Red Storm - Volume 1

Book 1-6.2 Discussions with the Empire (II)

Looking at it in
terms of diplomacy, sending the second prince to a dangerous area like
this was showing that their powerful empire cares a lot about the tribe.
It was a way of showing that they were being respectful, and in
addition, if the tribe didn’t listen to their demands, it was putting
pressure onto the tribe that they were not giving face to the empire’s
prince. It was a great diplomatic tactic, however, the immature prince
ended up being poison instead.

‘This damn idiot of a prince!
Because of you, we just lost thousands of the fiercest warriors
available! In addition, the potential danger…… what are you going to do
if they end up shaking hands to work together with the Rojini Kingdom……’

Janet was internally swearing at Shareulo Fury Silence, who was sitting arrogantly next to him.

Shareulo Fury SIlence was the type of prince who was useless, other than having the blood of the King in his veins.

you don’t have the abilities, you need to know how to shut up, however,
he didn’t even have that much common sense. Even within the empire, he
was causing a headache to the royal family for doing whatever he wants
and stealing other people’s wealth to use as he pleased.

among the royal family, the older brother, the crown prince, Shaone Fury
Silence III, felt sorry for his immature younger brother, that he
forced Shareulo to do all sorts of things, trying to make a man out of
him. (TL: Mr., I’ll…. make a man…. out of you….) But Shareulo couldn’t
even understand just how hard his brother was trying to help him, and
would only complain and haphazardly do whatever he was ordered to do.

Prince Shaone knew that Pareia would be extremely repulsed by their
request, but would end up having to send over the desert warriors.
That’s why he sent his brother here with a veteran like Janet, so that
they can solidify his brother’s status for the future.

Even if you
are a prince, if you had no merits, you end up falling down and
becoming a useless person. In order to build up his brother’s merit, he
sent him on a mission that was guaranteed to succeed.

the crown prince’s reason for sending the second prince with him, Janet
spoke with the prince before this meeting and reminded him over and
over to not to scratch the pride of the desert warriors. Even then, this
damned idiot of a prince ended up causing a big issue.

looked at the Glow and his son with a worried look on his face. Glow
Baguna’s face had become completely red, and his son abruptly stood up
and started to shout.

“You may be the prince of an empire, but
right now, if we were to use your language, you are in front of a king!
Don’t you think your words are too insulting?!”

Glow Baguna must
have been extremely angry as well, as he did not stop Yulian and just
continued to watch. There was a limit to being patient. A desert
warrior’s pride is as high as the sky; you don’t even need to talk about
the pride of the Glow who rules over them.

“Are you saying you will attack me! You must want to lose your neck for treason.”

did not back down and also stood up from his seat and shouted at the
top of his lungs. Yulian clenched his fists tightly before speaking.

“This is not your empire but Pareia of the desert. Who do you think you are speaking in front of when talking about treason!”

Who would dare to talk back to him in the empire? Shareulo was not afraid of anyone who was not his father or brother.


Shareulo drew his sword from his waist and the sword directly started to stab towards Yulian.

was completely surprised, and Janet was stupefied. He knew this prince
was a moron, but he would have never dreamt that he was this bad! If he
was even 1/1000th similar to his brother the crown prince, he would
never do something like this.



Even in the midst of Baguna and Janet both shouting, Shareulo’s sword continued to stab towards Yulian.

moment he thought Yulian’s waist was bending backwards, a large mass of
iron flashed in front of his eyes and effortlessly smacked Shareulo’s
sword away.

Yulian could not hold it in anymore and lifted up his greatsword to send Shareulo’s sword flying.

Shareulo’s sword, which had been struck by the greatsword, flew high up in the paoe before flying outside.

‘When they said the current Pareia’s princes were extremely talented, they weren’t kidding.’

a diplomat, Janet grew up as a civil servant and knew no martial arts.
However, he was someone who had met many weapon merchants, warriors, and
knights of many foreign nations.

