The Maid Who Became a Knight - Chapter 21

Chapter 21

A bowl of hair.

In the mirror, Hizen had an unsightly face. He was still handsome but looked ridiculous like a local idiot. He fiddled with his straight bangs, which now evne showed his golden eyebrows. His long fingers slided in the fine golden thread. He repeated the meaningless behavior for a while.

[You’re cool. Oh, you’re much cooler! C-Count Dratius-nim is the best!]

The red-haired maid shouted desperately and could not even make eye contact. Hizen learned something new about Leasis. She was the type to show it when she lied. It was not quite bad.

Hizen did not even know when to get angry. It was not a matter of life or death, and she was a strange woman whom he could not punish.

Hizen smiled slowly. It was an unrecognizable change. As he looked at the mirror again, he could see a faint scar across his cheek from the bottom of his left eye. He had been trying to hide it desperately.

While sighing, Hizen began to wash his face. It would not change anything to regret something already done.




Max smiled softly.

“If the Commander-nim was an Emperor, wouldn’t he have sentenced you to death? Well, for example, a public execution with a guillotine.”

The joke was so brutal. Leasis sighed heavily. Dark clouds seemed to be visible above her head. She thought she was finally able to solve this mess with Hizen, but she could not believe she was going through this. It was not enough for her to kick her blanket several times in the middle of the night.

She was going to cry. Max spoke in a soft voice.

“Don’t worry too much. Don’t you have to kill him?”

“Max-nim, are you making fun of me?”


The imperial restaurant in the morning was relaxed. A subtle classical performance, the brilliant light of the chandelier. Sitting face to face at a fancy table, he crossed his legs gracefully.

“But the ladies like it.”


After yesterday’s drastic change of hairstyle, Hizen once again became a popular star.

One noble lady even tried to invade the Imperial Elite Knights, shouting how cute he was. Of course, she was lightly blocked by Leasis.

The pockets of Leasis’ apron were full of candies and biscuits. They were given by the maids on the way to the imperial kitchen. They said with an insidious smile that they would ask her again next time.

“Don’t worry, Miss Leasis. His hair will grow quickly in a month.”

“Well, for a month…”

“You need to take care of yourself and be quiet. Like a dead rat.”

This smile. She did not think Max’s smile could look disgusting. Max said as Leasis was pouting her lips.

“Well. It’s good that I can notice again the age of the Commander-nim, after a while.”

Come to think of it, she did not even know his age. It was a top secret information that was not even mentioned in the books. Leasis asked carefully.

“Excuse me, but how old is Count Dratius-nim?”


That’s outrageous!

Leasis opened her mouth wide. Max smiled leisurely and sipped his coffee.

“The Commander-nim doesn’t really look his age…”

She affirmed silently. There was not a small wrinkle on Hizen’s face, but his eyes were exhausted. It would have been the same for a veteran after experiencing a lot of hardships.

But he’s younger than Neren-nim. No, is he younger than Neren-nim? Leasis was very confused.

“Oh, my. Look over there! As expected, she cut his hair like the rumors said.”

“Oh my. He’s so cute.”

She heard murmurs. As she turned her head, she saw a tall handsome man coming in. Max smiled brightly.

“You’re just in time.”

“Oh… oh, hello!”

The sound of her strong greeting rang loudly through the restaurant. With his left eyebrow slightly raised, Hizen approached Max.

Leasis gulped down nervously. She thought it would not be weird for Hizen to take her to the guillotine right now.

Contrary to her expectations, however, Hizen remained calm. He sat down without saying a word.

One of the servants standing far away came and asked.

“Welcome. What kind of dish should I prepare for you?”

‘Take care of it.’

After looking at Hizen’s eyes, Max ordered.

“Is a steak all right, Miss Leasis?”

“Oh, t-thank you! Everything is fine for me!”

“Ah, then, I’d like to have the usual one, please. Please prepare this lady’s share as well for today.”


