Stone Thrown into the Lake - Chapter 23

Chapter 23


Duran couldn’t help but examine Yvor’s face. What if she made a face like she was on the verge of tears? He had no idea how to convey his thoughts aloud properly.


“Okay, Dew, if you say so…”


Yvor affirmed affectionately. A worried expression was still on her face, but at the same time, it was also full of pride.


For a moment, Duran Craig pondered over what was there for her to boast about. The thoughts turned into an endless labyrinth. What made her so proud of him, who couldn’t even speak in a friendly manner and why was she so happy? Her love made him doubt himself.


“…Sister!” Duran suddenly shouted.


“Yes?” Yvor looked at him. Duran Craig managed to come with a word after gathering all the kindness that Yvor Adela had poured into him. He spat the word on the tip of his tongue out, as if it was a word stubbornly rooted deep within.




“See you tomorrow.” Despite the simplicity of those words, Yvor Adela smiled dreamily. Duran Craig had to fully admit that looking at her joyful expression also made him happy.


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The next day, Serum Castle was bustling. As much as the residents of Serium Castle tried to restrain themselves, they could not completely hide their excitement.


The ornamental flowers in the castle were changed to double flowers of brighter colors than usual, while the decorations shone and the curtains were extended in the banquet hall. The captain also replaced the engraved coat of arms of Serium and Salzmia with one that was newer, more vivid in colour.


The knights, who were not accustomed to welcoming guests, awkwardly saluted them, and the maids kept their voices low and chattered while polishing, their voices echoing throughout the castle.


Even Mrs. Harris, who usually kept out of all the castle’s affairs barring Yvor’s education, acted as if she was the owner of the castle, and meddled with an additional word or two to the maidservants.


“Master, how about dressing up a little more today?”


The maid carefully advised. She was the daughter of a retired knight who lived in a village under the castle’s jurisdiction, and recently entered as a handmaiden. As it was not long since she started working at Serium Castle, she could speak to Yvor easily.


“Marie.” Lucy stopped her with a small voice.


“But…A prince has arrived, right?” Marie protested while whispering. Lucy immediately gave her a stern look. Although Marie was three to four years older than Lucy, she was still behind in terms of experience.


“I’m sorry, Master. She spoke out of line due to her lack of training… Please punish me.”


Lucy politely bowed her head. Yvor lightly waved her hand in dismissal.


“It’s okay, so leave me, Lucy and Marie.”


Yvor Adela was not a very good master yet, but now, she remembers the names of the people working for her.


Regardless of the excited atmosphere in the castle, Yvor did not deviate from her usual routine. In her frugal dress, with undecorated hair and face devoid of makeup, Yvor Adela partook in breakfast with Duran Craig alone that morning.


She also had teatime with Duran after breakfast, and after holding Duran’s hand while reading another fairytale for an hour, they played the Cembalo, which Yvor started to teach him recently. It was their everyday life.


“My Dew is able to learn anything quickly.”


Yvor spoke to Duran, who barely began to play the scales. It was a voice full of sincerity. It was almost unbearable to the listener.


Duran glared at the keyboard, as if he wanted to melt it. He couldn’t stand listening to her compliments, and was ashamed of his humble skills. His sister was like that the whole time.


When he awkwardly pointed out how she was blatantly repeating mistakes on purpose the other day, her face had an expression of delight, as if he had compiled an etiquette book.


In the eyes of Yvor Adela, Duran Craig was a genius of the century and appeared as if he could do anything. But he was a dunce, let alone being a genius,and he was far from being capable of doing anything. So he scowled everytime she talked like that, with the tips of his ears turning scarlet.


Duran moved his hand as if he were trying to punch the keyboard. The beat grew louder and louder. Yvor listened enraptured, as if it was a performance by a famous musician. In the end, Duran was unable to stand it anymore, and stopped. He spoke his words casually.


“The guests.”




But what he picked up haphazardly was actually a subject that was on Duran Craig’s mind all morning. The prince, his knight, and their father… Duran continued to glower at the keyboard.


“Can you leave it as it is?”


Duran may be ignorant on other matters, but he knew that Yvor was the owner of this castle. It was clear that there was a lot of work to be done aside from watching him play an instrument he had yet to master. Receiving guests or… Duran vaguely recalled the etiquette he had learned.


“Don’t worry, Dew.”


Yvor took Duran’s hand silently, and gently hugged his shoulder. It was a careful gesture, as if his shoulder would break if she put any force on it. Duran stiffened a little before relaxing conscientiously, afraid of hurting her.


“Your sister will take care of everything. You don’t have to worry about that yet.”


Yvor whispered in a soft voice. While she may have thought of Duran as the genius of the century and a brilliant kid who could do everything quickly, that didn’t completely cloud her reasoning.


