Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 69

Chapter 69 – Evading Him (1)

“What’s with that face?” Alfonso frowned upon seeing Amelia’s troubled expression. Her beautiful almond-shaped eyes widened in panic, mouth slightly parted and her whole demeanor tensed like a trapped deer.

He looked at her closely and wondered what made her act this way. Her usual, relaxed state when she’s with him vanished and was replaced by a distressed one in its place. Her blue eyes anxiously stared back, and only then did he realize that she was frightened of him.

Alfonso’s face sank even further, the realization hitting him deep as he barked. “Are you crazy?” His deep voice was loud and accusatory.

He stretched out his hand angrily and tried to pry the book off Amelia’s hands, wanting to know what she saw exactly that made her this apprehensive. But before he could reach for it, Amelia immediately took a few steps back, fear etched on her face as if he was threatening her with a knife.

“T-there’s something I need to do. I’ll get going first.” Amelia said shakily, avoiding his eyes and gave him no time to respond as she quickly turned around and left the balcony.

She ran as if her life depended on it, like she was being chased down by some formidable beast. She sprinted so fast that she almost slipped on the marble floors, letting out a soft squeak before righting herself and scampering out of the premises.

The elf’s fingers twitched slightly, and his blood-red eyes were hooded as he gazed at Amelia’s retreating form, her brisk footsteps growing smaller until all that was left was a stony silence.


All alone in the balcony, the elf glanced down and saw a mimic statue of the white crown of the God of Light only a foot away from where he stood. He leered at it with his scrutinizing gaze as he stood above it, lifting his leg and abruptly crushing the crown under his foot.

The action made him feel like he was leagues above the God of Light, like he was standing atop of His head, but such thoughts could no longer please him like it would usually do.


The crown cracked under the weight of his foot, and bits and pieces of plaster flew to all directions, causing fissures to line up the jade floor.

The soft, minute sunlight shone the elf’s features, his expression blank and unreadable. Strands of pale hair framed his face and his eyes became darker than it already was, orbs swimming with both anger and confusion.

What’s wrong with that woman?

Amelia hastily tucked the book inside her skirt pocket and looked over her surroundings, making sure she’s away from prying eyes. It felt like she was hiding something as brash as a ticking time bomb as she dashed her way towards the bedroom assigned to her.

There was a slight whiff of floral scent in the air. The huge bed at the center looked so plush and inviting, but there were more pressing matters at hand as she opened the closet doors and situated herself inside it, and took the book out from her pocket.

She was still desperately holding onto the hope that was swimming inside her, however futile it may be.

There’s no way this is happening. How could this possibly happen?

That’s the Dark God himself. A God! How did he even get himself in a life-threatening situation that he needed to be saved by someone as mundane as her?

According to the book, dark elves had the tendency to make themselves appear like the Dark God, going so far as impersonating him. Could it be that Alfonso was a devout follower way before he lost his memories, and made himself look like one as a symbol of reverence?

That couldn’t be it, Amelia thought. She knew that the idea was absurd. How can a follower even transform himself to the exact, same figure? Doing so was an outright abomination, clear disrespect towards the God he promised to serve.

And he would surely be punished by his brazen, thoughtless actions if that were the case.

Amelia didn’t know what to expect. She shook the thoughts plaguing her head and opened the book.

She skipped the parts she already read and quickly leafed through the next page, heart racing all the same.

He is an untouchable God, and those who bore the same power as him would be crushed in spirit, should he near the Dark God. The closer he is to the God, the more defeated he would get, and he would lose his sanity in the process. His body then would be nothing but a lifeless shell, and his soul would vanish as well.

The Dark God is an unmerciful being, and anyone who is not under the God of Light’s blessing should steer clear as far as possible.

Amelia shut the book close. She willed herself to stay calm after confirming her suspicions.

Alright. There are no other explanations. He is undoubtedly the Dark God— the mysterious and terrifying evil being.

He is the God that was completely the opposite of the God she serves— his sworn nemesis.

Her predicament was just like this: a red soldier and a blue boss met unexpectedly, even forming a bond that neither of them realized. The soldier brought the boss to their base camp, even offering him food and taking him in without the squad’s knowledge.

Not only the red soldier was stupid, but what he did was also treachery. His actions were a sheer act of betrayal, just like what Amelia did.

“Ugh.” Amelia groaned, ashamed of herself.

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