Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 336

But some things cannot be had simply by wishing, or by putting in effort.

Professor Jade continued. “My experiments had always been smooth-going. But one year ago, I started a new experiment with apples. I had originally wanted to cultivate a superior breed of apples that can be reared in the Arctic, but what emerged from those greenish soil were vines. Black flowers even blossomed from them, bearing fruits resembling snakes… And I fell ill during that experiment… I think this must have been the will of God. I had cultivated the fruit of the Devil…”

Ning Tao could not help but interrupt him. “How could apples turn into vines? And bear fruits resembling snakes?”

He thought about spiritual materials, but although he was familiar with the Compendium of Spiritual Materials, he did not know what those things were.

“Even I don’t know what I had cultivated. So that experiment ended. I destroyed them all… Later…” When he came to this point, Professor Jade stopped his narration.

Later, he contracted cancer and started his fight with the illness. He was destined to be the loser.

“Where is that book now?” Ning Tao now felt an intense curiosity about that book.

“With the king. Don’t think about it, he won’t let you read it. Although…” Professor Jade wanted to speak, but checked himself.

“Although what?”

“If you keep your promise, you will see what you want,” Professor Jade said. Then he shut his eyes, looking very exhausted.

Ning Tao was feeling rather anxious. “I promised to bury your ring beneath Lucy’s tombstone. I will surely make good my promise. You can trust me completely.”

Professor Jade said, “You made two promises to me. This is only one of them. Let me go.”

Ning Tao started a little. “Are you… are you leaving now?”

“Yes. I’m desperate to see my Lucy,” Professor Jade answered.

“Fine, let me fulfill your wish.” Ning Tao took out a Sacred Needle from his small medicine chest and inserted it into Professor Jade’s head. He injected a whiff of evil energy into his brain.

The Sacred Needle to Nasty Diseases.

Ning Tao asked again, “Would you like to perish unconsciously, or when you’re awake?”

Professor Jade asked, “How much time do I have?”

Ning Tao said, “In your present condition, about 20 minutes.”

Professor Jade said, “Go out and get them in. If I leave just like that, you will be in trouble. I have some things to tell them.”

Ning Tao pulled out the Sacred Needle. If Professor Jade wanted to leave unconsciously, he would use his spiritual power to make him faint. In that way, he could leave this world unconsciously. Since this was Professor Jade’s wish, he would respect his decision.

“I’ve already made good my promise. Could you tell me now how I can see that book’s contents?” Ning Tao was eager to know the answer.

A faint smile hovered on Professor Jade’s lips. “If you make good all your promises, you will see what you want.”

This was the second time he said this.

Ning Tao suddenly understood him. He nodded, slung his small medicine chest over his shoulder, and walked towards the door.

The room door opened and a huge crowd advanced towards him, including Cagu Talman, who had now put on a fresh set of clothes. He was walking with a cane and there were men supporting him. The wound on his bum had affected his gait, but the moment the door opened, he was the first to advance to greet Ning Tao.

“Doctor Ning, how is Professor Jade?” Cagu Talman was eager to hear his answer.

Ning Tao shook his head. “I have done my best. Go in and see him. He has some things to tell you all.”

Cagu Talman was immediately stunned to the spot. Ning Tao’s words were like a basin of cold water, drenching his head and extinguishing all his hopes.

“Doctor Ning, what do you mean?” Joseph Talman’s voice was low and gruff. “You mean you cannot cure him?”

Ning Tao said blandly, “I did my best. When had I ever guaranteed to cure Professor Jade?”

“But your medical skills are so miraculous. You must have a way, right?” Joseph Talman’s voice was full of suspicion. He seemed unable to believe Ning Tao’s words.

Ning Tao said, “Which doctor can cure every ailment? Professor Jade’s cancer cells have already spread throughout his body. I can’t cure him.” “My medical skills are indeed quite remarkable in certain areas, but I am not omnipotent. Professor Jade is a man wanted by Heaven. I cannot seize him from Heaven’s grasp.”

“Don’t go. Later, I will talk to you.” Joseph Talman gave Ning Tao a meaningful glance and hurried into the room.

Cagu Talman walked in, propped on his walking stick. A few noblemen followed.

“Doctor Ning, Professor Jade…” Shalim Talman did not hasten to see Professor Jade a last time. She stopped before Ning Tao, halting her steps. “Are you sure he won’t make it?”

Ning Tao gave a slight nod. “It will be soon. Go in and see him. I ought to go now.”

“Go now?” Shalim Talman’s reaction was even more intense than when she heard about Professor Jade’s imminent death.

“Go back into the room,” Ning Tao said.

“Very well, wait for me in your room. I will look you up shortly,” Shalim Talman said. Then she went into the room.

Ning Tao had wanted to stay and hear what Professor Jade’s last words were. But he decided against it after giving some thought. Those in the room would surely be speaking Ruitian’s language that he did not understand. Staying back would only make them suspicious. It would be better not to stay at all.

After returning to his room, Ning Tao immediately opened the convenient door and carried the Ice Cedar Table of Spiritual Timber back to Sky Clinic. Then, he returned to his room in the Ruitian palace.

Joseph Talman’s expression before seeing Professor Jade a last time had made him quite wary. It would be better to take back to Sky Clinic everything he had rightfully earned. As for himself, he did not care one jot what Joseph Talman would do to him. Even in the worst possible scenario, no one could stop him if he wanted to leave.

After returning to his room, Ning Tao searched for a little town called Bread Town in his cell phone.