When the servant disappeared, Leasis also sat down. Her smiling mouth trembled faintly. It started today. In fact, the imperial restaurant was used by the Imperial Family, nobles, and knights, but under the imperial law, maids were not allowed to eat there. Until just yesterday.

Hizen suggested to the Imperial Court that his immediate maid should eat with him. The Imperial Family, who had no desire to defy Count Dratius’ wishes, immediately accepted the proposal. It was a very Hizen-like legitimate procedure.

Leasis peeked at Hizen. He was scrutinizing a letter in his hand. He was indifferent as usual.

Only then did she feel relieved. Leasis looked around the dining room in earnest. The incredible size of the dining room and the colorful sculptures stimulated the girl’s interest.

At the far end, the imperial chefs in black robes were working hard to make something. The heat suddenly rose from the kitchen, which seemed to have been made by a dwarf master.

After a while, the servants put plates in front of them. There was a strong smell of fire. It was a dish with grilled seasonal vegetables and tender beef that melted in mouth.

Leasis admired the delicious smell of the dish. Max smiled at her and told her to eat deliciously.

The two started eating, but she hesitated with the tableware. Hizen’s head was especially visible in front of her. That was funny. Contrary to his serious face, cute hair did not suit him at all. It was so funny, but she was scared at the same time.

Leasis took off the hand holding the tableware. She could not eat. Food might even pop out of her mouth at this rate…

Hizen did not miss the change.

He asked, cutting his steak in a noble and elegant way.


“Yes, yes?”

“Why aren’t you eating?”

Blood from the cut steak was flowing on the white plate. It looked like a warning, so she was afraid for some reason. When Leasis hesitated, he spoke low.

“Are you guilty of something?”

“Oh, no!”



Leasis followed his order, picked up the meat with the fork and chewed a big piece in one bite. A savory flavor unfolded.

The power of the world’s delicacies made her forget Hizen’s bangs. She would have regretted it if she had not eaten it. In admiration, Leasis picked up three vegetables with a fork. She was quick, but she followed the table manners and finished her plate.

When the food ran out in an instant, Max opened his surprised eyes wide, and Hizen turned his head. He called a servant standing far away and added a dish.

“T-thank you.”

At Hizen’s consideration, Leasis bowed her head. Looking at her, Hizen took out a napkin on the table and handed it to her.

Leasis wiped her mouth with it. In the meantime, the servant brought a new plate. Her eyes twinkled.

“Thank you!”

Leasis smiled a lot when she received the plate. She finished the second plate like she had been starving.

Max opened his mouth after seeing the huge amount of food. She ate better than most knights. She was thin and he could not believe she was eating so well. But it was nice to see.

“You eat so well.”

“Hehe. Thank you.”

Hizen quietly pushed his plate to her. Chewing the meat, her mind went blank.

Is he asking me to clean up the dishes? What is it? She asked because she did not know the reason.

“…Do I clean it up?”

“Eat it.”


“Don’t leave a drop of sauce and make it clear. It’s an order.”

“Oh… yes!”

Leasis mumbled with the meat she had cut in her mouth. It was quite cute to see her cheeks full.

Hizen grumbled and looked at her drinks and dishes. He kept thinking he was a mother bird. Max watched the scene, smiling happily.



With the windows opened wide, she could see the training ground at a glance. Leasis, who was cleaning the window frame, could not take her eyes off of the knights.

The training of men in black uniforms was in full swing. Wearing leather gloves on their hands, they were fighting without weapons under Hizen’s guidance.

Her eyes were filled with envy. She wanted to put down her mop and join them in training.

“Miss Leasis?”

“Ah… yes.”

She responded to Max’s call. Turning her head, she saw a small wooden box in his hand. She quickly stood in front of him.

“I’ll move it.”

“Oh my. No. It’s my job.”

Max, uttering unknown words, put the box on the desk.


She thought its weight looked light, but what was it? Her red eyes blinked with wonder.

“What is this thing?”

