The Maid Who Became a Knight - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

They were lucky. The two returned to the Imperial Palace the next day. Interestingly, the magic circle could be used again after all the monsters were wiped out.

The first thing Hizen did when he returned to the palace was to put the Island of Death on a map. The second was to find the person in charge who ignored Godius’ demand for help and make sure that they went through due process.

Leasis was given a recovery period and a special vacation. Of course, she objected, saying she was not sick at all, but Hizen said ‘Work is not fair for a patient’.

She left the Imperial Palace with a lot of luggage. Kasha and Max had packed for her a basket of fruits and high-quality bottled drinks that commoners could hardly see in their lifetime.

She felt her heart become thicker. If she had to go now, she would better have fun. She walked lightly towards Liduré.


“Welcome. No, who is this? Leasis!”

“Oh, our Leasis is here.”

The employees of Liduré approached her with great joy. If she had a hometown, would it have this warm feeling? She greeted them brightly.

“How have you been? I got a special vacation today.”

“You got a special vacation? As expected, our Leasis is amazing. I believed you would do well there, too.”


Grien even came out of the kitchen, frowning and asking what the fuss was about.



Grien wiped her hands on her apron with her mouth wide open. Her tender hand touched Leasis’ face.

“Oh, my. Look at the damage on our face. Did you have a hard time there?”

“It’s okay! It was fun.”



Even Setchen, who was studying in the kitchen, came out and welcomed her. The employees burst into laughter after a long time. Leasis changed to the clothes she had ordered. It was a black dress, according to her tastes. It had a simple design, but the material was luxurious and it fitted perfectly with her body.

“What do you think?”

“Oh, it looks good on you!”

When Leasis took a turn, everyone clapped their hands. In their eyes, Leasis was a pretty girl no matter what she was wearing.

Leasis grabbed the hem of the dress and smiled happily. She told them about what happened, while wrapping up macarons.

“What? You became Count D-Dratius’ direct maid?”


“Oh, that’s amazing!”

“Tell me the details.”

“Well, that’s…”




It was the limit. After a year’s worth of stress, Hizen finally picked up the white flag. He mumbled, lying face down on the desk in the Commander’s office.

“It… I need it.”

Macaron withdrawal was worse than usual. He had assigned her as his maid, he got to smell the blood that he did not plan to, and he kept feeling strange. It was very irritating.

His head was pounding and his mind was spinning. He slowly turned his head, blinking his blue eyes. Beyond the window was a dimming landscape. It was not too late. He slowly rose up like a possessed man. He then left the Commander’s office with a black cloak in his hand.

‘Macaron. Macaron.’

Hizen’s brain was already dominated by a powerful enemy named macaron. He moved his long legs in his blurred vision.

After a while, he arrived at Liduré. He pressed down on his cloak once again as to make up his mind.

He was calmer than the last time he came here. Moreover, he was just going to make a fair purchase during business hours today. He did not have to be scared.

Today, Hizen was a fair consumer. He had to pick his own macarons on a tray, pay for them, and then he would be done. He did not have to say anything else. If an employee asked something, just a few nods would be enough.


A bright light greeted him when he opened the door. Next were the employees’ hospitality and the shining macarons.

Hizen’s mouth slightly loosened. He coughed and moved naturally.

His first target was a silver tray and tongs at the entrance. It was an easy opponent.

“Setchen, I’ll definitely get it this time.”

“Really? Are you sure? Hurray! Count Dratius-nim…”

What the!


Hizen unknowingly dropped the silver tray. He lowered his hand to pick it up.

“Oh, sir. Are you all right?”

“It’s all right.”

What was she doing here?

Hizen’s eyes trembled. He hurriedly turned around. It was a struggle to avoid being caught as much as possible.

‘Is it that the employee at that time was that woman?’

Come to think of it, the height and body type of the two matched. One hypothesis was confirmed in Hizen’s head. Then there was a higher risk of further identification.

His long fingers turned white. But he could not give up on the macarons after coming all the way here. Hizen swept some macarons onto a tray. He did it with a strong will, thinking he could never give up.

“Wow. I envy you. I can’t believe you can serve Count Dratius-nim…”

“Setchen, wake up! What with being a knight? You always eat dirt and dust, and do you know how many blisters you get on your feet?”

“Mom, you don’t know anything! Count Dratius-nim is so cool. I’m going to be a great knight like him!”

That’s right.

Hizen nodded at the words ‘cool’ and ‘great’. He looked a bit childish.

