The Maid Who Became a Knight - Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Prince Elnos, dressed in a light gown, was laying halfway down on a leather sofa. His wet dark hair clung to the sofa.

Elnos was fiddling with a black chess knight, the same color as the sofa. His opponent was an noble sitting opposite him. His name was Marquis Contiben Ku Gillotinote. Marquis Contiben was well-known for his keen sense of politics. He was also a powerful man holding the largest manor in the Harknon Empire, and recently became Elnos’ henchman.

Marquis Contiben put down a white knight on the chessboard. Elnos put the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard as if he had waited for it.

The two remained silent throughout the game. The only sounds they could hear were the pieces moving on the board.

When their game was over, Contiben said.

“Your Highness. Count Dratius is following.”

It was a fact that he already knew. Prince Elnos put the chess pieces out of the way. Then Contiben said with a wicked face.

“I’ll dig a trap.”

“Just leave him alone.”

Contiben stared at Elnos with dark gray eyes. He spoke in a low voice.

“He’s not like the others. You won’t even get a bite for it? If you’re facing a headwind, let it go. There’s no evidence anyway.”

Elnos still looked calm. But he could not fool Contiben’s eyes. Elnos lived for revenge after losing his mother, the former Empress. He had acted violently as if he had sold his soul to the devil until he could grab the sword. He had used the other princes that were threatening him and had killed them all at once. Prince Elnos must have been anxious to cut the Emperor’s throat now.

Contiben glanced at Elnos and said softly.

“Wait a little longer. It will not be long before Your Highness the Crown Prince ascends to the throne.”

Elnos raised one corner of his mouth. It was a beautiful but cruel smile.

“If I ascend to the throne, it will be a bloody throne. Can you handle it?”


It was a kind of deal. Elnos had a tremendous condition that upon his ascension to the throne, he would be granted the Harknon Empire’s great territories. Still, there was no complaint. Rather, Elnos thought it was cheap to take Contiben in. What would be a waste for such a superior noble to supplement him?

And there was one more thing. Soon, many estates would lose their owners. By his own hands. Elnos moved the chess piece in his hand like a toy. He could chew and swallow deliciously the lands that lost their rulers.

When he thought about it, his whole body was boiling and pounding. Elnos asked in an excited voice like a child.

“How are the preys’ movements these days?”

“They’re moving as planned. The jewels they’ve already hidden have been kept through a thief.”

As expected, the situation went smoothly. The nobles who lost their fortune may feel a little unfair. However, Elnos took this sacrifice for granted in order to achieve his cause.

“Yeah, do it. Don’t get caught.”


“Oh, and. Make them feel a little off guard. Spread more rumors about me. You have to bite its neck off when the prey is off guard.”

They were cruel words, but Contiben was not impressed. He was also a man who had lived through blood and tears until he came here.


It was good that they could communicate well. He had recently been recruiting people he liked. However, Max was an exception. How was he supposed to coax him? Elnos arranged the chessboard, agonizing inwardly. Looking at him, Contiben asked in a gloomy voice.

“Your Highness, are you going to let Count Dratius alone?”


Elnos clenched his chess knight and smiled like a devil. More than ever, the power of the Imperial Elite Knights was needed. In particular, Count Dratius, a member of the three major families, had even more power as their Commander.

“Let’s put him under me.”

Contiben’s gray eyes shone strangely.

“Then how about using the maid?”

“The maid?”

“Yes. There’s a maid accompanying Count Dratius.”

“A maid… interesting.”

Elnos could not hide his interest. As he reacted, Contiben smiled darkly.

“I’m sure the time will come to use the maid.”

“Okay. I’ll keep that in mind.”

The chess game was Elnos’ victory. Elnos hummed and folded the chessboard. The youngest member of the opposition force, Marquis Kyun, also participated in the gladiator tournament. It was Marquis Kyun who had taught Elnos how to play chess, but also him who had led his mother to death. Elnos was going to practice what he had learned.

Contiben got up after clearing his seat. He was going out with a bow, but he remembered something he had forgotten.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince. What happened to His Highness the Prince?”


Elnos smirked.

“I told him to hang out for a while.”




