Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 343

Dusk arrived as lights were turned on in every home. Countless vehicles made up long, glittering belts on the roads. The city was as resplendent as the Milky Way

In the roast duck shop at Crystal Square, three men were having roast duck and liquor.

The liquor was premium Kweichow Moutai. They had opened two bottles. Although Lan Yong felt the ache, he still had to brace himself and pay the bill. This was because he was treating Principal Chen and Mr. Wang, who was in charge of the school personnel.

“Principal Chen, let me pour you a glass.” Lan Yong was holding the liquor bottle in his hands, his face wearing an obsequious smile. He poured the liquor carefully for Principal Chen, and then for Mr. Wang.

Principal Chen was wearing a smile. “What fine liquor this is.”

“Mr. Wang, let me make you a duck roll. Duck meat can help digest excessive food.” Lan Yong took a wheat wrapper and rolled up some duck meat, cucumber and spring onions on a special roast duck sauce. After rolling it, he placed the roll respectfully on the plate in front of Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang said with a smile, “Mr. Lan, you’re too polite.”

Lan Yong smiled to humor him. “No, no, I ought to be. Concerning that incident… I hope that both leaders will… oh, I got some friends to find me this liquor. It’s authentic liquor direct from the factory. I have another 10 bottles or so. Later, I will put them in your car boot.”

Principal Chen nodded. “Mr. Lan, don’t worry about the matter. The family has no proof. They can’t do anything to you. Although the school will face criticism and pressure from the public, we can simply ignore them and soon, the incident will blow over. But outwardly, we must report you and give you some criticism, as well as a punishment.”

Mr. Wang said, “For the time being, keep a low profile. If you have nothing at hand, stay at home and don’t go out.”

Lan Yong raised his liquor glass. “Thanks for your concern, sirs. Let me toast the two of you. I’ll drink up first.”

Principal Chen and Mr. Wang also raised their liquor glasses. They were enjoying the aroma, sampling the liquor. Good liquor, good food—life was so leisurely.

Three young people walked over, a man and two women. The man was handsome and had a sunny disposition, while the two women were great beauties, tall and with long slender legs. The eyes of the three men all converged on the women. They could not help but give them a couple more glances.

The man was Ning Tao, and the two women Qing Zhui and Jiang Hao.

Ning Tao sat down at a table beside Lan Yong and his colleagues. Jiang Hao and Qing Zhui also took their seats.

The waiter came and Jiang Hao ordered a roast duck, a few side dishes, and three bottles of beer.

Qing Zhui was staring straight at Lan Yong sitting at the nearby table. The expression in her eyes was horrifically cold.

Ning Tao reached out to grab Qing Zhui’s tender hand. He drew close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t watch him.”

Only then did Qing Zhui retract her stare.

Jiang Hao grabbed Ning Tao’s hand and drew close to his ear. “We are in a public square. Are you sure you’re doing it here?”

Ning Tao said, “Yes.”

Their three hands on the dining table were stacked on top of one another. It attracted the eyes of the three men at their neighboring table.

Principal Chen shook his head and frowned. “Young people nowadays know no decency. They are behaving so intimately in public and don’t care about shame.”

Mr. Wang also chimed in. “Those two girls are degrading themselves. How can they hook up with the same man? Social morality is now at an all-time low.”

“You’re right, sirs. Let me fill up your glasses…” Lan Yong got up to pour the liquor again. He took the opportunity to throw a furtive glance at Qing Zhui’s bust.

The roast duck and the dishes soon arrived. Ning Tao, Qing Zhui and Jiang Hao drank beer and ate at the same time. In the meantime, they eavesdropped on the conversation of the neighboring table.

Half an hour later, the two bottles of Kweichow Moutai were completely finished. Principal Chen and Mr. Wang got up to leave, somewhat inebriated.

Ning Tao left soon after them to pay the bill. He waved his hand and a Sacred Needle flew out, darting into Principal Chen’s calf. Then, he shaped his hand into a claw and the needle flew back into his grasp. The somewhat inebriated Principal Chen had not detected the needle pricking him. He did not even turn back his head.

After taking two steps, Ning Tao waved his hand again and the Sacred Needle flew out, darting into Mr. Wang’s calf.

Jiang Hao realized after her investigation that if these two men had dealt with the incident impartially and dismissed that beastly Lan Yong, tragedy would not have befallen Chen Xue. But these two men had feared censure and had not dealt with Lan Yong impartially. Instead, they stood on Lan Yong’s side, shielding him instead of supporting Chen Xue. They merely gave Lan Yong a minor punishment and let the whole matter settle. Now, Chen Xue was dead. Yet judging from their conversation, they were still on Lan Yong’s side, offering him advice and acting once more as his protective shield.

If Ning Tao did not punish such a man, how could he call himself a born go-between of good and evil?

Lan Yong was paying the bill at the counter. Ning Tao stood right beside him, although he did not strike.

After footing the bill, Lan Yong turned to leave. He barged into Ning Tao accidentally.

Lan Yong glared at Ning Tao and said fiercely, “What’s wrong with you? Are you blind?”

Ning Tao said nonchalantly, “Sorry.”

Lan Yong did not call it quits. He elbowed Ning Tao on his chest.

Ning Tao complemented the man’s action, tottering and nearly losing his balance.

Lan Yong snorted and did not apologize, striding instead towards the door.

Ning Tao straightened his back, a cold smile hovering on his lips. He footed the bill and left the roast duck shop in Crystal Square with Qing Zhui and Jiang Hao.

