The Maid Who Became a Knight - Chapter 91

Chapter 91

After training, Leasis ran to her room. She scoured her bed hurriedly without even washing.

The movement woke up Iddahak, who was dozing off in the bed.

“What are you looking for? Can I help you find it?”

“It’s okay. I found it.”

Upon answering, Leasis took out an old package from the side of the bed. With a happy face, she brushed the dust off with her hands and untied the straps tying it.

She searched through the package, and three books came out. The title of one of the books was ‘Count Dratius, the Hero Who Shined the Continent – First Story’. There was also the second volume. And the last book was ‘Leasis, the Hero Who Shined the Continent – The Eternal Story’.

The second volume of the Dratius series and the story of Leasis were Neren’s last work. Written on his bed until the day he died, they had yet to be revealed to the world.

Leasis stacked the three books on the floor one by one. The luxurious leather covers and clean inner paper showed how much she cherished them.

Neren had asked her to pass them on to Hizen when the time was right. Leasis had urged him to meet Hizen in person and deliver them, but Neren had refused.

Leasis had worked tirelessly to keep the promise. She had kept the books hidden like treasures and valued them more than her own body.

And she had taken them out because it was the time that Neren had said.

Leasis’ expression was dark as she looked at the books. At that time, she felt like she was having a terrible nightmare even when awake. When she opened the door knob of the top room of the Duke’s mansion, she was expecting to see a warm smile and to hear him whisper an interesting story.

But there was only Neren slowly dying when she opened the door. His warm smile had long disappeared like dust.

Neren used to look out through the window most of the day. When Leasis returned from the maid’s room, he held up his pen and muttered meaningless words.

[It was my dream to lead the prosperity of the Empire with him…]

Blurred, dull eyes were staring outside.

[The situation is unstable right now. If the Crown Prince returns…]

She could not think of what to say. Leasis closed her mouth and lowered her eyes. She could not even comfort him.

Neren pointed to the table with his trembling hand. Leasis hurriedly handed him a pen and a piece of paper.

Neren, who found it hard to even hold the pen properly, bit his lips. There was blood on his chin, but he just continued desperately to write letters, one by one.

These two books were written like that. Leasis held the books tightly in her arms and closed her eyes.

The books had hard covers, but they were softer than silk to her. The books contained Neren’s love for the two, and Leasis’ convictions in her dreams that helped her grow.

‘Thank you. Neren-nim…’

Tears flowed on Leasis’ cheeks. She hugged the books and cried, and Iddahak hurriedly approached her.

“A-Are you crying? Why are you crying? Did Dratius make you cry again? Stay still. That arrogant guy…”

“No, it’s not that.”

Leasis calmed Iddahak, who was making a fuss. He acted like a volcano, upset at everyone except her, and she did not know when he might erupt.

It was as if he was treating Leasis like a child. She liked it rather than finding it burdensome.

Iddahak stared at one of the books she was holding in her arms. The name of Leasis was written on it in human language.

“What? You were touched after reading a book. The main character’s name is the same as yours? I want to read it too.”

His mysterious golden eyes sparkled with interest. Leasis laughed and patted his nose.

“I will give you a copy as a present as soon as it’s published.”

“Can’t you just show it to me now?”

“No, I can’t.”

Iddahak’s shoulders drooped at the firm words. Leasis raised herself up after telling him to wait a little longer. She was going to deliver the books to Hizen first.

But then, the door opened suddenly. It was the new superior maid who came in without notice.

She came in such a hurry that she had to catch her breath. She bent down and shouted, breathing heavily.

“Ha… Knight-nim. There’s bad news!”


The superior maid collected her breath and began to talk. Tonight, Princess Ashley was going to throw her to death under the pretext of sending her on a mission to bring the famous Hartran sword to the Crown Prince’s palace.

Since the Hartran sword was one of the imperial treasures, it could not be kept by someone else for a long time, so the imperial order to deliver it to someone of the Imperial Family could not be disobeyed even in the middle of the night.

No matter how much Hizen could do it, the Princess came with a better plan, thinking about the abominable idea that Leasis would accept it and die by the Prince’s hands.

Iddahak, who was listening quietly, raised his hand.

“No, wait a minute. Why would Berman be in danger? She can just throw the sword there and come back.”

“Prince Elnos is a man of great swordsmanship! You can’t go to his bedroom! You have to get out of the Imperial Palace!”

The superior maid shook her head in tears, saying it was a really dangerous situation.

Leasis was moved by her sincere appearance. She was risking her life to save her.

Leasis was lost in thought. As the superior maid said, this mission could be dangerous. Wasn’t Prince Elnos a man who always planned everything, spreading insidious rumors about himself and enjoying hunting by setting traps?

Nevertheless, she could not back down. If she ran away now, the superior maid would die a miserable death for having told her the truth, and the mission could be given to another knight.

And Prince Elnos was Blix’s cousin. It was important to find out their plans.


Leasis entered the Commander’s office and Hizen got up, scared. He clicked his tongue looking at her with her hair wet as if she had just taken a shower. What if she catches a cold?

