Surviving As The Villain’s Childhood Friend - Chapter 7

“But I’m surprised. Leniana Mienda is number one.”

“She’s pretty.”

As Marin said, Leniana was pretty. It was because her facial expressions and atmosphere were overshadowed by her appearance.

“Both are from the top five knight families in the Empire, and they are the same age… Above all, Leniana’s nose is pointed so high. I think the rumored young Evelian would suit her.”

Indeed, but would the brusque Leniana be interested in men?

“But don’t let your guard down. The most important thing is the young Evelian’s heart after all!”

I laughed awkwardly. The main character who would take Roziel’s heart had already been decided. It was also the worst option.

I concealed my heart and turned my gaze toward the banquet hall. The children were busy eating and talking. The servants and maids of the Evelian family constantly distributed food and beverages as calm music rang in the banquet hall.

“Your Excellency, Marquis of Evelian.”

At that time, the door of the banquet hall opened. At the announcement from the servant, the children rose from their seats. The master who would teach them the art of Agrad appeared. I also stopped searching for the villain and looked at the Marquis with Marin. He had silver hair and purple eyes that were cold enough to freeze any opponent.

“He’s really handsome…”

I nodded and agreed with Marin’s little whisper.

He was handsome. He was so good-looking. It was easy to understand why the villain, Roziel Evelian, was portrayed as a heavenly beauty.

He strode into the banquet hall and looked over the children one by one. The atmosphere of the banquet hall stiffened by his evaluation.

“Good.” He spoke in a low voice.

Even though he didn’t point out what was good, the children looked very excited. A man, one of the living legends, saw them and evaluated them as ‘good’. That alone meant that they could enter Agelisk.

“This will be worthwhile.”

Someone raised their hand at his subsequent words. It was a boy named Terran Widlich. He was staring at the Marquis with sparkling eyes.


The Marquis nodded as if permitting him to speak.

“Is there anyone among us who can join the Knights of Olodika?”

His question raised the corner of the Marquis’s mouth a little bit. It looked like a sneer rather than a smile.

The Marquis’s voice permeated again among the nervous children. “Yes, I opened the Agelisk to select the talented among one of you and recruit.”

His faint voice was somehow creepy.

“So work hard. So that I can choose all of you.” After saying that, the Marquis glanced at the attendant standing at the door. “Let him in.”

“Yes, yes, sir!” The servant stuttered and grabbed the doorknob.

It felt as if the door was opening in slow motion. “Enter, young Lord Evelian.”


In addition to his good looks, Roziel Evelian was famous for his outstanding skills. He was the future Marquis of Evelian and the commander of the Knights of Olodika. I can’t believe he came to the banquet.

I also raised my head. At the order, the young man walked in. A boy with silvery hair just like the Marquis, however, unlike the Marquis, his eyes were blue. But thanks to his similar face, it was easy to notice that he was Roziel.

The banquet hall was engulfed in silence. If the Marquis was so handsome that you could not take your eyes off him, then his son Roziel had a beauty that was not of this world.

“I’m, I’m, I’m breathless…”

Next to me, Marin slapped me on the shoulder. “Calm down and repeat your breathing as you would usually.”

Hoo-haa-hoo-haa, I calmed my heart at the sound of my harsh breathing.

The Marquis searched the children. His eyes lingered on the children of talented and prominent families such as Leniana and Terran for a longer time and then disappeared.

“Get acquainted, Roziel. There may be someone you like.”

The Marquis cut his words short and disappeared.

Roziel sat on a chair in the banquet hall, motionless. He was just looking straight ahead, not talking, not moving. His long eyelashes fluttered every time he blinked. His fair skin reminded me of white snow.

The children couldn’t bring themselves to talk and just loitered around. He maintained no expression at all. He looked as if he had no interest in anything.

Why don’t I approach him first and talk to him?

However, the atmosphere was so cold that it was not easy.

“You have such a pretty face… The atmosphere is no joke.”

“As expected, the rumors were true.”

“The rumors of him being arrogant?”

Not much was known about Evelian because they weren’t a part of the social circles, except for the fact that they were one of the most prominent families. Thus, their reputation wasn’t very good.

The Marquis didn’t seem to care at all.


“He moved.”

Then, Roziel rose from his seat. He wandered near the banquet table, perhaps because of curiosity. The banquet hall became tense at his movement.

“Will Roziel be the future commander of the Knights of Olodika?”