Leasis was ready to go to the gladiator arena again. She was lost in thought while looking at the wooden sword that Blix had lent her. She had never seen this kind of wooden sword before. When she touched the surface, it felt like a bumpy tree. The color was not the usual auburn, but a soft faint green. She knew that at least, it was not a wooden sword made by the Harknon Empire. In that case, it was likely to be from the Utran Empire.

She would ask Blix after the competition. Leasis made up her mind and stepped into the arena. There were more spectators than last time. Surprised, Setchen covered his ears and followed her.

Their opponents were at the edge of the arena. They looked strong at a glance. They were properly equipped like knights, with iron helmets, armors and swords. Their spirit was unusual, so Leasis was a little nervous. But she did not avoid it. Leasis was standing at the front today, and Blix stood on her right.

Setchen was taking care of the close distance between the two. He stood quietly to the left of Leasis. In the end, the two stood on both sides of Leasis as if protecting her.

Leasis took a step forward in embarrassment. Then, Blix and Setchen walked along. Leasis asked, embarrassed.

“Why are you following me?”

“I just wanted to follow you.”

“Me, too.”

Leasis took two steps forward. Blix and Setchen followed suit. It was repeated several times.

Are you kidding me? The other side’s expression as they watched the funny scene was distorted. The host also raised his hand because he could not watch anymore.

“Stop. Stop it.”

In the end, Leasis, Blix and Setchen faced the others side by side. She sighed inwardly. She wondered if Hizen felt this way when she followed him around. She felt sorry from the bottom of her heart.

One opponent put his hand on a heavy sword. The movement was so neat that Leasis’ heart pounded. It was a great pleasure to meet a new, strong opponent.

Still, she did not think it was necessary to use the blue sword. Holding on to the wooden sword, she paid attention to the surrounding terrain. She had to watch out for the stones on the uneven terrain. It was the perfect obstacle to fall down if she made a wrong move. It was difficult to run because of the huge rocks.

Then she had to use them. For example, to enter that obstacle and wait for the opponent to attack, or to lure them. A battle was drawn in Leasis’ head.

Then she had a question. What would Hizen do? If it was him…

‘You wouldn’t have made any obvious moves.’

Leasis clenched her fists. Hizen would have easily reversed this whole situation. He would have gone through it on his own, showing a reliable back. In an extraordinary way that no one would ever think of.

She wanted to beat Hizen. Leasis became competitive against Hizen for the first time. To her, he was a mountain she wanted to climb someday. Even if she could not be as strong as him right now, she had to challenge herself. She wanted to show better skills than Hizen. Leasis gave strength to her neck.

“I’ll go out by myself.”

“What are you talking about?”

Setchen grabbed Leasis’ cape. She said firmly.

“I want to fight alone.”

It was his first time hearing that voice. He did not think it was Leasis who was always sweet. It felt like a hungry animal. Setchen unwittingly relaxed his grip on her arm.

Blix grabbed Setchen by the shoulder and stepped back. Setchen tried to reject it, but Blix was too strong. The green eyes glistened toward Leasis. He was looking forward to it. Hellhard’s attitude was good, but he lacked the fighting spirit of knights. He wondered why he suddenly changed his mind and how he would fight.

The host, who was looking alternately between the two teams, raised a red flag. Leasis ran as soon as she saw the signal. Her goal was an obstacle in the middle. Leasis gave strength to her legs. She leaped lightly over a small stone, leaped a little more and stood on a large stone. It was a movement that did not seem human.

The running opponents faltered. Standing on a huge stone, Leasis turned her back to the sun, looking like a reaper. She pulled out a wooden sword and landed straight on the floor.

Her red eyes shone like a wild beast. She moved the wooden sword in her hand and cut a big rock.


The ground rang and the stone began to fall. As the thick dust covered the gladiator arena, the other side was flurried. They could not get a good view.

It was what Leasis had thought. No woman could defeat three strong men at once. That’s why she used the terrain to disturb their view.

Large and small stones fell, and the sword fight became a mess. Blix grabbed the surprised Setchen by the shoulder and stepped back. A deep smile hung around his mouth. He had a devilish face.

There was one stone left. Leasis stepped on the stone and leaped. She kicked an opponent’s helmet, stepped lightly on his shoulder and stamped the other man’s chest with her sword.

The men screamed and fell down. Leasis turned around, grabbing the wooden sword. A man holding a faint but blue sword was staring at her.

The two calmly aimed at each other. The opponent moved first.

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