Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 76

Chapter 76 – Light

Amelia didn’t expect Alfonso to ask her that so blatantly and so out of the blue. “I don’t!” She flat-out denied, “Stop this nonsense.”

Alfonso only scoffed at her words. He snatched the note from her hands and reread it for her. The grip that he had on the paper loosened its hold as it fluttered to the ground and landed on Amelia’s feet. On top of the paper, the words “I heard that you’re greatly interested in the white elf” were written in big, striking handwriting, and it was also spritzed with a decent amount of perfume.

‘I have nothing to do with this. Why do you hurt me like this!’

Amelia’s eyes darted up, seeing his cold, penetrating gaze set upon hers. She knew that she had to convince him so she could come out of this unscathed. She threw him a forced smile and stepped on the paper with the soles of her feet. “I heard you loud and clear, but you see, I did not say that at all. It has nothing to do with me. I don’t like white elves.”

The dark elf remained motionless, unperturbed by her words as he fixedly stared at her with his red, seething eyes. The intensity of his gaze made Amelia’s heart race, fidgeting on her spot.

Wait, why am I so flustered?

She realized that whether she liked the white elves or not was completely unrelated to Alfonso. It did not have anything to do with him so why was she explaining herself?

But even with these thoughts in mind, she still felt guilty all the same, like she somehow wronged him, making it so hard for her to look at him directly in the eyes in fear of his wrath.

It was like having a best friend, one that you do everything together with and you suddenly saw your best friend being too friendly with someone both of you claimed to hate. Then to make matters worse, you imagine them ganging up on you and speaking ill of you without you knowing, and left you all alone in the dark.

It was a thing most little girls do.

But Alfonso was far from being a little girl, but he really was possessive like one.

Amelia, who was lost in her thoughts, imagined Alfonso wearing a full skirt with hair pulled in pigtails, telling her that she was not allowed to be friends with other people. A little smile formed on her lips at the image she conjured, and bit her lips to prevent her from cackling.

She was too deep in her own head that she had forgotten all about the elf, who was still looking at her.

Alfonso did not miss the smile she tried to stifle. Was the mere mention of the white elf enough to make her laugh?

Ever since the package was placed inside the room, Alfonso’s anger had soared tenfold. He wanted to tear people with his bare hands, and since no one but Amelia was around, he directed his vexation towards her instead.

As expected, human beings are indeed fickle in nature. Take the doorman downstairs for an example; he kisses his little dog everyday, talking to it so sweetly like a father would a baby before heading to work. But soon after, he would go home with another dog bundled up in his arms.

Human beings are never satisfied with what they already have.

Always wanting everything they could get their hands on, always wanting more. Alfonso wondered if there would be a time they would actually be content. Perhaps never.

Alfonso’s dislike for human beings scaled even further, and in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but think if he could ever have such a human, one that was easily pleased?

Unaware of her surroundings, Amelia craned her neck to look up at Alfonso and she was immediately alarmed at the sight of his fuming expression. His jaw was set tight and the arch of his eyebrows furrowed downwards, showing his disdain.

She had no idea what exactly riled him up to be this angry. She mustered up the courage, breaking the tension and asked, “What about him? He already saw you. Do you want to send him away?”

Alfonso let out an annoyed huff. “Don’t tell me you’re going to keep him.” The words came out like a challenge, unwelcoming and dripping of spite.

Amelia was lost for words. The side of her head throbbed, a telltale sign of an approaching headache. How could she even fan the flames out of this seething elf, whose temper was always simmering on the surface?

Isn’t he supposed to act like the Dark God? She couldn’t help but think that he was stingy.

The white elf remained unmoving inside his iron cage, listening closely to their heated conversation. When the two dwindled down and words stopped being exchanged, he edged his way closer and knocked on the iron bars. The ringing sound of metal clanging got their attention, and Amelia turned to look at where the noise had come from.

The light above him accentuated his beauty even more, making it look like he was glowing especially with how white and pale his skin was. He was extraordinarily beautiful, holy and immaculate in his own, unique way.

The ugly clothing he’s draped with didn’t dampen his charm one bit. And even though he was behind metal bars, his demeanor remained calm and elegant, like he was having tea with a friend rather than being trapped inside a cage.

His eyes panned where Amelia was and when she turned her head to look at him, his soft, thin lips parted as he made out the word, ‘Light’.

Amelia mouthed the word softly, wanting the white elf to confirm if she understood it right. The elf nodded meekly.

Light. Light was his name.

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