Taming the Dark Lord - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 – Regret (1)

The inspection team was at its busiest during the afternoons. They scoured the city in huge numbers— comprising a huge number of saints, and thousands of knights escorting them as they did their daily patrols. They were in charge of the civilians’ safety, making sure to keep a watchful eye over its constituents, and where they resided.

Along the perimeter of the white, tall building, commoners and noblemen alike were gathered around the plaza, the open space full to the brim. They were busy exchanging conversations with one another as they kept each other company.

On the far side of the street, Amelia stepped into the busy space, the whiteness of her dress and the glow that came with her glinted on the crowds’ peripheral vision, almost blinding them as they turned their heads towards her direction. The cacophony of voices immediately simmered down, until the only thing that could be heard across the plaza was the soft click of Amelia’s heels.

People hung their heads low, not daring to look directly at the saint’s full splendor.

Amelia spotted a little boy among the crowd lifting his head, curiously looking around his surroundings before his head was pushed back down roughly by his parents, their eyes silently telling him to keep still as to not anger Saint Amelia.

Amelia, who saw how anxious they were, quickly averted her gaze from the small family, not wanting to cause any more unnecessary distress.

As she neared the white building, a group of knights suddenly came out of the high doors, which was led by none other than the Knight Commander himself.

Standing a few feet away from Amelia, the Knight Commander promptly knelt on one knee, his head bowed low in reverence as he spoke. “Is there anything I can help the chief with?”

Amelia waved the document in front of the commander. “I’ll be looking into this case. Has there been any progress?”

The Knight Commander shook his head. “Not much at the moment.”

He led Amelia to the house, walking steadily while he reported his findings. “The Prophet believes that the massacre was orchestrated by a creature of some sort. Ruling out the possibility that it was done by a person.”

“It was not done by a person?” Amelia repeated, her heart sinking down to her stomach.

The Knight Commander nodded. “We already sent people out to look into all the creatures who passed by Oya street that day, but we don’t have any leads yet.”

“I saw the document saying that it was a slave market. Do you think it’s possible that the creatures they caught somehow revolted, and killed everyone present in retribution?” Amelia asked.

The knight was quiet for a moment before responding. “It’s possible.”

They continued on as the Knight Commander kept Amelia updated, informing her of their progress and the plans they will execute next. Upon reaching the luxurious reception hall, the Knight told Amelia to sit down while he gathered some refreshments for her.

Amelia had no appetite, her stomach churning in agitation.

She sat on the chair, turning her palms inside and out as she fiddled with her rings. The golden bands casted reflections around her as it caught light. She tried to stop her hands from feeling shaky, fisting her hands tightly to her lap as she fought the jitters.

Looking down on her lap, her eyes caught sight of the brilliant gold on her index finger glistening more brightly than the others.

Amelia was startled by the sudden alert, quickly covering the twinkling gem with one hand as she looked around her surroundings. After realizing that she was alone in the hall, Amelia then activated the mysterious rune.

A floating screen appeared gradually in front of Amelia, showing the insides of the dimly lit basement like a surveillance camera as it focused on the dark elf’s face.

It’s clear that he had no idea that he’s being watched. He seemed to be in deep concentration, intently staring at something that was in front of him.

He was staring at the candlestick. His beauty was indeed ethereal, the light even seemed to be drawn to him.

Before Amelia left the basement, she made sure to place magic all over the place as a preventive measure, so that people wouldn’t be able to sneak inside her palace while she was away. Amelia felt relieved that no one had broken in. She was about to close the screen when the elf suddenly stood up.

Amelia stared at his dark skin, which glowed under the candle flame. The elf raised his head, and stared closely at the ceiling.

What was he doing?

Amelia squinted her eyes and followed his gaze upwards. Trying to understand what got the elf’s attention, she realized then what the man was looking at after a few seconds.

Someone was coming, and that person was nearing her palace.

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