“It’s classified military supplies. Never open it because it’s dangerous.”

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind!”

From afar, screams of knights could be heard. Leasis’ eyes sparkled when she turned her head.

“Were you watching the training?”


Max felt sorry for the faint dark clouds on her face. However, he could not disobey Hizen’s orders. He naturally switched the subject.

“You said you liked books before. Have you read Neren-nim’s ’The Hero Who Shined the Continent’?”

“Yes, a lot of times.”

“Whoa. The Commander-nim is a little different from the book, isn’t he?”

He felt like a completely different person. She could not bear to be positive and smiled awkwardly, as he continued to speak.

“He’s not the perfect man from the book, but… one thing is for sure.”


“If it’s to protect others, he’s a person who can do anything.”

“Maybe… When he protected the women and children of an enemy country at the beginning of the book… It wasn’t a fiction?”

“Yes, it’s a true story.”

Max’s voice was full of pride. He looked at Hizen standing in the middle of the training ground. He was observing the positions of the knights.

“The Commander-nim basically pursues principles, but sometimes he put them down, depending on the circumstances.”

“I see…”

“Oh, by the way, I’m afraid the Commander-nim will be very thirsty tonight at midnight.”

Leasis pricked up her ears. At midnight, Leasis’ work was over, so she was in the maids’ palace. Max said as she listened.

“He’s going to sweat a lot… Hm. I won’t be here for a while, so what should I do? It would be great if someone would take care of the Commander-nim’s water and towel instead.”

He was referring to Hizen’s special training. When Leasis bowed her head, thanking him, he responded deftly.

“Hmm? I didn’t say anything. Ahh. Anyway, I’m a little tired today.”

While stretching, he tried to leave the room, saying it was the time of a special mission. After that, Leasis shouted.

“Max-nim, I won’t give up! Someday, I will… Someday! I want to protect people with my own hands. I must!”

In her red eyes was pure passion. It was transparent and straight. These feelings reminded him of a chivalry he had forgotten long ago. Max sincerely wished her the best.

“That heart… I hope it never changes.”

Swish. The sound of leaves moving in the breeze crossed the window.



“Count-nim, Count-nim, Count Dratius-nim! Here’s a towel!”

Why was she here?

Hizen’s eyebrows wiggled. It was definitely time for no one to be here. But in the middle of the dark training ground, Leasis was smiling as if she had been waiting for him. Her hands were full of leather buckets and towels.

Ignorance was best. Hizen, who was trying to pull out a sword from his waist, turned around. He was going to take a few steps to avoid her.

“Wait a minute! If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll go back.”

He did not mean for her to go back.

However, when she misunderstood that she had to leave, she put what she had in her hands on the floor and moved in a hurry.

It was a mess. Hizen, unable to watch it longer, grabbed her by the shoulder. It was an unstoppable grip like when dealing with the knights.


The wind whistled loudly and her mouth opened. Was she going to fall? She closed her eyes reflexively.

It was strange. She opened her eyes gently because she could not feel the pain. The Silver Bird Medals were shiny.

“You really can’t stand still for a second.”

She felt a firm arm wrapped around her waist. Sweet scent, a steady beating heart, and a charming voice like warm wine. Hizen was holding her like before. Recognizing the situation, her cheeks became uncontrollably red.

“Oh… I-I’m sorry.”

Hizen, who was supporting Leasis’ waist, loosened his arm. He glanced at her and warned her.

“Be quiet.”

A fever surged at the voice that tickled her ears. It seemed that boiling oil was poured on her burning cheeks. She covered her mouth with both hands and took a deep breath. It was a way to calm down she had learned in a book. He gave her a warning.

“Don’t try to disturb me like a fly.”

“Yes… I’m going back…”

Hizen raised his eyebrows at the discouraged answer. He thought she was getting better, but she was still tactless and stupid. If so, he should keep her by his side and teach her. He spoke in a determined voice.

“Stay right there and stay calm.”

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