Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Spitting Venom (1)

The Church was the common area where the saints usually gather around— the place where both classes and routinely prayers were held everyday. Since it’s already midday, only a handful of people would be at the vicinity, or so Amelia thought.

With only a few blocks away, Amelia spotted a few people lingering in the middle of the plaza outside the Church. Skimming the crowd, she saw familiar faces and her eyes immediately zeroed in on Debra, who seemed to be in a deep conversation with a few people.

As if Debra sensed someone was looking at her, she turned her head towards Amelia’s direction, their eyes meeting instantly as they focused on one another, the scene around them evaporating.

Amelia knew that Debra came for her this time. Why else would she hold Amelia’s secret off? She could’ve easily exposed Amelia right then and there on the street that morning, but she didn’t. Debra wanted Amelia to be there when she reveals her exposé, with a number of people present, too.

Debra was too cunning, too evil for her own good.

How did she even find out?

Even though Amelia hated the God of light and what it stood for, she knew she hid herself well. She pretended to be the devout virgin they thought she was, and she always made sure she didn’t stand out among the other saints.

Maybe she was caught unguarded, or maybe she didn’t really convince anyone. Debra managed to see right through her façade, and now she wants everyone to know.

Breaking her gaze away from Debra, Amelia glanced at the Church wall and thought deeply. She pursed her lips together, thinking that she should run away. But before that, she’s going to make sure Debra pays first for forcibly bringing her into this situation.

Amelia took a few steps back and went under a tree, the low branches hiding her from view. She placed her right hand at her waist, inching closer to the left as she felt the wand pinned at her hipbones. Smiling wryly, she could feel a murderous intent taking over her body before—

“Amelia?” A man called out.

Startled, Amelia turned around abruptly and saw her literature and history instructor staring at her. He held a pile of books on his hands, his demeanor as elegant as ever.

“Are you going to skip class again?” He asked.

Amelia shook her head. “I’m not going to! And I never did! Stop talking nonsense.”

The instructor smiled. “Really? What are you doing out here then? You’re lurking in the shadows, and you say that you’re not going to skip classes? May I remind you of your scores the last time we had a test?” The instructor adjusted the books, continuing. “With those scores, I’m actually quite embarrassed to be called your teacher.”

Amelia scratched her head once. She knew that she was not very good at memorizing paragraphs from thick volumes, so it takes so much effort to pass the exams. The actual combat class she can do quite well, but this class really takes a toll on her.

“It’s not that….” She retorted weakly.

‘Wait. This was not the time to talk about this!’

Amelia caught glimpse of Debra in the middle of the square, and she realized that it would be very difficult to kill Debra on the spot, with her instructor right beside her. She faced him and said, “Teacher, that’s not true at all… It’s just…”

Her instructor waved her off, cutting her like he didn’t want to hear her explanation. “Class is coming soon. Whatever it is you came here for can wait. What is more important than passing your grades? Tell me.”

‘My life.’ Amelia wanted to say, but she kept her mouth shut. The instructor then prodded her along, directing her to go to class with him trailing behind her.

The people at the square doubled in number. The instructor opened the door and everyone started filling inside as they made way to their seats.

The instructor assigned Amelia at the first row, directly in front of the teacher’s table. She wouldn’t have any chance to escape no matter how hard she tries. Amelia scoffed in her seat, placing her elbow on the desk with her chin propped up.

Debra and her companion entered and sat at the last row. The girl saw Amelia’s grim expression, elbowing Debra lightly as she nodded towards Amelia’s seat. “What’s wrong with her? She’s been acting strange lately.”

Looking over Amelia, another saint answered. “Does it matter? She dare run after the chief position, what she should do first is to go find a mirror, and carefully look at her pathetic self!”

The saints laughed in unison, sarcasm dripping from their fits.

Debra smirked, whispering at her companions. “Are you ready?”

They nodded, and exchanged meaningful looks with each other, snickering among themselves.

After a few moments, all the saints sat on their assigned seats. The instructor knocked on the table to get the saints’ attention. “Alright, everyone settle down. It’s time for class.”

The saints fixed themselves, straightening their backs as they sat upright and quieted down. Debra suddenly stood up.

“Teacher, there’s something I would like to announce. Would you please give me a minute?”

The teacher pushed his glasses up his nose, nodding. “Go on.”

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