A pleased smile spread on his face. The movement of the tongs picking up macarons had slowed noticeably.

“Leasis Noona, you respect Count Dratius-nim? Right?”

At that moment, the tongs stopped moving. Hizen turned his head to the name ‘Leasis’.

The red-haired girl, Leasis, was smiling brightly.

“Of course, I respect him. And…”

Her name was Leasis?

The silver platter in his hand trembled slightly. Several puzzles were set in his head, and his lips were tightly closed.

Neren, he was obviously kidding. Of all things, a maid who looked like the legendary Leasis had the same name as her. It could not have been a coincidence. A tall red-haired woman, whose name was Leasis, and Neren wanted her to learn swordsmanship.

Hizen’s expression was strangely distorted. Did Neren want to see his death through that woman? No matter how hard it was, how could he do this kind of joke anyway?

Why did he send her to him? Fierce anger wrapped around his whole body. It was not enough to blow the room and wake Neren who was sleeping in his grave.

Then, he heard a low voice.

“I like him a lot.”

Leasis’ eyes shone like stars. She whispered, gently patting Setchen’s head. It was a voice full of affection.

“I really like Count Dratius-nim, too. He’s my hero and my life goal.”

“Wow. Really?”

“Yes, I’m really grateful to him.”

It was strange. The hand that held the silver tray relaxed a little. What she told next was a common story. But something moved in his mind. He had already stopped looking at the macarons.

He could not understand. He had been trying to push her away. It was a fact that everyone knew, and so would she. But she still appreciated him. Silly woman. There was no fool like her in the world.

He felt uncomfortable. Hizen turned his head toward the green door. He thought he should avoid this situation., but he could not move. It was because of the voice full of sincerity that followed.

“My life has changed thanks to my dream of becoming a knight like him.”

It was her story again. Before he knew it, Hizen was concentrating on her words. How could he be so focused on someone? He could not even realize it because it had been so long since he had felt that way.

“I’m really happy. I can always be brave, and I feel stronger than ever that I am alive. It’s all thanks to him.”



The next day.

Contrary to Leasis’ expectations, Hizen remained silent as if he were dead. Rather, she was suspicious that he was hiding another plan.

Her first official mission since she had returned was to clean the Commander’s office. But for some reason, she felt heavy. Leasis stopped cleaning and slightly raised her eyes.

There was Hizen at the desk over there, and Max was sitting on the sofa. Both of them were in the middle of organizing piles of documents.

Although she should be happy, she felt uncomfortable. Leasis fiddled with the broom and glanced sideways at Hizen. Then she heard a cool voice.

“Do you have something to say?”

“No, no.”

With her head tightened, she moved hurriedly. In an instant, the flower pot on the desk was changed, and the leather sofa shone. There was no hair or dust in the Commander’s office.

Was there an office worker who did not like a pleasant job? Max loved the changement of his working environment and clapped his hands.

“Wow! It looks like a magic trick every time I see it.”

“Hehe. Thank you.”

The cheeks of Leasis, who was mopping, turned red. She walked towards Max. What was he doing? She was full of questions.

“Miss Leasis, are you curious? Should I show you?”

“T-thank you.”

Hizen’s eyes trembled slightly at the word ‘Leasis’. But the two did not notice at all.

“Well, let’s see… This is a third-degree mission. Usually ordered to subdue intermediate monsters near the capital. Of course, it was handled by the 3rd Division of Imperial Knights, but his Majesty…”

Max showed enthusiasm, even presenting the documents, and she was impressed, listening to him.

He was also showing the state secrets well. Unable to look at it anymore, Hizen dropped the documents loudly on the desk.



“I’m sorry.”

The two spoke reflexively. But Hizen only glanced at them and said nothing.

‘Why aren’t you angry?’


The two exchanged glances secretly. Hizen sighed and raised himself.

“Commander-nim, are you going to the group affairs meeting?”


“Let’s go together.”

“Max-nim! can I come, too?”

Leasis held Max’s black uniform tightly. Embarrassed, Max looked at Hizen, who did not say anything.

Silence was positivity. Max smiled sweetly.

“You can come with us.”

Wow! Leasis followed them.



“…and so our Knights need 100,000 men.”

What. How could he ask for 100,000 people! Max’s smile hardened slightly. He looked at the nobleman who was talking nonsense at the conference room desk.

