The Maid Who Became a Knight - Chapter 52


The 1st Division of Imperial Knights returned to the outdoor training ground before lunch.

A mean smile hung on their faces, who had properly trained for swordsmanship at an indoor practice field. The thought of having that nasty trainee shed tears was already making them feel good.

But they were shocked by the situation that was different from what they had expected. The grass of the training ground, which had risen here and there, was neatly arranged as if a hairdresser had trimmed it, and there were no small stones on the ground.

The sour laundry piled up at the end of the training ground was all turned smooth, and the practice swords were all trimmed and neatly arranged.

The most surprised was the Vice Commander Karma. He tried to calm his surprise and approached his practice sword, in a attempt to catch any mistake at all costs.

However, the sword did not fall down even after he touched it, and all the swords were spaced with a certain interval as she had used a ruler. It was like she had put on an adhesive magic.

In the midst of shock, Leasis was the only one remaining calm. She shrugged her shoulders as if she had only done something natural.

“Is it okay?”

As soon as Leasis asked, the harness of the sack in her hand shone blue.

Oh my God! There’s a warrior in the world who uses blue aura as a cleaning tool! Everyone opened their eyes wide at the same time.

Leasis walked towards Karma with her blue harness. Karma stepped back unknowingly, like a subordinate knight. This was an obvious reaction.

“Do you need anything more?”

Contrary to her gentle tone, her expression was as threatening as a reaper. This is crazy! Karma clenched his teeth. The knights also opened their mouths wide instead of staring at her.

Leasis looked at them with a heavy heart. It did not matter if they were bothering her, but she did not want to let it go this time. Definitely not.

[Leasis. I’ll wait for you this time. So, finish it well and come back.]

[Don’t forget that wherever you go, you are my… person.]

It was vague but unforgettable. Hizen had said he believed in her and was waiting for her, and she wanted to answer his call. For her, Hizen was the sun shining on the dark path and a compass in the desert.

But how dare them look down on our Count-nim. Leasis could not forgive them, and anger rose to her head. So she decided to screw someone for the first time. There were many possible targets.

Karma, who was not aware of her intentions, allowed Leasis to join them in training as promised. It was just in time for the one-on-one combat training.

The knights of the 1st Division paired up with each other, and Leasis’ opponent was the Vice Commander Karma. Karma gave her a real sword. However, she could not pull out the sword from its scabbard because of Hizen’s request.

“What? You don’t even know how to draw a sword?”

“I’m sorry, but… Can I use a wooden sword?”

Karma’s face distorted in an instant. No matter how much of a trainee she was, she could not even use a real sword. It was more and more spectacular. Karma was dumbfounded, wondering how such a woman managed to join the 1st Division.

He took back the sword and ordered the knights around him to bring some black leather gloves. Leasis also received a pair.

“Put it on. You’ll especially need them in a bare-handed fight.”

“Thank you.”

“Is there anyone you want to fight?”

Karma’s question was a trap. Leasis glanced at him and recalled Max’s story.

[Joan is the tallest knight. He is hot-tempered, and his fists go out before his words, so you need to be extra careful. Especially because of his excellent physical skills…]

‘The tallest knight was also among the people who were speaking ill of our Count-nim.’

She spoke in a calm voice.

“I’d like to learn from the best fighter of the 1st Division of Imperial Knights.”

“Whoa, that’s good. Hey, Joan.”

Karma called a knight named Joan far away. He was twice as big as Leasis, and his family was famous for having the strongest physical skills in the Empire.

Karma put his arm on his shoulder and spoke in a quiet voice.

“Newbie wants to learn how to fight with her bare hands.”

Joan’s expression hardened. In fact, Joan had grown up in a prestigious noble family and had tried to join the Imperial Elite Knights, but had failed. He dreamed of becoming an Elite Knight more than anyone else, but he was not recognized. The cause was that he had excellent physical skills, but lacked sword skills.

But a maid dared to do things he could not. She tried to join the Imperial Elite Knights, and rumors had spread that she was just using the 1st Division as a stepping stone to transfer there. It was quite annoying to Joan, who had been struggling for a long time.

As Joan’s breathing became rough, the knights surrounded him and encouraged him.

“Hey, Joan. Show us the real thing this time.”

“Let’s make her run away crying!”

“Yeah. Fist is the best medicine for people who don’t know their place!”

Joan nodded and smiled coolly at the knights’ incentive. In no time, even Karma joined and slapped him on the shoulder.

“Joan, don’t go easy on her. Do it right. Because of her, the image of the 1st Division is hitting the floor.”

Leasis’ eyes looking at them were bent nicely. She spoke in a low voice because she knew what they wanted.

