Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 344

Chapter 344 Living a Wonderful Life in the Past
His consciousness returned and Lan Yong slowly opened his eyes. Light entered his sight. He found himself under a dilapidated roof with wooden beams and green tiles. The building seemed extremely old and he could not tell its age. In that instant, a sharp pain assaulted him, affecting his every nerve. He nearly fainted from the pain again.

He inhaled two deep breaths and steadied himself. He wanted to clamber up, but the moment he moved his arms, a sharp pain assailed him. Something seemed to have pierced through his arm. He strenuously raised his neck a little, and discovered to his horror that his shoulder had been pierced through by his humerus. The white bone seemed like a spare rib where meat had been eaten!

Then, he saw a large tripod cast out of green copper. It was giving off plumes of green fumes. There was a human face on the tripod, scowling angrily at him. For some strange reason, he felt terrified.

He recalled what had happened to him. He met a beautiful designated driver, and then had a car accident…

“You’re awake.” A man’s voice broke the silence in this bizarre room.

Lan Yong turned his head to the side and looked in the direction of that voice. He saw a youthful, handsome face with a sunny disposition. It seemed quite familiar to him. He suddenly remembered. He had met this young man in the roast duck shop in Crystal Square! There were two pretty girls with him. He had even elbowed this young man.

This young man was the owner of Sky Clinic, Ning Tao.

“Don’t worry, it will soon be over.” Ning Tao got up from his chair and walked over to Lan Yong, the ledger of bamboo slips in his hands.

Lan Yong immediately tensed. His speaking voice was quavering. “Who, who are you? What, what do you want? Where, where is this place?”

Ning Tao came to Lan Yong’s side, his face composed and his voice quietly nonchalant. “You have so many questions, but I am willing to answer them. This is Sky Clinic and I’m a doctor here. You just had a car accident. Luckily, I was passing by and brought you to my clinic. You’re injured. I’m a doctor and saving lives is my sacred duty. So what do you think I will do?”

As he spoke, Ning Tao placed the ledger of bamboo slips on Lan Yong’s fractured hand.

Lan Yong’s thoughts were still confused. “That designated driver…”

“She is also wounded, but only superficially. I dressed her wounds and she is now gone,” Ning Tao explained.

Lan Yong immediately became agitated. He said furiously, “She caused my injuries and left just like that? I must lodge a complaint! I will sue her in court and make her pay my losses!”

Ning Tao’s face was wearing a smile. “You can do these after you recover. At the moment, your condition is very bad. You have lost too much blood, and your bone is sticking out in the air. It’s very easy for you to suffer an infection. You might even get tetanus. Would you let me treat you?”

“Can your clinic treat such serious injuries? You’d better send me to a hospital. I’ll pay you ¥200.” Lan Yong did not believe that such a run-down clinic could treat him, nor did he believe in Ning Tao.

Ning Tao merely smiled. He picked up the ledger of bamboo slips and unfurled it to read the diagnosis.

Information immediately appeared on the ledger of bamboo slips: Lan Yong, born 1984 on the first day of the sixth lunar month. A beastly man. His first sin: being unfilial to his parents, worth 10 sin of evil intention demerit points. His second: molesting and raping a girl below the age of consent, worth 21 sin of evil intention demerit points. His third: three cases where he distorted the truth and lied, worth nine sin of evil intention demerit points…. In total, 51 sin of evil intention demerit points. Write him a sin of evil intention prescription, remove an eye and an ear as punishment.

51 sin of evil intention demerit points. The sins of this Lan Yong were still less than that of a hooligan. He was no heinous villain, or the ledger of bamboo slips would have ordered his death as atonement.

If he had bravely admitted to his misdeed and apologized to Chen Xue, accepting his rightful punishment, Chen Xue would not have died. But he denied everything outright and distorted the truth, bending it to his advantage, slandering Chen Xue. He forced Chen Xue to a desperate predicament.

He did not personally kill Chen Xue, but Chen Xue had died because of him.

Ning Tao shut the ledger of bamboo slips, turned around, and walked to his study desk.

“Is my offer too low? I can pay you another ¥200… no, I’ll make it ¥300. As long as you take me to the hospital, I will give you ¥500.” Lan Yong added, “I don’t suppose your clinic can earn ¥500 a day. It’s quite a lot.”

Ning Tao still said nothing. He lifted his pen to write the sin of evil intention pact.

Lan Yong supported himself on his still mobile left hand. He wanted to clamber up, but he had just pushed himself up a little before he collapsed again. Even a slight tremor would cause him intense pain. He lay on the ground, panting and inhaling deep breaths.

Ning Tao said blandly, “Don’t waste your energy. You have not only fractured an arm, but also sustained internal injuries. If you move about recklessly, you will suffer a hemorrhage. One more thing: you have been bleeding incessantly all this while. In a few minutes’ time, you will pass out. Then your organs will fail without any oxygen supply from your blood… ”

“I’ll, I’ll give you ¥1,000. Call me an ambulance.” Lan Yong was so scared that he almost cried.

Ning Tao gave a light sigh. “The best doctor in this world is standing before you, and yet you asked him to call you an ambulance? Aren’t you slighting his medical skills? Since you don’t believe I can heal you, just lie there. I believe with your powerful willpower, you can survive until an ambulance arrives.”

“Then give them a call… I beg you, call them…” Lan Yong was devastated.

“Your cell phone is smashed.”

“Then, then use yours…. Hurry!…”

“I’m sorry, my cell phone’s out of charge.”

Lan Yong really cried. He knew that Ning Tao’s cell phone did not really need a charge, but he was unwilling to call for him an ambulance.

