the palace. As she passed the hallway, candles dancing along the night breeze caught her eyes.

Walking along the candlelight, she saw a large bedroom with the door wide open. It was as if it were calling her to come in. She stepped inside, like possessed by something.

The Prince’s bedroom was the largest room Leasis had ever seen. It was big enough to be mistaken for a playground, but the inside was particularly monotonous.

There were a large chandelier on the ceiling, some clean wooden furniture and cabinets, a black leather sofa, and a large bed. It was said to be the Crown Prince’s bedroom, but it was not even decorated like Hizen’s office.

Someone was lying on the bed in the middle of the room. As expected, it should be Prince Elnos, and she walked cautiously toward the bed.

She saw a man sleeping, with a slow and soft breathing sound. Through the faint candlelight, she saw his black hair and distinct eyes, and his eyelashes, which were longer than women’s.

Surprised, Leasis opened her red eyes wide. In a little disorganized white gown, he was a man she knew well.


Then, the man’s black eyes flashed open. He quickly pulled out the sword under his pillow and swung it at her.


Leasis reflexively raised the package in her hand to prevent the attack. She could have lost her head if she had done it wrongly.

She felt the same pressure as when she had first met Hizen. Due to the instinctive fear, Leasis trembled but did not back down.

Blurred black eyes stared at her. But at that moment, a happy voice came out.

“What? That’s you, Ashley’s toy?”

As Elnos raised his body, his white gown opened, revealing his solid muscles. Surprised by the sight, Leasis lowered her gaze to the floor.

He had not anticipated this, but he thought it was a fun development. Elnos glanced at Leasis with very interesting eyes.

His eyes were cruel, and he looked like someone who would kill right away. The thought of danger filled Leasis’ mind when she faced him. But she could not run away, so she clenched her teeth.

In the dark, the faces of the two fluttered in the light of the candles. He aimed at her with his sword like it was a joke and smiled slightly.

“What should we do now? Let’s… play a bit?”

Elnos approached Leasis in no time.


His sword wrapped in a white energy spat out a sharp cry when it bumped into her sword. Blocking the sword, Leasis stepped back under the pressure.

He was a great swordsman. He was using an intangible sword similar to Hizen and she could feel an unknown power. Leasis took a stance with a confused mind.

Elnos looked at Leasis and smiled with his eyes. There was no hesitation or mistake when she held her sword. She seemed to have learned the basics properly, even though she was a maid-turned-knight.

Furthermore, her spirit was even more remarkable, as she did not blink even once when aiming at him with her sword. High-ranking knights had been shaking a lot when facing him. This girl was so different.

No matter how much he looked at her, she seemed to be about the same age as Ashley. At most, she was about 20. But she was like this. What a waste of talent it would be to kill her right now.

Elnos laughed quietly. When he saw her handling the urgent situation in this way, he was so proud that he laughed.

‘Reports said she got rid of the skeleton soldier. Let’s test her a little more.’

As Elnos put more power into his sword, a dangerous energy crept up. Black smoke covered his whole body and sword.

It was really great. Elnos’ spirit was so fierce and destructive that his legs were trembling.

But she could not be defeated like this. Leasis completely untied the silk package.

“Come on, block it one more time!”

Elnos shouted and aimed his sword at a tremendous speed. The blade brushed Leasis’ neck and her skin turned red.

At the sudden movement, Leasis boldly twisted her body and throw her sword into her right hand.


Then, Leasis’ sword, emitting white energy, collided with Elnos’ sword. A tremendous roar rang in the palace.


Elnos licked his dry lips at the sight of their matching swords. Her blade would soon shatter.

Elnos had developped his swordsmanship through black magic. The moment an opponent’s sword hit his sword, it would unconditionally turn into powder. Although it might withstand it a bit with an intangible sword, it would not last long.

However, contrary to his expectations, Leasis’ sword did not break. Elnos faced her sword, embarrassed inwardly.

In the meantime, Leasis’ blood-colored eyes shone coolly. She put the sword back into her left hand and ran to him.