“Why don’t we make a simple bet? If Joan wins, I’ll quit being a trainee.”

What is that? It’s not a simple bet. The knights were startled and murmured. Leasis smiled leisurely, putting on the black gloves.

“But if I win, I want you to listen to one thing that I want.”

They had no reason to refuse. Joan was from the Chesullo family, which was more famous than Count Dratius.

Karma and Joan nodded to each other.

“Okay. Let’s get started right now.”


Joan looked at her with a disguting and evil face, as she heard the cheers of the knights around them.

Leasis did not say anything else. She faced him.

“Let’s get started.”

Joan, raising a fist, flinched in a strange mood. Suddenly, the woman’s spirits had changed violently. He felt like he had a dangerous predator in front of him.

Joan’s eyes became more serious with a strange sense of incompatibility. He could not be humiliated by failing to attack in front of the other knights.

He told Leasis, vowing never to let his guard down.

“Come first.”

Leasis’ eyes shone. She caught Joan’s gap and aime for his shin with her leg.

“Did you think this kind of trick would work on me!”

Blow it! Karma, who was watching from afar, clenched his fists. Joan was a talented man who would throw that skinny girl in an instant.

On the other hand, Max, who had come to the training camp a bit late, looked around suspiciously. It was strange that the members of the 1st Division were all standing around something in the center of the training ground.

Max strode towards them. But at that moment, he saw Joan falling after being punched by Leasis.



With Max’s small exclamation, Joan fell down with a big sound.

The knights, who had raised their hands cheering for Joan at the top of their voices, opened their mouths wide. It was their first time seeing this. The way she kicked him was a unique fighting technique of Harknon, but hitting his neck with her hand was peculiar and unfamiliar.

“U-Utran’s technique…”

Someone who remembered what he saw in a book murmured. Leasis shook her hands and stared at Joan, who had fallen to the floor.

“Is it over?”

Her gentle voice was mixed with provocation. Joan blushed with more shame than pain. He shouted, shaking his body.

“How… dare you!”

Leasis corrected her movements again. Joan’s fist was large and hard, but it felt much slower and much less sharp than Blix’s. Having suffered from Blix all day, she felt like she was now competing with an easy opponent.


Joan rose up like a giant bear and rushed to Leasis. She quickly turned around to avoid his attack and hit his nape with her elbow.


Joan’s eyes widened at the ringing pain.

Leasis hold her breath, raised her leg and pressed on his shoulder. There was no mercy in her movements.




Karma, who was watching stupidly, called his name. He glared at Leasis, after seeing Joan painly struggling on the floor.

“You dare!”

Leasis slowly took a deep breath to contain her anger.

She stared at Karma and the other knights with clear eyes, unlike her cruel appearance just now.

“There will be no life-threatening consequences. Please take him to the infirmary.”


“Come on.”

At Leasis’ words, Karma trembled with an angry face. In the meantime, the other knights approached Joan.

They carried Joan on their shoulders and quickly left the training ground.

Max stood next to Karma, staring blankly at the scene. He squinted at Leasis, who was warming up in the middle of the training ground.

She had a tense face, but her movements were full of flexibility. If anyone else saw her, they would have misunderstood her as a strong member of the Imperial Elite Knights.

It was a really useless worry. Max was impressed by Hizen’s foresight and made a bitter expression.

Not yet aware of Max’s presence, Leasis spoke in a low voice.

“Please apologize.”

“What, what?”

Leasis’ red eyes were full of life. She spoke in a quiet voice.

“In the morning, those who spoke ill of Count Dratius-nim. Apologize right now. If there are people who can’t apologize…”

Leasis grinned threateningly, shaking her joints.

“Have another game with me.”

Max had a hard time holding back his laughter. The noble Vice Commander Karma and the 1st Division of Imperial Knights. He could not believe the knights look scared as if they had seen a ghost.

Well, let’s wrap this up. Max cleared his throat and spoke in a solemn voice.

“Good morning. I’m Max, the Vice Commander of the Imperial Elite Knights.”

“Oh. Max-nim!”

Leasis’ face was instantly loosened. She looked gentle and cute like a puppy who met her family.

She transformed into an innocent woman in an instant. Max, muttering to himself, smiled at her and looked at the knights again.

“As you all know, it will be the global training day in a few days. Count Dratius-nim will supervise the training himself, so please be on time.”

“Oh, I see!”

The knights who fortunately escaped the tensed situation shouted in a loud voice.

Max clapped his hands and grinned.

“Ah. If you use tricks like Numa’s poison like before, you might end up excitedly rolling on the dirt.”

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