He had indeed guessed the truth. After claiming that his cell phone was out of charge, Ning Tao took it out to watch videos on the Tik Tok app.

The silent clinic room suddenly resounded with a duet between a male and a female singer. “Petals are lovely but my bashful love is lovelier. See the river flow past this little bridge…”

He was clearly trying to bully him!

“I beg you, save me… stanch my wounds…” Lan Yong could no longer stand it. He knew that this bizarre young man had malicious intentions in his mind, but he had no other choice.

Ning Tao closed the Tik Tok app and walked over with his small medicine chest. Then he placed a folded prescription on the floor, as well as pushed a pen into Lan Yong’s left hand. “I have my own rules in treating my patients. You need to sign on this prescription pact. After that, I will heal you.”

Lan Yong wanted to read the prescription, but lying on the floor, he did not even have the energy to raise his neck. Holding the pen, he scribbled his name on the sin of evil intention prescription pact. His handwriting was extremely ugly.

“Save me… quick… I’m dying…” Lan Yong pleaded.

Ning Tao kept the sin of evil intention prescription pact Lan Yong had signed and took out the Blade of the Solar Eclipse from his medicine chest. He said nothing. He pulled up Lan Yong’s ear with his hand and slashed down, severing it in one stroke.

“Ah—” Lan Yong shrieked horrendously.

Before he realized what had happened, the Blade of the Solar Eclipse in Ning Tao’s hand had slashed one of his eyes. A sharp pain assailed him, and he immediately passed out. A few seconds later, he regained consciousness and continued to shriek.

Ning Tao protected his heart meridian with his spiritual power and said, “This eyeball is for Chen Xue, and this ear is for her father. No matter who does evil, he or she must pay for it. This is the price you need to pay.”

“Who are you… don’t kill me… I beg you to spare my life…” Lan Yong implored. Tears and nasal mucus kept flowing out. He had also wetted his pants.

Ning Tao said, “Are you experiencing extreme desperation now?”

Lan Yong said as he sobbed, “I am… I was wrong… I beg you to spare my life…”

“I will not kill you. Take this pill and you will live.” Ning Tao brought a Fine Primary Elixir to Lan Yong’s lips.

Lan Yong hesitated for a moment. He suspected that the pill was poisonous, but he did not dare defy Ning Tao. After a brief hesitation, he opened his mouth and swallowed the Fine Primary Elixir.

Green fumes enveloped Lan Yong in the twinkling of an eye.

The next question Ning Tao pondered was this: “Should I take his life, or spare him?”

He had wanted to kill Lan Yong and it would be an easy task. He did not need Qing Zhui or Jiang Hao to do it for him. He could take Lan Yong directly to that “temple in the mountains” next to Mount Everest. Given Lan Yong’s abilities, he would not be able to find his way out. He would either fall to his death, or starve to death. No matter which path he took, it would end in death. Handled in such a “technical” way, it would not bring about any dire consequences. No one needed to commit a sin of evil intention, nor would anyone discover his dead body. But should he really do it?

The green fumes dissipated and Lan Yong appeared again. The wounds he had sustained in the car accident were healed. He was only missing an eye and an ear, lying on the floor unconscious. When he awoke, he would forget Sky Clinic, and everything concerning Ning Tao.

Ning Tao let Lan Yong rest on his shoulder, went to the lock wall, and opened a blood lock. The convenient door opened and he strode in.

Time ticked away by the seconds and minutes. After some time, Lan Yong finally regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a bright light. It was sunlight shining in through a window, warm and radiant.

“Where am I?” Lan Yong turned his body and crawled up from the bed. He found himself in an ancient but lavishly furnished room. There were many oil paintings on the wall, all on scenes and characters from medieval Europe. Even a neophyte like him could tell that they were real antiques by studying the colors of the paint and the frames. The rest of the furniture in the room was all from medieval Europe. Every item in this room was an authentic antique.

Whose room was this?

Lan Yong vigorously shook his head, but his brain was all befuddled. He could remember treating Principal Chen and Mr. Wang to an evening dinner, but he could recollect no details about it. He also forgot the fact that he had hired a designated driver and met with a car accident. Nor could he remember being brought into a strange clinic.

Lan Yong’s sight fell on a wardrobe mirror. He walked over and saw himself in the reflection. One of his eyes was gone, as well as an ear.

“Ah—” Lan Yong screamed in shock. He punched a fist at the wardrobe mirror.


The ancient wardrobe mirror shattered, its pieces crashing to the floor.

Suddenly, from outside the door came footsteps. The room door opened and two guards clad in armor dashed in, bellowing. He could not understand them at all.

Lan Yong started in stupefaction. He experienced a strange agitation in his heart. “Did I travel through time? Has my soul migrated to a prince who looked like me?”

One of the guards took out a walkie-talkie and spoke into it in the Ruitian language. “Intruder in the palace! An unidentified intruder with a violent tendency. He shattered Queen Sofia’s mirror.”

Lan Yong saw the walkie-talkie and became confused again. He tried to probe. “What year is this? Why do you have a walkie-talkie? And are you fellows my guards?”

The other guard took a step forward and hammered a fist on Lan Yong’s head.

Lan Yong collapsed and his face touched the floor. A thousand questions were plaguing his mind, but he only knew the answer to one. He was definitely not a prince.

What awaited him would not be a legendary life in the past, but prison life.

This was the arrangement Ning Tao had made for him. He did not throw him in the temple in the mountains to die. Instead, he let him enjoy prison life in a foreign country. He had trespassed the palace illegally, but his punishment for this would be light. But he would be severely punished for breaking an antique mirror.

If he could not make someone suffer, how could he become the owner of Sky Clinic?

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