Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 369

The office of the commissioner.

“Old Liao, are all the suspect’s belongings here?” Zeng Huaiwu asked.

Liao Bing said, “He had nothing with him but a key and an electronic watch. They are both in the evidence room.”

Zeng Huaiwu immediately furrowed his brows. “Nothing else?”

Liao Bing said, “Nothing but a key and an electronic watch.”

“Okay, I get it now. You can go and rest. I will do the interrogation,” Zeng Huaiwu said.

Liao Bing seemed in quite a dilemma. “But…”

Zeng Huaiwu said, “Don’t worry, nothing will go wrong. If anything goes wrong, I will bear the responsibility.” As he spoke, he lifted Liao Bing up by his shoulders and sent him out of the room before he could say anything.

The room of the office was locked shut. The two plain-clothed policemen also shut the window and drew the curtain.

Six pairs of eyes converged on Ning Tao, all cold and sinister. Ning Tao also watched the six men standing opposite him, his expression calm.

“Weren’t you very arrogant just now? Try being arrogant again,” Zeng Huaiwu said.

Ning Tao gave a bland smile. “I am in charge of a very important project under the Academy of Sciences. I am also an external staff of the Bureau of Special Affairs. Do you dare to beat me?”

Zeng Huaiwu immediately started. A tinge of astonishment flashed across his eyes. He came here in a hurry and had not investigated Ning Tao’s background carefully. But even if he had, he would not have discovered anything. Whether he was a supervisor of this project of ancestor seeking, or an external staff of the Bureau of Special Affairs, the information could not be found in the citizens’ database.

Song Chengpeng snickered. “Uncle Zeng, ignore his bluff. I know the project he is talking about. It is handled by our Genesis Biotech Company. He is merely an insignificant reserve choice, with a five-million startup fund. So how highly do you think the authorities regard him? But this fellow is still bluffing, claiming it was a real estate worth billions. He must have gone bonkers, dreaming about money.”

“What Bureau of Special Affairs? Why haven’t I heard of it before?” Lang Wei also scoffed. “And what external staff? You mean an external staff who cleans the toilets?”

Ning Tao shrugged. “It’s a waste talking to you guys. You want to bash me? Come.”

Ji Xiaofeng rebuked him. “Don’t think that we won’t dare. Where’s our stuff?”

Ning Tao said, “My fiancée has it. She said she would pick me up in two hours. If it weren’t for her asking me to resolve this case here, I wouldn’t waste my time with you. Um, what time is it now?”

“Don’t be so damn smug!” Ji Xiaofeng suddenly dashed up and kicked Ning Tao’s chest.

Ning Tao’s body did not even tremble. Ji Xiaofeng had rebounded. His body lost balance and he toppled embarrassingly to the floor.

Lang Wei reached out to help Ji Xiaofeng up.

Zeng Huaiwu signaled them with his eyes.

The two plain-clothed policemen who accompanied them came forward, one pulling out a hammer from his waist. The other immediately went to the bookshelf and pulled out a thick volume of The Dream of the Red Chamber.

They seemed to have come prepared.

The plain-clothed policeman placed the book before Ning Tao’s chest, and the other suddenly swung a hammer on the book.


A dull thud. A hammer mark suddenly appeared on the cover of The Dream of Red Chamber. It was a brutal hammer blow which might cause most men to vomit blood.

But there was still a faint smile on Ning Tao’s lips. “Didn’t you eat? Try harder.”

The plain-clothed policeman holding the hammer was somewhat stunned. But soon, he raised his hammer to strike again.


The entire The Dream of the Red Chamber was quivering. It seemed about to scatter into separate sheets.

Ning Tao smiled. “Why the fuss? Just strike me with the hammer. Don’t pad it with a book, I won’t feel good with it. It’s been some time since I had been beaten. Now I finally have the chance, and yet you’re padding me with a book? Can you guys be serious?”

He was telling the truth. After he mastered Powerful Tolerance to Beating, the more powerful the blunted attacks, the more conducive they were to him practicing the skill. A hammer blow padded by a book was no different to him from a tickle.

But everyone here was flabbergasted.

Especially the three playboys. They thought that Ning Tao would wince and howl in pain. They wanted to hear him shriek in terror, but Ning Tao not only did not howl, he did not shriek either. Instead, he was wearing a smile, teasing his assailants with a beaming face.

“Didn’t you eat?”

“Can you guys be serious?”

These were sheer provocations!

“F**k!” The plain-clothed policeman was enraged. He suddenly lifted up his hammer and brutally smashed at Ning Tao’s knee.


The iron hammer struck him directly on the kneecap, without any protecting muscles or fats. Then it rebounded.

Ning Tao’s knee was not shattered, and there was still that faint smile on his lips. “I’m beginning to feel something. Try again.”

The plain-clothed policeman holding the hammer was dumbfounded. He didn’t know what to do with his hammer. He thought that his hammer blow would shatter Ning Tao’s kneecap like glass and make him lame for life. Yet Ning Tao said that he only felt a mild sensation!

With such words and attitude, how could your assailant continue?

The plain-clothed policemen glanced at Zeng Huaiwu imploringly.

Before Zeng Huaiwu could give them new instructions, Ji Xiaofeng had interrupted. “His kung fu is very powerful. He can withstand strikes. Use a gun!”

Zeng Huaiwu rebuked him. “Are you crazy? Use a gun here… do you want to die?”

