Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 56

Chapter 56 – Love Amidst Differences

Monsters transforming themselves into human forms took a lot of effort in their part, so it’s not really something they would normally do. If anything, they stay inconspicuous as much as possible and never mess around with the Light cult present, not wanting to draw any attention to themselves— much less cause trouble.

So to say that the killer eagle’s appearance was surprising was an understatement. It killed so many people in just a day without any reason, and when it was being hunted down, it obliterated itself and committed suicide.

The whole situation was bizarre, and it was clear that something was wrong, that something seemed amiss. But no one bothered to look more into it, and even Amelia shrugged the thought off her head.

They were too proud, too reckless.

Amelia closed her eyes. Being so high up in their position made them lax and arrogant, thinking that they always had the upper hand, which led them to their downfall today. They clearly underestimated the enemy, unknowingly giving them numerous chances to outdo them, and they did.

The necromancer went on and on about how he abused the civilians and how he made his successful escape from the Light cult’s hunt. He was listing all his triumphs one by one, and Amelia couldn’t care less, to be honest.

It seemed like villains in any given world love to make unwarranted speeches about the rough journey they had right when they’re about to kill their hostages. Was it really necessary? Don’t they realize that during this declamation that no one asked for, it gives the protagonists enough time to make a comeback?

Amelia wanted to laugh at her own demise. Such a pity that no one would come to save her— not at this rate when almost everyone was exterminated.

The ones who were still in the forest were all powerless compared to her, and they would surely be dead once they came face to face with the necromancer. She hoped that they would walk a lot slower than they usually were, or it would be best if they don’t come here at all.

Amelia prayed, eyes shut as she muttered a silent prayer. The necromancer all of the sudden came closer to her, making her snap her eyes open once again.

“It’s strange, isn’t it?” He whispered directly to her ear, sounding like a demon in flesh. “Why did I suddenly go berserk? Why did the witch you caught also go insane? Do you really think that the dark elf you rescued was just an ordinary elf?”

“Amelia, be honest, have you never doubted him at all?”

Never doubted him?

The truth is, she always had doubts ever since she met him. She was always wary and suspicious of him, even blaming him for every bad thing that happened.

They never really got along, and she could see how hard headed the elf could be, plus he was also extremely lazy, which really irked her to the core. Everything about him was just horrendous! The only, redeeming thing about him was his appearance, but anything other than that was just maddeningly infuriating.

Especially that time when he teased her with a sarcastic scowl etched on his face. Every time she remembers it, it makes her want to wrap her hands around the elf’s throat and choke the life out of him.

With the memories of the elf coursing through her head, Amelia remembered that he was probably still in the forest, the sight of him turning his back to her was still fresh in her mind.

She bit her lip and lifted her head up, facing the necromancer dead in the eyes. “If I have questions, I will ask him myself. I won’t tell you where he is. He’s already gone, far away from here and you will never be able to find him.” She spat.

The necromancer stared at Amelia, taken aback at the saint’s lack of cooperation. He studied her for a while, thinking of possible reasons that would make Amelia act this way, so defiant and so taxing. After a brief pause, he looked up as if he finally figured it out, and uncaringly threw her on the ground and let out a maniacal laughter.

“So this is what happened, huh. So ridiculous.” He shook his head as he scoffed, “A Chief Saint fell in love with the dark elf, who she should’ve killed in the first place! God, what kind of fairytale is this?”

He laughed humorlessly, and his power shook slightly from the tremors of his body.

Amelia was about to refute but she coughed out blood instead, red slipping past her lips as she heaved.

“Oh. Tired already?” The necromancer pressed his palm on Amelia’s head, fingers closing in on her skull. “I’ll just kill you right here then. I can find his whereabouts once I have your soul in my hands.”

His fingers dove right in, squeezing her skull so hard it made Amelia see white. She could almost hear the faint sound of her bones cracking from the extreme pressure, and blood dripped from her nose down to the muddy pavement below her.

It was so painful.

Is this how I die? Amelia thought weakly. She never thought that she would die this way, like a mere ant stepped on one’s sole.

What a pathetic way to die.

If only Amelia could stand up and fight until her last breath, she most definitely would. That way, she could say that she lived bravely and did not live her short life in vain. She didn’t want to die without putting up a fight, but the most she could do right now was to cry out in agony.

Even on the verge of death, she hoped that Alfonso would not come because she looked really, utterly hideous right now.

Her head was being crushed like a watermelon, and the last bit of consciousness she was fruitlessly grasping on slipped from her as she let herself be succumbed into darkness.


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