Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 46

Chapter 46 – An Unexpected Reunion (1)

What just happened?

Harvey turned to look at face of the man who had a striking olive-toned skin, hoping to see a vengeful reaction after being hit so hard, and so unexpectedly at that too. If Harvey were in his position, he would surely strike back. He would never go down without a fight!

The man was powerful. He wouldn’t let this woman get away with treating him so roughly, would he?

Harvey could almost see it happening: the woman would be lying on her stomach, limbs twisted at a grotesque angle as she pleaded, begging him to end her life, to at least spare her that one final mercy.

But what happened was nowhere near close to what he was expecting.

The man only pushed the woman’s hand away from his ears, and they were talking about something Harvey couldn’t understand.

Harvey was able to make out a few words from his eavesdropping; something that concerns a ‘map’, and the man also said that he doesn’t know where to go from here, and he even accused the woman that she intentionally left him there to lead him astray.

Although his words were void of warmth and were full of spite, it was clear that he was not planning to harm the woman at any cost. Neither his light whip nor that black object of his was in sight, too.

Harvey was appalled.

Where was the energy you had when you were hitting me earlier?! Harvey sneered.

Damn these sons of b!tches!

Harvey jumped from where he was hidden in the shadows, his rationality long gone as he skipped towards them, completely forgetting that the woman had decapitated his head off, making it so easy for anyone to whip his head away, again.


The light whip soared in the air, slicing the ugly green head into two. The whip waved once from end to tip as it shook the greenish blood off before coiling back to its owner’s slender fingers.

The light whip was like an extension to Alfonso’s veins. It extended from the very end of his fingertips, flexible and powerful at the same time— a strong weapon befitting for a strong man like himself.

Amelia only glanced at the greenish blood, unbothered as she placed her hands akimbo and faced Alfonso. “What are you still doing here? Were you planning to attack me?”

Alfonso scoffed, crossing his arms as he turned his back, walking away from Amelia. He couldn’t believe that she was insinuating that he’d attack her. Wasn’t she the one who intentionally left him at such a complicated place? He couldn’t even find his way anywhere! Now she’s asking why he’s still here? Why he hadn’t left yet? Is she really being serious?

Who could even leave this forsaken place? She must’ve felt like making a fool out of him by pretending that this was a way out when it’s not, and he was stupid enough to believe it. He was a fool, and the woman was really despicable. Alfonso knew he was right from the very start.

Alfonso sat, leaning his back against a tree trunk and sighed. He stared fixedly forward, not thinking of anything particular.

After a lingering silence, he could hear the soft crunching of leaves growing closer and nearer behind him.

The dark elf clenched his fists, thinking of when he would be able to catch a break.

A soft hand gently touched his shoulder. The woman leaned down, her soft blonde locks falling in front of his face as he caught a whiff of her scent. “Don’t move.”

Alfonso blinked. What is she up to now?

Not only that the woman didn’t care to explain, but she also invaded his personal space by covering his mouth with her palm so tightly his blue eyes grew wide in surprise.

“Shh! Quiet. They’re here.” Amelia whispered, peering cautiously at the approaching crowd through a hedge. She used her other hand to press the elf’s head down. “Don’t come out. Don’t move or create any noise.”

A few meters where Amelia and the elf were hidden, Rita held the crying boy in her grasp and shouted for Amelia. “Amelia! Where are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

Debra frowned. “Do you think she’s alright?”

“This is Amelia we’re talking about. She’s very strong, so I don’t think something bad happened to her.” Rita said in clear confidence.

Debra bit her lips and looked over the forest for any sign of Amelia. After a short while, she saw movement from her peripheral vision in the shrubbery, hands poking out with a wand on one clutch as Amelia stepped out. “I’m here. The devourer has been killed.”

“Where’s the body?” Debra asked.

Amelia scratched her head. “I crushed it.”

The crowd looked at Amelia with sheer admiration pooling in their eyes, completely in awe of Amelia once again.

“That’s amazing, Amelia!” Rita cheered, throwing a thumbs up.

“So you finally showed guts, huh?” Debra remarked.

Amelia abruptly changed the subject, facing Rita who was holding onto a distressed-looking child. “Is he okay? Where did he come from?”

“I’m not sure. He said that he lives in the forest.” Rita answered as she rubbed the boy’s head in comfort. “How can anyone live in this place? I think something scared him.”

“How about we bring this child home then we’ll go look for the witch’s place? How does that sound?” Amelia asked.

Even with how steady Amelia sounded, she was still nervous as hell. She felt like she was walking on thin ice, thinking that Alfonso was about to blow his cover anytime soon. He had always been so hardheaded that being with him really took a toll on her. She had no idea how long he could stay lying down hidden in the branches, so she needed to shoo these people away as soon as she could.

But she can’t let anyone see how antsy she felt. She didn’t want anyone to grow suspicious of her.

“Amelia” Rita yelled suddenly, taking a step back. “The bush behind you moved.”

Everyone drew their swords out its sheaths, pointing it towards the bushes.

“Don’t move!” Amelia said warningly as she stood in front of everyone. “I’ll go check it out.”

Drawing nearer the bushes, she found Alfonso in the form of an elf cub just like on the day she saw him on the streets, looking like a menacing abandoned child. He did this to further hide his rather big form from Amelia’s company. He was lying on the ground, and the fallen leaves cushioned his back as he stared at the towering trees above him. His scarlet eyes were half hidden under the shadows of the trees, and sunrays streamed through the branches as it illuminated his features a golden glow.

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