Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 362

“Tell CEO Ning what your name is,” Li Biao said fiercely to that girl.

“CEO Ning, my name is… Xiaocui.” The girl’s voice was very soft.

Li Biao suddenly shoved Xiaocui into Ning Tao’s arms and started snickering. “Serve CEO Ning well. I am giving you to him as a concubine. You will have good food all your life.”

Xiaocui bit her lip and nodded.

Song Chengpeng, Ji Xiaofeng and Lang Wei all had their preferred molls, and quite a few too. The three beckoned and a bevy of women in ancient attires went over to them. The men encircled their waists and held their hands.

The rest of the unchosen women did not leave. They staged performances for Ning Tao and the men. Some were catwalking like Victoria’s Secret models, while others performed provocative pole dances. Still others were playing musical instruments, like the guzheng, the vertical flute, the pipa or the er-hu. Many seemed to be well versed in all instruments. A few were writing calligraphies, painting, or reciting classical poems. They were not just pretty but talented. Still others performed skits, pretending to be scholars from ancient China. Their banters with the courtesans were full of sexual innuendoes.

Since these “waitresses” were all young, attractive and talented, this club would not lack business. It must be earning quite a lot in revenue.

Ning Tao told himself, “This club is so secretive and its guests are all wealthy men and celebrities of Beidu. It must rake in quite a lot. Yet although Li Biao is the manager here, he still wants our sandstone and cement contract. Quite humiliating for a club owner, isn’t it? Unless he is not the true boss here but managing here for another man.”

The three playboys were all having fun—very uninhibited fun. The girls serving them were also unrestrained.

Only Ning Tao was sitting like an honest lad, watching the performances. He did not even touch Xiaocui’s hand.

After having fun, Song Chengpeng signaled Lang Wei with his eyes.

“CEO Ning, let’s have a drink.” Lang Wei offered the wine glass in his hand to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao clinked his glass against Lang Wei’s and downed all the wine.

They were having red wine with a Château Lafite Rothschild label, a 1998 vintage. One glance and anyone could tell it was good, expensive wine. Drinking it, Ning Tao did not find it much different from the local Great Wall or Changyu, which only cost a few dozen yuan a bottle.

Lang Wei watched Ning Tao drink the wine in his glass. He did not drink his. He was observing Ning Tao with strange eyes.

In Hua Country where the wine culture was ingrained, Ning Tao was simply not giving Lang Wei’s face, provoking him directly.

Li Biao furrowed his brows. “Mr. Lang, we are all friends. You ought to have drunk.”

Lang Wei started chuckling. “Brother Biao, since I had so much fun here, I will do my best to help you.”

Li Biao was startled. “Help me? Mr. Lang, what do you mean?”

Lang Wei pointed at Ning Tao. “Does this man look like the CEO of a company? He looks more like a fraudster to me. He’s conning you.”

Li Biao shifted his eyes to Ning Tao, his voice turning cold. “CEO Ning, is he telling the truth?”

Ning Tao answered blandly, “Don’t be anxious. He has obviously not finished. Let him say all he wants first.”

Li Biao was enraged and suddenly slapped Xiaocui who was sitting beside Ning Tao. He cursed, “What the f*ck are you doing, sitting there like an idiot? Pour us wine!”

He had slapped her so hard that soon, a palm print appeared on Xiaocui’s face. She was obviously feeling the pain and shock. Tears immediately rolled down her cheeks, but she did not dare cry. She immediately wiped them off with the back of her hand, and then rose to pour Ning Tao wine.

Ning Tao’s eyes had turned cold. Li Biao was slapping a poor girl before him, the owner of Sky Clinic, committing evil and bullying the weak. It was no different from him giving Ning Tao a slap.

But no one noticed the change in his eyes.

But even if they did, they would not have given a hoot.

“Um, CEO… Ning, I hear that you have a real estate worth a few billions next to this village. Tell us who your shareholders are. Maybe I know them.” Lang Wei was obviously mocking him.

But Ning Tao was looking at Xiaocui, asking with concern, “Does it hurt?”

Xiaocui frantically shook her head. “No, no.”

Lang Wei snorted coldly. “Tell us. Brother Ji is here too. His family specializes in real estate development, and he knows almost everyone in the business. If you won’t say, there must be no one investing in it!”

Li Biao stared frostily at Ning Tao, waiting for him to open his mouth.

But Ning Tao merely raised his wine glass and took a sip.

“CEO Ning, the access requirements for real estate are very stringent nowadays. I happen to be in this business. You said that your company is erecting a skyscraper worth a few billions in a remote location. Sorry to say, I don’t believe you at all. Who will buy real estate here and invest a few billions? If you have such shareholders, they must be nuts.”

Ning Tao took another sip of the wine. He did not seem to be undergoing a trial of derision and doubt, but listening to the radio.