He had seen many knights during
his life, but there were not many who could instantly and effortlessly
move a large sword like Yulian did. Just looking at it, you could tell
that the greatsword was heavy enough to be difficult for one person to
even just lift up.

Watching his weapon being flung away from his hand, Shareulo turned red in embarrassment as he started to shout.

dare you swing your sword towards me! You must be begging to die! With
one word from me, I can make sure a barbarian tribe like this disappears

“What the fuck do you think you’re saying!”

was extremely angry to the point his face turned red. At the moment he
was about to move his greatsword, Janet felt that if he let this
continue any further, something serious would happen and quickly spoke.

Shareulo, I will not allow you to continue speaking like this. Don’t
forget that I have been given the full authority of this voyage. This
was a command given directly to me by the wise crown prince Shaone Fury
Silence III, working in the will of the great emperor Shaone Fury
Silence II.”

Shareulo glared at Janet who was scolding him using
his father and brother’s full names, before silently walking out of the
paoe. Even Shareulo could not go against the will of his father and

As Shareulo walked out like that, Janet used his
handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead before bowing ninety
degrees in front of Baguna and speaking respectfully.

“I ask for Glow Baguna’s understanding. The prince must have been extremely tired from the journey and full of irritation.”

“You’re telling me your royal family insults anybody and swings their sword at anybody when they are irritated?!”

to Baguna’s voice full of anger, Janet knew that he would not be able
to take anything back from this visit. Rather, they needed to give a lot
of things to calm them down.

To lose Pareia right now meant they
will not have a source of the black water they desperately needed for
the war. Furthermore, no matter how you looked at it, this was their
fault. Even using all the flowery language he had learned being a
diplomat for a long time could not cover that truth up.

“I, Janet,
apologize on his behalf for insulting the honorable name of Pareia. I
will definitely pay you back for causing damage to its name.”

Yulian yelled at Janet’s response.

“Do you really think you can pay to make up for damaging a warrior’s pride?!”

“I’m truly sorry. I can only hope for understanding and forgiveness from Glow Baguna, the Benevolent Eye.”

Baguna shook his head at Janet’s actions. He was definitely a flawless
diplomat. As an envoy of the Empire, they could stick their nose up in
the air and do as they pleased, however, this diplomat did not show that
type of personality. He was a veteran who made it sound like he was
compromising with you while still taking everything he wanted to take.
He would rather have a diplomat like the moronic prince from earlier, as
they would be easier to deal with.

Since Baguna did not plan to
start a war with the Silence Empire, he decided that he will pretend to
lose and give a bit before sending them back quietly. For at least a
year, they would not be able to make any types of demands.

Baguna gestured with his hand to stop Yulian from saying something again.

suppose the prince may have said something like that as he has not had
the opportunity to get to know us. It could also be because he is a
healthy young man.”

“I, Janet, bow my head in thanks at Glow Baguna, the Benevolent Eye’s act of goodwill.”

is my birthday. Although something bad has happened on a happy day,
since you have come a long way, celebrate my birthday, and enjoy before
you leave.”

“Since you mention it, we brought a present for Glow
Baguna. We are providing both wagons of iron that we brought today as
Glow Baguna-nim’s birthday present. I hope you accept it with a happy

Janet clearly knew what Baguna was thinking on the inside,
but he put on a smiling expression and played along. That was how
diplomacy worked. He’ll end up returning empty handed after giving up
all the iron they brought with them to trade, but to end it at this
level was great news.

Yulian was very upset listening to his father and Janet.

‘I’m sure father is even more upset. To receive this type of insult but need to hold back and restrain himself……”

He was also saddened by the fact that one day, it would be on him to take that kind of insult and hold back with a smile.

At that point, Baguna called Yulian.


“Yes, father.”

looked at Yulian for a long time before moving his lips. It looked like
he wanted to say something but was holding back, before he said his
son’s name again.



“Don’t forget.”

“I will not forget.”

Father and son. The two men’s eyes were burning red.

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