Next to me, Marin whispered, “I told you to talk to someone you might like. Since everyone is monopolizing the good guys I’m already trying to find one for myself. Of course, if you can talk to him*, then you’ll be able to get ahead…” (TL/N: him as in Roziel)

Even though she said so, Marin could not approach him directly. The nobles of the Empire were very anxious about Roziel. To be more exact, they were a little frightened. It was because of Evelian’s powerful force and mystique. But fear was accompanied by awe and made everyone dream of becoming like him. Thanks to this, Olodika, led by Evelian, became more established in the empire.

Roziel went through the table thoroughly and picked up candy and put it in his mouth. Even if he was the villain he was still a child, and Roziel seemed to have a soft spot for sweets. From candy, snacks, chocolate… He seemed happy to put it in his mouth. It was very uncharacteristic of him and not evil.

Then he suddenly found something and walked to the other side.


“Hey, someone put that there.”

The children moved around curiously.

‘What’s going on?’

From my side, it was hard to see Roziel because of the crowd. Therefore I couldn’t guess what caused him to move. The eyes of the children moved along with him like a baby bird chasing a mother bird.

“Ro-Roziel. That’s just a joke between us…”

Roziel did not respond to their excuses. He just turned away quietly. The direction of his turn was towards the exit. His expression was unusual and he looked a little shocked.

“Hey, look here!” Marin shouted, hiding behind me.

Maybe it was because he was near the door, I made eye contact with Roziel. At that moment, every sound was cut off. Only me and he seemed to remain in this space.

Roziel Evelian, the villain.

The man who would destroy another family, and then the empire, and finally the world, was before me now. ‘I can’t believe it.’

I slowly closed my eyes and opened them, confirming his presence. Yeah, I couldn’t believe it.

I couldn’t believe there was a ballot paper in his hand. (TL/N: dun dun dun!!)

* * *

I was embarrassed and followed after him.

Why the hell was he taking that paper? I could feel my heart pounding like it was going to explode. I was afraid he’d hurt me for messing with him, but there… There was my name, too. Damn it!

Roziel was walking down an empty hallway.


I quickly approached him. Roziel turned his head and looked at me. I licked my dry lips and stole a flowing drop of sweat.

“Who are you?”

Roziel’s face was cold, but his eyes were not as bad as I thought. The clear, transparent blue eyes were imbued with the innocence of a young boy.

“I… “

I swallowed my saliva. It was the first time in my eleven years that I couldn’t speak.

“I’m a trainee here… I came to Agelisk this time as a representative of my family.”

Roziel nodded at my introduction. “So?”

“Well, you know…”

I was pondering over what to say.

“Yuria Zeos. What are you doing here?”

It was the swordsman teacher, Kiles Bendy.  “Banquets and social gatherings are a kind of training. Don’t tell me you can’t hang out with your classmates and play hooky… No, young master!”

Kiles bowed down at the sight of Roziel, who was hidden by me.

“You came to the banquet. You’re already this old… This Kiles is so moved… !”

Despite Kiles’ tremendous flattery, Roziel didn’t even reply. Rather… his gaze slowly turned to the paper. He saw the name written on the paper.

“Yuria… Zeos?”

“Well, that’s it.”

I stole a peek at the paper, and on it was, ‘Leniana Mienda, Marin Cyans, and ‘Other,’ where my name was written all on the paper.

Roziel alternated between the paper and me.

‘Shall we just give it all up and go down.’

What made me even more frustrated was that there was nothing on his expression. He did not look embarrassed or panicked, he just stared at me.

“Oh, don’t worry, the kids were just kidding.”


He didn’t believe it.

Roziel tilted his head. “…But the number of votes is zero.”

“… ”

…Was that how bad I was? I was very disappointed with my fellow knights.

Roziel looked at me with compassionate eyes, and then glanced away. His long eyelashes trembled; he seemed to be embarrassed.

What? Why can’t you look straight at me all of a sudden?

My heart went cold.

I grabbed my training pants with my hands.

By any chance…? I gulped.

Yeah. I knew. I knew this feeling…

It was similar to the stillness that sat down after confessing to the sun-bae whom I loved for five years in the previous life.

And I knew another word that would come after this silence.

As soon as I tried to cover my ears, Roziel opened his mouth. “I don’t want to meet a girl yet.”

“… ”

“…So find another man.”

The blood drained from my face in an instant. Calm down, body. You were in shock because you got dumped.

Roziel was embarrassed if my prediction was correct. He opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it. He turned around and disappeared.

“… ”

Neither did I, I had no desire to meet a man.

The words to refute could not leave my mouth and sank into my heart. I stood in the hallway and stared blankly at his back. I wanted to cry.

“Hmm, Yuria Zeos. There are so many men in the world, and you’re still young…”

I heard Mr. Kiles rambling on, but I wasn’t listening to him.

The second day of joining Agelisk, vowing to save the world.

I was dumped without confessing to the villain.

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