Li Biao’s face turned more and more grim. “CEO Li, are they telling the truth?”

Ning Tao smiled nonchalantly. “Rumors will end with the wise. I’ve always thought you’re a smart guy.”

As he spoke, he observed Song Chengpeng from the corners of his eyes.

Until now, Song Chengpeng had not said a word against Ning Tao. He had been watching the scene, without responding in word or action. He was the most powerful, and yet was hiding behind them. He was really the clever guy.


Li Biao suddenly slammed his palm on the table and cried harshly, “CEO Ning, I have given you all the face you want. You also had my girl here, as well as my best wine. It’s time you show your sincerity. I ask you to subcontract the sandstone, cement and earth excavation projects to me. Let’s sign the contract now!”

One of the girls in ancient attire brought him a briefcase. She opened it and took out three contracts.

Li Biao had prepared everything.

But Ning Tao did not even glance at the contracts before him. He merely asked Xiaocui beside him, “Xiaocui, where are you from?”

“I am from…” Xiaocui was just about to speak, but she seemed to realize something. She gave Li Biao a glance and found him glaring at her fiercely. She immediately shut her mouth.

Ning Tao said, “Don’t be afraid. I know you have some unspeakable sufferings in your heart. It is the fate that has let us meet. I am willing to help you, but you must be brave. Tell me where your hometown is.”

Xiaocui’s lips quivered, and she finally plucked up courage. “Shanxi.”

“How did you end up here?” Ning Tao asked again.

Li Biao suddenly stood up, kicking a foot at Xiaocui’s lower abdomen. But before his foot could reach her, an arm suddenly grabbed his ankle. His foot seemed shackled in a stone lock, unable to move forward or break free.

The hand was Ning Tao’s. Who else but him would be willing to help a weak girl here?

LI Biao growled angrily. “How dare you…”

But before Li Biao could growl out all his intimidations, Ning Tao suddenly pushed his hand forward. Li Biao’s body suddenly lost balance and toppled.

The three playboys were all stunned to the spot. They never thought that Ning Tao would retaliate in Li Biao’s territory.

Ning Tao had shoved Li Biao to the ground, but he did not even bother to glance at him. He said to Xiaocui, “I want to take you away. If you’re willing, I will. No one can stop you.”

Only now did Xiaocui come to herself. She suddenly rose from her chair and knelt down before Ning Tao, grabbing his trouser leg and sobbing. “Save me, uncle. I was swindled here. I was still attending school. I want to go home. I miss school…. Save me…”

Ning Tao reached out to grasp her arm, lifting her up and injecting a whiff of spiritual power into her body. “Since you called me uncle, I have to take you away and send you home.”

“How audacious!” Li Biao, who had just crawled up from the ground, yelled. “Brothers, close the door. Take out your weapons!”

Dozens of men in Western suits poured in from the hall. The door was bolted shut.

The hundred or so girls in ancient attires all scrambled upstairs. There must be a few more among them who had been conned here, but who would dare believe Ning Tao now with this confrontation?

Sometimes, when you are in a desperate situation, you must first be brave enough to grab a rope and climb up if someone offers you one. If you don’t even have this courage, who can save you?

Only Xiaocui had remained behind, standing behind Ning Tao and shivering in fear.

Li Biao stared at Ning Tao, his expression gruesome. “D*mn it, you’ve been toying with me since the start. Great, just great. If I don’t kill you tonight, I will change my surname! Brothers, first break his legs!”

Spotty suddenly dashed up, brandishing a steel pipe in his hand and smashing it on Ning Tao’s head.

Ning Tao did not dodge. He merely stared at Spotty with an expressionless face.


The steel pipe had smashed on Ning Tao’s head. There was a dull thud and the pipe rebounded. It appeared not to have hit his head, but a car tire.

The steel pipe flew away, yet there was not a single wound on Ning Tao’s head.

“I don’t believe I can’t kill you,” Spotty cursed and suddenly leaped up. His hands holding the steel pipe, he smashed down on Ning Tao’s head again.

“Don’t…” Xiaocui screamed in horror.


The steel pipe smashed onto Ning Tao’s head again, this time with even greater power and ferocity. But the outcome was the same. There was not even a wound on his head. Actually, not only was he not wounded, all his hair had remained intact.

There was a deadly silence in the hall.

Song Chengpeng’s eyes had narrowed into a line. A keen gleam flitted past his eyes in that instant.

Ning Tao suddenly cracked open his mouth and smiled. “Have you hit enough?”

Only now did Spotty recover. He retreated a few steps and growled. “Attack! Attack and kill him!”

A mob of thugs clad in Western suits and leather shoes all threw themselves at Ning Tao.

For underworld members, nothing could be resolved without a stick and violence. Either that, or they would need several dozen sticks.

Moreover, they had knives.

The smile on Ning Tao’s lips had intensified.

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