Schwalnon Tenbert, the Commander of the 1st Division of Imperial Knights. He was bald with a sharp beard. He was like a hyena wagging his tail mercilessly when it came to power and wealth. He was now speaking of 10 times the troops needed to subdue Kiliman. It was clear that he had something else in mind.

Normally, the Commander-nim would have given me a good look. Max looked sideways at Hizen sitting next to him with regret. Hizen, who had a pod in his hand, said nothing. He was like a warrior who had lost his fighting spirit. His tightly closed lips showed no sign of opening.

While Max wondered about him, the group affairs meeting became more chaotic. Noticing Hizen’s unusual state, hyenas were jumping around. There were like dogs with their leashes loose.

Leasis was embarrassed. Her red eyes scanned the executives sitting at the table. None of the dozens of people were speaking properly.

Neren’s words that he was sick and tired of attending the group affairs meeting came to her mind. She sighed and peeked at Hizen. It seemed to hurt him a lot. He looked sick and tired of it. His broad shoulders were stiff and his teacup was empty.

Anxious, she moved slightly to fill his cup.

“Hey. That skinny maid there!”


“Who do you dare move around during the meeting?”

She was startled by the disrespect openly expressed in the group meeting. It was absolutely impossible to discredit the achievements of the perfect Hizen. She clenched her head like a sinner.

“I’m sorry.”

“A woman who doesn’t even know the basics. Guards there. Get that maid out of here now!”

At that moment, Hizen responded for the first time. The corners of his mouth went up gracefully.

“A maid who doesn’t know the basics?”


It was sinister. The feeling had been the same just before Hizen came out of the knights training center. Having a strange ominous feeling, Max took him by the arm.

But Hizen ignored the touch. He undid his grip and threatened to break his joints.

A voice as cold as a blizzard rang out in the conference room.



Leasis doubted her ears. Does Count Dratius-nim know my name? That can’t be true. She was struck by the shock. So she asked stupidly.


“Yes, you. Leasis.”

Suddenly, the tip of her nose became itchy. She did not think it was a dream. If it were a dream, Hizen would have never called her, but would have been staring at her instead.

Now, Hizen had called out her name, and he was not even staring. It was hard to believe, but it was real.

She could not believe Hizen had called her by her name in real life. It was nothing special, but she was moved for no reason. He was always calling her ‘maid’, ‘you’ or ‘hey’. He asked her in a low voice.

“What do you think is a legitimate force for Kiliman’s subjugation?”


“Count Dratius, what kind of rude behavior is this? I can’t believe you’re asking for a maid’s opinion at a serious group affairs meeting!”

“Are you out of your mind?”

Hizen’s expression remained unchanged despite the rebuttal that echoed in the meeting room. He spoke with certainty.

“You are my maid. I’m responsible for all your words and actions.”

It was strange. He had said she was a swollen maid just a few days ago. Leasis seriously considered whether this situation was Hizen’s trap. He might have intentionally made an excuse to kick her out.

As the silence grew longer, Hizen misunderstood. He emphasized once again.

“Don’t look around and answer.”

Hizen waited silently for her answer. She said, opening her trembling lips.

“Ten… ten thousand… I think.”

“The reason?”

“The army of the Gormon Empire invading the west is made up of mounted soldiers. And… around Kiliman… There’s a swamp. The Gormon Empire is not familiar with fighting in swamps. Also, because they would be much less mobile in the swamp…”

Can I keep talking? Leasis closed her eyes tightly and said.

“If you lure them into the swamp and then attack them with cretan oiled arrows, they’ll be wiped out. 10,000 people would put them off guard and minimize the damage. I think it’s the best number.”

“Okay, that’s very legitimate.”

That’s correct! Max’s hands, holding back his applause, were itching. The executives around him could not say anything with their mouths wide open.

Hizen smiled coolly. He had a terrifying appearance.

“Marquis Schwalnon.”


“What did you just say of my maid? You said she didn’t know the basics.”

My maid. Leasis’ cheeks heated up as she heard unbelievable words coming out of his mouth. She felt like she had a fever higher than when she had been sick after clearing a garden of its snow in the middle of winter.

She lowered her head. It seemed as if ten firecrackers had exploded in her chest, but at the same time, it was thrilling. She bit her lips, trying to calm down.

Meanwhile, Hizen returned to his usual self. He leaned on the chair with a relaxed smile. He looked so arrogant.

“Don’t insult my maid again.”

You’re the idiot who doesn’t even know the basics.
The shape of Hizen’s mouth made Schwalnon tremble.

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