Hizen hurriedly took off his black uniform jacket and covered her shoulders with it. She sat on the sofa, smiling brightly.

But there was something that caught Hizen’s eye. There was an old package in her hands.

He blinked his blue eyes, staring at it.

“Where did I see that…? Ah!’

Wasn’t this by Leasis’ side during their awkward first meeting? But he did not know why she brought it now.

You’re not running away, are you? Hizen’s eyes shook greatly, anxious.

Leasis unpacked it and handed two books to Hizen. This drew a smile on Hizen’s face.

“Did you prepare a gift for me?”

“Yes. It’s a gift. This is Neren-nim’s last gift for Hizen and me.”


As he looked down, he saw the signature on the cover of the book written in elegant handwriting. Neren D. Armada. It was a book written by Neren. The title also said that it was the second volume of the series where he was the main character.

Hizen had never heard about a second volume, so his eyes grew bigger. He opened the book ‘Count Dratius, the Hero Who Shined the Continent – Second Story’.

Hizen read every single sentence. He originally liked books, but his friend’s books were even more special.

The book was read when the lamp ran out of gas. Hizen carefully put the book on the table and took the next one.

His hand slightly trembled when he brushed the inner paper of the book.

“This is…”

“Neren-nim wrote it for me.”

It was indeed a book only for Leasis. Neren’s love for Leasis was warmly encrusted in each sentence.

The main character in the book was a woman that the reader had no choice but to love. Her beautiful eyes filled with beliefs, her appearance, her justicious sword, everything was overflowing with love.

How Hizen saw Leasis was the same as how Neren described her. The last chapter was about a knight wearing robes, and someone who was not a knight guarding him until the end of his life.

[Do not let any typhoon shake you.]

Hizen closed the book and smiled bitterly. To the end, Neren was piercing him.

Since they started living together at the knights’ training center, or maybe even since they first met, Neren had always seen through him.

Hizen said, looking down at the book with longing eyes.

“We’d better let others read these books as well.”

“I feel the same way.”

Before they knew it, the sunlight came across the window, announcing the new morning. The two headed to the capital with the two books.

The publishing house, with which Neren had signed a contract, was located near the center of the capital. The publishing officials were surprised to see Neren’s legacy.

Hizen and Leasis asked them to use all the profits to help orphans in the capital. They could trust them because they were thinking like Neren.

The two finished signing the contract and left the building. With a relieved heart, Leasis smile and looked up at the sky.

The clear sky without a single cloud was beautiful. As Leasis could not stop looking at it, Hizen reached out his hand and grabbed her cheek. Then he turned her slightly toward him.

“I wish you would look at me.”

I never thought I’d be jealous of the sky. Hizen removed his hand, talking to himself. Then, Leasis stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

Surprised, Hizen covered his mouth with both hands. Leasis occasionally grasped his heart and let it go with these unexpected acts.

Leasis laughed, grabbing his arm.

“Let’s go.”

Why are you so strong? You’re pretty, and you’re good at everything. I’m going to fall in love with you even more. Hizen blushed as he was dragged by her.

The two ran around the capital and played like children. They bought and ate ice cream made by wizards and visited new restaurants.

Lastly, they went to dring at a cafe with a nice view.

Today Leasis learned one more thing about Hizen. He was very fond of cakes.

The table was full of cheese cakes, chocolate cakes, whipped cream cakes, black tea cakes, and carrot cakes. Hizen eating them was looking like he had the whole world.

When Leasis opened her eyes wide, Hizen put down his fork. He felt embarrassed. He avoided her gaze and faked a cough.

“Aren’t you eating any more?”

“No. I’m full.”

Lie. Leasis immediately knew the truth. She picked up her fork and put a piece of cake in his mouth.

Hizen’s cheeks were finely colored. He pointed at the chocolate cake with his left hand.

Understanding quickly, Leasis recognized the signal, took the cake and put it in his mouth.


“Our Hizen-nim is eating so well.”

“A little.”

The two smiled at each other. While eating a sweet strawberry cake, Leasis looked through the window.

The sun was already setting. She opened her mouth, recalling her agreement with the superior maid.

“Hizen-nim. I think I should get going now.”

“There’s still a long time before the doors close.”

“I have something to do.”

“What is it?”

You don’t have a mission. What do you have to do? You’re helping the other maids again. Hizen sighed and raised himself.

“Hizen-nim, wait a minute.”


There was a little bit of whipped cream on his blond hair. Leasis slightly stood on her tiptoes to wipe the cream off.

After wiping it off, Leasis smiled brightly and put the blond hair behind his ear. He looked cooler like this even if his scar was a little exposed.

He was so nervous that he could not even touch her. Hizen, whose face was red, turned his head slightly.

But there was something that caught Leasis’ eyes. It was like a small dot under his handsome ear. It was so small that she could not see it if she did not pay attention.

Leasis took a step closer and looked at it. It was a blue riplia emblem, smaller than the fingernail of her little finger.

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