Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 27

Chapter 27 – Engulfed by Fire (2)

‘What’s going on?’

A few fluorescent-like substances were scattered up in the air.

The red-haired witch looked down, hands on her knees as she heaved. With her eyes facing the ground, she saw a small, fluorescent sphere rise up right in front of her face.

The ball of light flickered in the air before it slowly flew towards the gate. It circled the gate repeatedly in a fluid motion.

She sat still for a moment as she stared at the floating ball. After a few seconds, she finally understood what it was trying to say.

It was beckoning them to come closer, guiding them to escape.

Her body felt like it weighed tons, aching all over and she was already so tired. She could hardly stand up, but she couldn’t let this chance to escape go to waste. The red-haired woman clenched her teeth and stood up with all the little strength she barely had. She pulled the black-haired girl with her, and stumbled through the door.

The door opened silently.

Both of them got out of the chamber. The red-haired witch peered over her shoulder, glancing at the saints who fainted so suddenly.

She bit her lips and took the matchbox out of her pocket. Her fractured fingers shook wildly as she scratched a bundle of matches against the coarse surface of the box, igniting the sticks, and threw it inside the torture chamber.

She didn’t plan to kill anyone. She just wanted to have a little more time for her escape.

With tears brimming in her eyes, the red-haired witch, who was originally a believer of Light, took a last glance as she left her faith behind completely. She dashed desperately towards the fluorescent ball, pulling the other girl with her.

The two, scarred girls chased the ball of light’s trail. They went all the way across the deep path, jumped over the fence and left the heavily guarded sanctuary.

After reaching the space void of people, the girls stopped as they fought to catch their breaths. The fluorescent ball burst in the air, producing a piece of paper that was written with a few, short scribbles.

It was like a firefly that brings hope, a few traces of magic still floating in the air.

The red-haired witch looked back in astonishment. Her eyes followed the tiny balls flying into the sanctuary, and from there a realization hit: The person who saved them from their execution was no one else but one of the fainted saints.


Amelia opened her eyes in the torture chamber.

“Hello lackey. Are you stupid?” The elf said as he pushed his head out of Amelia’s pocket. His cheek was bruised from Amelia’s fall earlier. “Why did you save them? You would be in so much trouble.”

“I didn’t save anyone. It’s none of my business. I didn’t do anything!” Amelia said as she sat up. Amelia pushed the elf once again back inside her pocket.

Behind her were the saints who were still unconscious on the ground, and in front of them was a slow, burning fire.

Amelia took a deep breath, about to execute her infallible plan.

Fire was crawling on the floor. The flames grew bigger by the second, spreading to the sides as it crawled upwards the wall like a slithering snake. The room was surrounded by blazing, prickling heat.

A massive part of the torture chamber was fabricated with metal and special materials to cage the prisoners in, and a chunk of wood was placed in the gaps between the walls. With how the room was meticulously made, it was clear that the fire was ignited on purpose. The flames fanned out on the four corners of the room like wildfire, but fortunately, it was unable to reach the unconscious saints lying on the ground.

Amelia waited for a few minutes, calculating the time she deemed the two girls finally managed to escape. When she was certain of the two’s sound exit away from the city, she decided that it’s time to wake everyone up from their slumber.

She laid her back on the ground, settling herself in a much comfortable position as she lay on her side. “Stay down. Don’t make any noise.” Amelia whispered warningly to the elf.

The elf moved around her pocket, and let out a soft grunt. Amelia took that as a yes.

Amelia wiggled her fingers, and a magical force in a shape of a small hammer floated up in the air. She snapped her fingers together, making the hammer zoom towards Debra and hit her across the head.

“Huh?” Debra muttered, blinking her eyes repeatedly. She slowly got up from the ground, rubbing her butt that was aching from the fall, and opened her eyes dazedly.

Debra gasped as she stared at the scorching flames before them. She knelt on the ground and began shaking the others in panic. “Wake up! Are you okay?” She asked as she placed her finger underneath a saint’s nose, checking to see if the latter was breathing.

The saints roused from their sleep one after the other, their eyes grew wide in alarm as they stared at the blazing reds. “What happened? Where did the fire come from?”

“Look! The witches have escaped!”

“Who did this?!”

The saints screeched as they frantically looked at their surroundings.

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