Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 35

Chapter 35 – His Wretched Lackey (2)

Amelia wasn’t able to finish her assignments at the end. The night before she left, she panicked as she faced her two blank scrolls. She cried from stress, and called her good friend Rita to come help her finish it.

“Why didn’t you just tell the teacher that there’s something the Pope Highness tasked you to do?” Rita said, letting a soft yawn.

Rita was forcibly dragged out of bed due to Amelia’s insistence. Her usually neat golden curls were an unruly mess hanging below her shoulders.

“I did.” Amelia sniffed, tears clouding her vision. “And then he told me I could submit them after I came back, but the initial three assignments would turn into five.”

She stopped writing, and let her head slam against the table. “I couldn’t even finish three assignments, let alone five. It would be much better to hand these over now.”

Rita propped her chin. “I remember telling you to listen to class. You were such a pain in the ass for quite a long time, and the teacher finally found his chance to teach you a lesson.”

Amelia scratched her head, undeniably guilty of Rita’s allegations. She really was an inattentive student.

There was a lingering silence in the room for a long while, both Rita and Amelia were busy scribbling down continuously line after line. “Did you hear about the rumors?” Rita asked suddenly.

Amelia looked up. “What rumors?”

Rita looked around, wanting to make sure no one but Amelia would hear her. Her face reddened as she leaned close to Amelia and said in a shy voice, “Someone heard a couple of people doing it in the woods near the Church.”

Amelia blinked, she had no idea what Rita was talking about. “Doing what?”

Rita bit her lips, her face red as a tomato as she stammered. “Y-you know.. That kind of thing. The very, dirty thing.”


Amelia finally understood what Rita meant.

The Light cult prohibited such acts to take place, and doing it so near the Church was a clear abomination, an utter display of outright disrespect. The saints were specifically trained to serve the Gods, and preserving both their souls and bodies holy and pure were the ultimate goal. They were strictly forbidden to act on it, and that it includes hearing people do it, since they didn’t want their ears to be polluted with sin.

“How bold of them. I wonder who dared cross the line.” Rita said with absolute disgust. “I bet they aren’t believers. They’re probably a servant and a Knight, or a couple of gardeners.”

“That’s possible, I guess.” Amelia said nonchalantly, still facing her parchments. The Light cult would find out who the couple were anyway.

Sure enough, on the day they set off, the three of them with their luggage in tow, and a group of knights escorting them, passed by two people who were hung in front of the city guard wall.

It was a man and a woman, and their expressions looked equally drained, as if their lives were sucked out of them, leaving this ghost of a shell behind. They were curled up in two small cages that could barely fit them, and they looked like dried prunes that were left too long under the sun.

“So these were the two bold civilians?” Debra asked spitefully, looking at the knight guard that was standing beside her.

“Yes.” The knight nodded.

Rita just shrugged as she simply glanced at the two prisoners. “Debra, why do you care about this so much? Let’s go now, shall we? Let’s not waste our time here.”

Debra pursed her lips together as she faced the knight. “When they die, hang their corpses here for a while. Let this be a reminder to those who dare disrespect the Gods.”

The knight bowed respectfully. “Yes, I will uphold your orders.”

Amelia, however, didn’t dare look up. She carried her luggage and followed Rita wordlessly.

Why did these two have to do it right next to the Church? Couldn’t they have waited a little bit longer? It’s not like they won’t see each other again anyway. Great. Now they are hung up on the wall like human sacrifices.

Amelia sighed silently. She stepped inside the carriage, and left the city behind, the wheels turning creakily as they set off.

She didn’t see it, but Debra lowered her head to hide the complexity of her expressions, which harbored both smugness and guilt.

The town they were heading off to wasn’t that far, just a mere one day away from the city. It was located at the center of the continent, right at the junction of the edges lining up the border. One step out of the perimeter was where the dark world was—where the dark creatures were positioned.

It was already late at night when they had arrived, and they presented the token of the cult at the city gate upon entry. They stayed in a nearby hotel that they found and went to separate rooms. They will start searching for the whereabouts of the witches tomorrow.

Amelia went to her room, and waited until the others had slept in their respective quarters. After deeming both rooms void of any movements, she left the hotel quietly in the dead of the night.

She walked outside the main road and over the city wall, where a dense forest stood a few meters away. The forest near the town was a lot calmer, safer, and the deeper you went into the forest, the more dangerous it became.

At the distance over the horizon, a thick, black fog covered the entire night sky, and the moon could barely be seen.

There’s the realm of the Dark Cult.

Amelia didn’t dare go further upon reaching the edge of the forest. She took the small cloth bag, untied the string and shook the dark elf out of its contents. Miniature-sized Alfonso stretched his limbs as he looked around.

“Go all the way to the depths of the forest. That is the Dark world, where all the dark elves are.” Amelia informed him.

“I promised that I would send you home, and here I am fulfilling my promise. I didn’t lie to you, did I?” Amelia smiled.

Looking at Amelia from the outside, she was definitely worthy of being called as a saint. Even if she was standing in the ghastly dense forest, her beauty that shone from within could not be clouded.

Anyone would have been rendered speechless by her utmost beauty.

And only Alfonso knew how vicious and sinister this woman could be. As much as he hated to admit it, he would miss her—his wretched lackey.

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