Elnos’ sword struck Leasis’ left shoulder. She clenched her teeth in pain as she felt her bones breaking into pieces.

However, Leasis did not hesitate. She quickly changed again the hand holding her sword.


She’s the real deal. Elnos was genuinely impressed by her determination to keep running with one broken shoulder.

Leasis did not lose her mind and challenged him with her whole body. It was enough to make Elnos fight for real, using his true strength.


The sword brutally struck Leasis’ right shoulder. In a pain beyond imagination, Leasis stumbled and fell on the floor.


The red-haired knight groaned and wriggled. The blood dripping from both shoulders was reddening the carpet on the floor.

“That’s pretty good. I can’t believe you attacked me while giving up your shoulder.”

But his hands were a bit wet. When he raised one hand, he could see a bloody palm. His hand was torn as if he had tried to prevent a wild beast attack.

How long has it been since I’ve last seen my own blood? Elnos licked the sweet blood with his long tongue. Then he approached Leasis, who had fallen to the floor, and slightly bent his knees.

His long finger touched the tip of her nose. A fine breath made his hand warm. She was still alive.

A deep smile was drawn on Elnos’ face. He carefully hugged Leasis.

The movement made her struggle, shaking her long eyelashes. The pain was beyond imagination because of her already twisted bones and her torn flesh.


The carpet was smeared with red blood like a puddle. Was it too much? Elnos was embarrassed for the first time. He was restless and shouted, biting his lips.


A heavy metal sound rang from somewhere. Thump. Thump. Thump. After the magnificent vibrations, a knight in an iron armor approached Elnos.

[Yes, Your Highness the Crown Prince.]

“Bring the highest quality holy water right now.”

[I will follow your order.]

The knight disappeared with a heavy sound. After sighing, Elnos laid Leasis on the bed. The way he touched her was very friendly.

The bed sheet was quickly stained with blood. Elnos kept biting his lips without realizing it. The blood loss had no sign of stopping, and she kept struggling with pain.

Elnos could not stand the sight and jumped up again. He was never someone to act in a hurry, but he could not stay still.

“Lujin! Where are you right now?”

At the urgent call, the sound of an iron armor was heard from afar. The knight rushed over and handed him a small glass bottle. It was filled with a blue liquid.

Elnos snatched the glass bottle and sprayed it on Leasis’ wounds. When the blue liquid touched her, the affected areas burned slightly and the wounds began to heal.

Leasis was covered in cold sweat, painfully oscillating between life and death. She was struggling so much that the bed sheet was crumpled in a mess.

Elnos nervously looked at her and held her hand tightly.

“You’ll be fine. Hang in there.”

The knight in iron armor, who was standing next to him, glanced at his head. Why does the Prince, who turns into a madman at night, care about that woman?

It was completely unthinkable. He was the one who had slaughtered all kinds of beautiful women sent by high-ranking nobles.

His warm tears fell on Leasis’ cheeks. Elnos felt strange when he saw them. Why am I so sad?

At that time, the knight watching asked low.

[Aren’t you going to kill her?]

“She’s still useful.”

Leasis, who was wriggling, lost her conscientiousness and fell asleep. Just in case, Elnos carefully examined her wounds.

Fortunately, all the wounds were healed. Elnos unknowingly sighed with relief and lied down next to her. Then he reached out his arm and patted her red thread-like hair carefully

He slowly felt a little more relaxed, stroking her soft hair. He thought he was a little nervous to face her this close.

He muttered, smiling unknowingly.

“Well done.”

The knight, who was watching from the side, quietly disappeared. Elnos slowly closed his eyes. Only the even breathing of Leasis came into his ears.

He had never slept deeply since his mother’s death. He never imagined that he would be able to sleep comfortably again. He suffered from insomnia and had to kill anyone who came into his palace.

But today was different for some reason. Elnos’ vision gradually darkened.

In his sleep, he could feel the woman’s friendly voice and warm touch. It was as if his mother had returned, and tears came to his eyes at the peaceful feeling he had not felt in such a long time.

At that time, Leasis, who was shivering from the cold, moved in search of warmth. She fell asleep in Elnos’ arms.

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