Bread Town was the small town where Professor Jade had been brought up. Lucy’s remains were buried in a bun-like mound behind this town.

The map he found showed it was located 300 kilometers from where he was. Riding on the electric motorbike, God’s Will, the journey would only take slightly more than an hour.

He could have left for Bread Town now, but he preferred to make a clean break. He wanted to say goodbye to Shalim Talman before he left.

After a while, footsteps resounded from the outside corridor. Soon, someone knocked on his door.

Ning Tao kept his cell phone and got up to open the door.

The moment the door opened, Shalim Talman immediately dashed into Ning Tao’s arms, embracing him tightly. She started to sob on his shoulder, saying in a choked voice, “Professor Jade… is gone.”

“Did he leave painlessly?” Ning Tao asked gently.

“He was still talking to us when he suddenly died. I think… he did not suffer much pain.”

Ning Tao felt quite consoled in his heart. He patted Shalim Talman’s shoulder. “Don’t be sad. His next stop will be Heaven. He will be very happy there.”

Shalim Talman released Ning Tao. “Have a drink with me, won’t you?”

Only now did Ning Tao see the whiskey bottle in her hand. He had wanted to bid her goodbye, leave the palace, and head for Bread Town. But seeing her tear-stained face, he could not bear to leave her. So he said, “Alright, I’ll have two glasses with you.”

Although he had said only two glasses, the whiskey bottle was soon completely empty. Ning Tao and Shalim Talman had each drunk half a bottle. Ning Tao was still sober, but Shalim Talman was drunk.

The two of them were sitting side by side. After her final glass, Shalim Talman slumped her body onto Ning Tao’s lap, her hot breath with the odor of honey and malt overwhelming his pants.

Ning Tao felt somewhat embarrassed. “Let me help you up the bed to rest.”

“Okay, I’ll get… get on your bed.” Shalim Talman’s speech was already quite slurred.

Ning Tao gave a wry smile and stretched out his arms to hold her. He walked to the bed and said at the same time, “Princess Shalim, have a good sleep. I need to say goodbye. I have to go.”

Shalim Talman suddenly stretched out her arms and caught Ning Tao by his neck. She extended her swan-like neck and planted her tender lips with some residual whiskey onto Ning Tao’s.

Ning Tao instantly froze, but he could not just throw her on the floor. He could only quicken his pace and walk towards the bed. His kind stance helped intensify Shalim Talman’s smothering emotions. She not only kissed him, but also started to caress.

In the ensuing chaos, Ning Tao lost his balance while trying to put Shalim Talman to bed. The two of them collapsed onto the bed. Before he could push her away, her arms had entwined him like an octopus with suckers.

“Don’t… don’t do this.” Ning Tao was very nervous. His body was like a tautly drawn bow which might release an arrow anytime.

But why would Shalim Talman listen to him?

Suddenly, Ning Tao’s body seemed struck by an electric bolt and it froze. Only now did he discover his zip was undone, during that brief period of confusion…

Human beings have limited tolerance. Even Qing Zhui had not gone so far with him. His sanity was like a bamboo fence blocking before a train, smashed instantaneously into smithereens by the ramming train. Just at this moment when his sanity was disintegrating, he brutally turned over his body and clambered over Shalim Talman…

Knock, knock, knock!

Suddenly, there were knocks at the door.

Ning Tao froze, as if drained of power. His sanity returned and he realized that he could have easily stopped Shalim Talman. He had many easy routes he could take, like inserting a Sacred Needle to give her a good night’s sleep, or reciting Your Text. Either option would have worked.

Yet he had not done either.

Then, he remembered that condom which he was unwilling to discard. He started mumbling in his heart, “Am I subconsciously desiring a sexual encounter?”

Knock, knock, knock!

The knocks on the door resounded again, accompanied by Joseph Talman’s voice. “Doctor Ning, are you inside? Please open the door. I would like to speak to you.”

Ning Tao had completely “recovered”. But Shalim Talman was still entwining him like a snake, her eyes blurry, her panting breaths short and frantic. In her present condition, she would not have cared about the voice outside the door.

“I rest within the womb, listening to the sound of the Way.”

After reciting this line, Ning Tao completely froze all the smoldering desires in his body. His palm soon touched Shalim Talman’s arteries on her neck, pressing them down with his spiritual power. Shalim Talman instantly passed out.

Ning Tao frantically got down the bed and pulled up the blanket on Shalim Talman. Then he walked towards the door, in the meantime carelessly tidying his disheveled clothes.

“Doctor Ning, if you won’t open the door, I’ll enter myself.” It was Joseph Talman’s voice.

His sixth sense was suddenly awakened, making him vigilant!

Ning Tao immediately halted his steps and instinct made him summon the states of looking and smelling in his eyes and nose. In the blink of an eye, he saw a colorful innate aura from under the door. But it was not the innate aura of a single person. There were also the odors of more than 20 men, as well as the smell of firearms seeping into his nostrils.

He had not wanted to talk. Instead, he was trying to nab him!

He might even kill to silence him!

If Joseph Talman was certain he knew the secret of that book, he would have sufficient motive to kill and silence him!

He did not hesitate in the least. He immediately grabbed his small medicine chest on the tea table and leaped down.


The room door was barged open. A squad of commandos armed to the teeth dashed into the room.

But Ning Tao was nowhere to be found.

Joseph Talman glanced at Shalim Talman lying on the bed and his eyes shifted to the bedside. He was immediately stunned.

There was a pair of purple Victoria’s Secret lingerie there.

It curled quietly on the floor in a messy state, as if telling a heartbreaking tale.

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