Yvor Adela made a level-headed judgement that her younger brother had not been educated enough to stand before nobles from the capital, much less a prince. She wanted to protect Duran from harming his fingertips. She wanted to prevent anything that might be reflected as a flaw.


If it was possible for her to receive all the wounds and pain he would experience in his stead, she would gladly do so, as if she was flying in the sky, even though she may become sick and bedridden.


As such, she was going to ignore the presence of other people in the castle this evening, the next day, and the day after that. Wouldn’t it become a great scandal if she was viewed as the rude hostess that doesn’t even invite her guests for a formal dinner, what’s more if the recipient of such treatment was the prince and her father?


The trivial fact that the manners of the Lord’s half-brother staying in the castle was imperfect would be buried and forgotten.


As such, Ziark’s request, delivered after noon that day, was naturally rejected. At least, it was a matter of course for her.


“A guest cannot request the presence of the lord,” Yvor immediately dismissed.


From Ziark’s point of view, it was an absurd remark. He was curious about her, but as the conversation topic turned to her, Sidis Murka vanished from his room after breakfast. Even if he asked around, the only answer he got was that they too were unsure of Sidis’s location.


At this rate, what will happen if the prince finds her like this? Wouldn’t her first impression of the prince become a mess? That was up to the lady, not us. Moreover, the fact that the prince and the owner of the castle would usually lead to a contest over the upper seat at a formal dinner. However, Sidis was not here with the aim of a power struggle with a princess candidate, so in such a situation, it was more appropriate to take a step back and ask first.


But this prince actually…Goodness. If that’s the case, he’ll have no choice but to roll up his sleeves and step up.


With that in mind, Ziark requested a formal dinner with Yvor, feeling like she would accept with gratitude immediately. But he heard such an answer from Yvor, making him speechless beyond belief.


◇ ◆ ◇


Like the sound of thunder chasing after a flash of lightning, Ranan Elmund made his appearance after Ziark Dunmel left. Instead of the sound of thunder, the door slammed open with a bang. Duran, frowned at the sight of Ranan while seated with Yvor, whereas Yvor greeted him silently.


Mrs. Harris, naturally, followed in after Ranan. As usual, the teacher did not appear at the allocated time for etiquette lessons, so Yvor reviewed her dining etiquette with Duran. It didn’t take long for an enraged Ranan Elmund to yell abruptly.


“Yvor Adela! How dare you… !”


However, his anger quickly dissipated. It was because of the tranquility in the eyes of Yvor Adela, who was looking at him quietly. Yvor asked smoothly.


“What’s the matter, Father?”


Salzmia’s motto was honor and dignity, and there was an old saying in Salzmia, ‘True emotions are placed within the heart’, which means they shouldn’t be taken out. Ranan Elmund was faithful to that maxim, and ordered elegantly.


“Everyone, leave.”


The faithful maids of Serium Castle cast their gazes at Yvor for confirmation. It did not matter that Ranan Elmund was the head of Salzmia, for their master was Yvor. Yvor nodded her head lightly. The maids, who were waiting with empty dishes and trays, began to organize them quietly.


Duran Craig tossed the barely lifted fork onto the tray a maid was holding out politely. At the sound of clanging, Ranan looked at him. It wasn’t even a glance of reproach. Duran pushed the chair back until it made a creaking sound.




Yvor called him. Duran shook his head.


“I don’t want to see any more of that face.”


He spoke harshly, as if it was meant for others to hear him. Ranan’s response was to click his tongue briefly, and that was it. Yvor’s brightened face grew cold.


But she looked at Duran with a face that could melt snow. Dew, Yvor called again. Duran angrily took a step forward, but stayed put for a moment.


If he went out like this, it would be a repetition of what happened yesterday. Yvor would be worried about him again. That thought clung to his ankles and he couldn’t move. It was so heavy that he just couldn’t shake it off. Duran spoke with as much difficulty as the weight preventing him from leaving.


“…It’s okay. I’ll be back.”


Yvor followed Duran to the threshold of the dining room. She felt proud of him for holding back his anger and reassuring her that he was okay.


‘Because my Dew is such a good kid…’


It was so overwhelming that she felt like holding onto her angry father and Mrs. Harris, and tell them how proud she was of her brother. Mrs. Harris turned to close the door, but Ranan said to her without looking back at her.


“Get out.”


The woman had a slightly bewildered look on her face. “Lord…?” She called, seeking for confirmation, but his answer remained the same.


“Are you trying to eavesdrop on your Master’s conversation?”


Ranan Elmund said. Shock flashed through Mrs. Harris’s face, as if she had fallen from mid-air. Yvor closed the door with her own hands.


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