Ji Xiaofeng suddenly seemed to recall something. He walked quickly to the washroom, and a minute later emerged with a drenched towel. Then he removed the water dispenser container. He brought the two items to Ning Tao’s side and suddenly covered the latter’s mouth and nose with the wet towel. “I have seen this in movies. This is how the CIA and terrorists torture their victims. I don’t believe he can hold his breath while being thrashed!”

The two plain-clothed policemen glanced at Zeng Huaiwu.

Zeng Huaiwu said coldly, “Why stare at me? Do what he says!”

The policeman with the hammer turned Ning Tao’s chair upside down. The other took the container and started pouring water on Ning Tao’s head.

Throughout the process, Ning Tao was very cooperative. He did not struggle or resist.

Gurgle, gurgle…

Water from the container kept pouring on Ning Tao’s head.

A minute went by.

Two minutes.

Three minutes…

“Take it away! He will die!” Zeng Huaiwu said nervously.

The plain-clothed policeman with the hammer went up to pull away the wet towel on Ning Tao’s mouth and nose.

But at this moment, Ning Tao’s voice suddenly rang out through the towel. “Don’t, don’t, don’t. I can still hold on a while more.”

His words made the plain-clothed policeman removing the towel teeter.

The water container was almost empty, and yet he still claimed that he could hold on a little longer!

Ji Xiaofeng was almost mad with rage. He lost control of his emotions. “Pour! Keep pouring!”

Gurgle, gurgle…

Another three minutes went by. The last drop of water dripped out of the plastic container, falling onto the wet towel on Ning Tao’s face.

Ning Tao did not react.

“Has he passed out?” Lang Wei asked.

“Take a look at him. Don’t let anyone die here!” Zeng Huaiwu said anxiously.

The wet towel was removed.

Ning Tao opened his eyes with a radiant smile. “Ran out of water? Get some more. We can have fun with the water. Just now, the water falls from a distance onto my face like a cascading waterfall. It feels good. Quick, fill another container and do it again. Or why not just attach a water hose to it?”

Jaws dropped to the floor.

The plain-clothed policeman with the hammer suddenly lost control and struck down on Ning Tao’s head.


His head did not break, nor did blood spurt out. There was merely in that instant a frosty face. The smile on Ning Tao’s lips vanished. He coldly watched the plain-clothed policeman striking him.

The policeman’s heart shuddered and he took two steps back. The hammer in his hand fell to the floor with a clang.

“Uncle, do something!” Ji Xiaofeng had already lost his sanity. “Shoot him with a gun!”

Zeng Huaiwu’s subordinates instinctively reached for their guns on their waists, but they did not draw them out.

At this moment, Ning Tao raised his upper body a little and then sat down violently. Crack! The chair broke loudly.

The men took two instinctive steps backwards. All were looking tense. Zeng Huaiwu’s hand also reached for his holster, ready to pull out his gun any moment.

Ning Tao slowly crawled up from the floor, his voice cold. “You guys really think you can do anything you like with money and power?”

Zeng Huaiwu berated him. “Stay where you are and don’t move!”

Ning Tao ignored him and turned to walk to Liao Bing’s desk.

All of them exchanged glances. They did not know what Ning Tao was up to at all.

Ning Tao stopped before the office desk. He turned around and used his handcuffed hands to grab a photo frame there. Then he pulled out a spy camera from the frame.

Zeng Huaiwu seemed to have realized something, his expression suddenly turning tense. He cried sharply, “You… how dare you scheme and frame me!”

“How dare I? Who do you think you are?” Ning Tao pressed the photo frame against the spy camera and sneered. “I cooperated with you because I saw this spy camera. Do you think that all policemen are as wicked as you? You are only a maggot in a barrel of rice. Since you dare to do it, you shouldn’t worry over the consequences!”

After speaking, Ning Tao suddenly expanded his arms and the handcuffs on his hands broke with a crack.

Zeng Huaiwu immediately pulled out his pistol.

Ning Tao grabbed an ashtray on the desk and flung it at him.


Before Zeng Huaiwu could aim the muzzle at Ning Tao, the ashtray had come hurtling towards him. It smashed him brutally on his forehead. The concussion and pain caused his blood to spurt. His eyes momentarily lost its luster as he collapsed to the floor.

“How dare you… attack the police!” Ji Xiaofeng was agitated. “Shoot him…”

Before he could finish his words, Ning Tao’s figure had flashed and darted to his Ji Xiaofeng. He opened his mouth wide, watching a fist punched down on his nose bridge. He wanted to dodge, but couldn’t.


A muffled thump.

Ji Xiaofeng’s nose was broken. His bones had fractured as blood spurted out. His body also soared in the air, flying backwards and slamming heavily against the wall. Then he slid down to the floor.

Lang Wei turned and raced towards the door.

Ning Tao kicked out a foot. Lang Wei’s body also soared, slamming against the door panel and dropping down.

Only then did the two plain-clothed policemen recover. They both simultaneously reached for their guns.

But within a second, Ning Tao had reached them. He kicked and punched, and the two collapsed to the floor. One had his bridge of nose broken, the other his ribs. They fainted instantaneously, without the slightest chance to resist.

Ladder under Feet and Cat Claw Punch would be difficult to execute against practitioners or demons of higher cultivation. But they could easily fight ordinary men, like a professional boxer battling kindergarten kids.

In the blink of an eye, only Ning Tao and Song Chengpeng were left standing in the office.

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