Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – A Sudden Fury (1)

Amelia kneeled on the ground and leaned closer to the elf. She waved her hand slowly in front of the elf’s face. “How are you feeling? Can you speak?”

Looking at the elf from this angle, Amelia realized that the elf actually looked quite decent. Although his face has yet to fully develop, she could already see a sense of coldness plastered on his features.

Especially the edges his eyes that seemed to be inked with an eyeliner, his orbs were emphasized even more by his feather-looking eyelashes.  

No wonder elves were widely known to have good looks. 

This was the first time Amelia had seen beauty in such a young age, and she could only imagine how even more beautiful he would get when he grows up.

The elf’s eyelashes trembled, his eyes darting out slowly as to make sense of his surroundings. When he looked sideways at Amelia, she could see how hard he’s trying to focus, tilting his head in confusion.

Amelia somehow found herself endeared with the elf’s actions.

She resisted the urge to pat his head with her own hands. “What is your name? Where did you come from?” She asked the elf in a soft voice. 

The elf blinked in surprise, as if he has no idea what she was talking about. He looked dazed, and it looks like he’s trying to regain his memories. Amelia could almost see the gears turning in his head. After a short while, he shook his head once and asked, “What do you mean by that?” 

Amelia had a bad feeling settling in her stomach. After asking the elf with several questions to no avail, Amelia finally figured out what was going on.

The elf had lost his memories.

Although she felt sorry for the wounded elf, she was also frustrated because it made the situation even much worse. She didn’t know what to do as she paced around the room, her mind completely out of ideas.

With no thoughts in mind, Amelia decided to clean the elf instead, taking an ointment out of the cabinet and carefully tended to the elf’s wounds. The little elf was silent, and he stared quietly at Amelia’s face. Even when she accidentally pressed on his open cuts, the elf didn’t voice out any complaints, only trembling slightly where he lay. His pale hair that was drenched in sweat soaked the sheets wet. 

The tiny elf remained unmoving, letting Amelia tend to him fully.

Amelia glanced at the elf that was staring at the ceiling, and she was in awe of how the elf was behaving. 

She then snapped her fingers, using her magic to wipe off the remaining dirt on the elf’s face and the grime on his clothes.

Thinking that the elf is neat enough, she leaned forward once again and rubbed the soft white hair, patting it softly. “Make yourself feel at home, okay? We’ll figure out ah–!”

Amelia shouted in surprise as she pulled her hand out, which was red from the unexpected slap. She faced the elf in disbelief.

The elf no longer bore the calmness it once had a few moments ago. He squinted his eyes, his forehead scrunching and an irritated expression was etched on his face. 


“You lackey… I will kill you…”

The elf muttered venomously as he stared at Amelia with seething eyes. Not minding the wounds on his body, the elf pushed himself off the bed as he tried to sit up.

With the little strength that he had due to the massive amount of blood lost, the elf only managed to lift up for a bit before dropping back down on the bed. The elf panted from the effort, and the bandages that Amelia wrapped around him loosened. 

“Don’t move! You’re injured!” Amelia reprimanded the elf, pushing the elf down forcefully. “What’s wrong with you? Why did you hit me?!” 

Amelia’s tone and rough handling aggravated the elf even further as he screeched. “Let go of me!”

Even though elves were known to stutter every time they talk, they were becoming quite adept as the days go by. They were getting a lot more fluent too, their tones no longer indecipherable. 

The elf’s blank eyes suddenly lit up like two flames, staring at Amelia furiously. It appeared like he was struggling internally, like he wanted to rush towards Amelia and bite her. 

“I said stop moving! Don’t you understand?” Amelia said loudly.

However, the tiny elf put up a fight and wiggled frantically on Amelia’s clutch. Amelia wasn’t able to suppress him the first time, with the elf struggling with all his strength. After quite some time, Amelia finally held him down successfully, and tied him up with bandages. 

She took a breath, and wiped the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve. “What’s wrong with you? Did you suddenly get rabies? I’m trying to help you, not harm you!” Amelia shouted.

Amelia’s reproach made the elf even more infuriated than he already was. He stared at her as if he wanted to kill her, his eyes filled with resentment and loathing. 

“Light… lackey! Disgusting.” The aggravated little elf sneered.

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