People were walking here and there on the broad streets. Although the weather had turned cold, many young ladies were still stubbornly clad in shorts and skirts, repudiating the winter with their fair exposed thighs.

At the parking lot, Lan Yong was putting bottles of Kweichow Moutai in the car boot of Principal Chen’s Audi A6. Principal Chen did not care that he was drunk. He got up the driver’s seat and drove away.

Lan Yong was driving a Buick. He crept into the driver’s seat and started the engine, but soon turned it off. He took out his cell phone and scoured it.

By now, Ning Tao had mounted his electric motorbike, God’s Will. He was preparing to tail Lan Yong’s car. When he saw him turn off the engine and manipulate his cell phone, he said, “That fellow must be calling a designated driver. Let’s wait a while.”

Jiang Hao said, “Let me be his designated driver.”

Ning Tao started a little. “You, his designated driver?”

Jiang Hao gave a slight smile and no further explanations. She covered her face with her hands. A few seconds later, she put down her hands and her features had changed. It was a strange face, with upward slanting eyes, eyebrows shaped like willow leaves, and a face oval like a goose egg. There was a classical beauty in her countenance.

Only now did Ning Tao remember she had the ability to change her looks as a new demon. The last trace of his worry was gone. He became curious. “Who are you?”

Jiang Hao said, “Li Qingzhao. Am I pretty?”

Ning Tao nodded and said with a sigh, “Yes. I used to love her poetry as a schoolboy. I didn’t know she was so pretty.”

“Li Qingzhao” glared at Ning Tao. “You mean I’m uglier than her?”

Ning Tao did not know what to say.

Jiang Hao took off her jacket and passed it to Qing Zhui. Then, she walked to Lan Yong’s Buick.

A strange thought emerged in Ning Tao’s heart. If he were to marry Jiang Hao, she might turn into Li Qingzhao one day and Yang Yuhuan the next. She might even change into Xi Shi or Diao Chan on another. How then would they live their lives?

Qing Zhui let off a gentle sigh.

Ning Tao asked, “Why are you sighing?”

Qing Zhui said, “New demons are now quite different from in the past. They have greater abilities. Even Senior Yin could not have done that. I envy Sister Hao’s abilities. If I had them, I would turn into a different woman each day. That way, you won’t be tired of me.”

Ning Tao stretched out his hand and embraced her waist. He said gently, “You fool, I like you the way you are.”

Qing Zhui chuckled, leaning her lovely head on Ning Tao’s shoulder. Everything was worth it after Ning Tao’s confession.

Jiang Hao came to Lan Yong’s Buick and smiled. “Sir, did you call for a designated driver?”

Lan Yong looked at Jiang Hao and his eyes immediately shone. He said, “Yes, yes, I called for a designated driver. But how did you come so fast?”

Jiang Hao said, “I was just around the vicinity. So I came the moment you called. Please get on the back seat, sir.”

“Alright.” Lan Yong opened the car door and got down his driver’s seat. But he did not sit on the back seat, going over to the front passenger’s seat instead.

Jiang Hao crept into the driver’s seat and put on the seat belt. Then she started the engine, drove out into the road and continued straight ahead. She looked into the back mirror. Ning Tao was already following them on God’s Will. Qing Zhui was sitting behind Ning Tao, her arms clasping Ning Tao’s waist.

Jiang Hao gave a gentle sigh and felt somewhat jealous. She could not be as magnanimous as Qing Zhui. Although she had subconsciously accepted Qing Zhui after becoming a new demon, she still felt twinges of jealousy whenever Qing Zhui was intimate with Ning Tao.

“What is your surname, Miss?” Jiang Hao looked into the back mirror. Lan Yong was staring at her. He found this designated driver to be prettier the more he gazed at her. Under the influence of alcohol, he felt an itch in his heart.

Jiang Hao retracted her eyes and said casually, “Li Qing.”

“What a nice name.”

Jiang Hao smiled. A smile from Li Qingzhao was more tender and lovelier than flowers.

Lan Yong was stunned. “Your smile is so lovely.”

“Sir, you must be kidding. By the way, my cell phone has run out of battery. I can’t use the BDS. In which direction should I drive?” Jiang Hao asked.

A cunning look flashed across Lan Yong’s eyes. “The suburb in the west, where Shuiguan is. Just drive on and I will direct you.”

At this moment, his cell phone resounded with an incoming call. He saw that it was an unknown number and hung up.

He did not know that the call was from the real designated driver. But even if he had picked it up, Jiang Hao would already have an answer. She would claim a bug in the system which had dispatched an extra driver. As an elite agent of the Bureau of Special Affairs, she would have no difficulties dealing with such a situation.

The Buick went out of the city and drove towards the west. More than 10 minutes later, they arrived at a deserted road. Lan Yong raised his hand and pointed at a road in the fork. “Follow this road.”

Beside that byroad was a stretch of tall poplar trees.

Jiang Hao drove the car into the byroad and feigned worry. “Sir, why is your house so remotely located?”

Lan Yong took advantage of the fact that he was drunk to say, “Miss Li, I like you. Quit your job as a designated driver and be my mistress. How would you like that?”

“Fine,” Jiang Hao said.

Lan Yong was stunned. He had not expected things to go so smoothly.

Jiang Hao suddenly stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel. The Buick went off the road and rammed against a tall poplar tree on the side.


Lan Yong had not buckled his seat belt. He slammed against the shattered windshield and flew out of the car, crashing brutally against a tree before sliding down. His entire head was trickling with blood. He soon passed out.

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