Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 334

“Our king is at least 100 kilograms. How can he lose weight in half an hour?”

“Could that lad from Hua Country be a spy?”

“I don’t think so. We’re a neutral country. Who will send spies to us?”

“How can our king believe in such ludicrous baloney?”

“He must have drunk too much for dinner…”

Outside the royal store room, there was a low murmur of discussions.

As the noblemen discussed among themselves, a section of commandos armed to the teeth arrived at the door of the royal store room. The lieutenant leading the section was holding a lock breaker. They would take only a short time to break open the latch of the door.

“Who got you people here?” Shalim Talman immediately tensed up.

Joseph Talman said, “Me.”

Shalim Talman said angrily, “What do you think you’re doing? Once they get in, Doctor Ning will stop his treatment of father and no longer see Professor Jade. Although I know him for only two days, I know that his rules can’t be broken. If you make him angry, the consequences will be dire!”

Joseph Talman said, “Father has already agreed, but that doctor only have half an hour. We will stay put for now, but if he fails to make good his promise on time, I won’t be polite to him.”

Shalim Talman breathed a slight sigh of relief.

After all, Cagu Talman had agreed to the treatment. His words were an royal edict and even Joseph Talman could not defy him. A constitutional monarchy was different from other monarchic systems. The former was a true monarch, while the latter only played a symbolic role.

Seconds and then minutes ticked away. There was a commotion outside the royal store room, but no sound emerged from the inside.

29 minutes passed. Joseph Talman raised his arm and looked at the watch on his wrist. Then, he pointed a finger at the door of the royal store room.

The nobility all scrambled away.

The lieutenant of the commandos came to the door with his door-breaking tool. His commandos were divided into two sections, one standing on the left of the door, the other on the right. Their weapons were all ready and could instantaneously shoot any target dead.

30 minutes would soon be up.

Shalim Talman said anxiously, “Brother, give him some more time.”

Joseph Talman merely gave a cold snort. He said in a deep voice, “Take action!”

The commando lieutenant swung the door breaker backwards and smashed it at the latch of the royal store room.

Just when the door breaker was about to smash at the door, it suddenly opened. The tool smashed heavily on the lower abdomen of a man, letting off a muffled thud.

The man was Ning Tao.

All eyes converged on Ning Tao, awaiting his proper reaction after being hit.

But after being smashed by door breaker, Ning Tao did not shriek and collapse. He did not even tremble.

The commando lieutenant was instantly astounded. He felt that he had smashed not a man, but an inflatable doll.


A dozen or so assault rifles aimed their muzzles at Ning Tao.

From behind him came Cagu Talman’s sudden laughter. “Hahaha… I’ve slimmed down! Good Lord… I’ve slimmed down!”

A huge crowd dashed impatiently into the royal store room. They soon found their king standing before a worn table, naked from waist up, with a swathe of white medical gauze covering his buttocks. But what astounded them was not their king’s buttocks, but his figure.

Half an hour ago, Talman still looked like an obese old man. But he had lost about 50 kilograms now and his cheeks were lean too. His super-large paunch was gone. His fat thighs were now quite long and shapely. Even if he had forgone wine and meat, he would need to exercise every day to achieve such a figure in three to five years. Yet he had only dozed off on this worn table for half an hour, and had regained his youthful physique of the past!

Everyone was flabbergasted. They did not believe the scene before their eyes. But the king was standing before them, looking 20 years younger. Every second and minute reminded them that this was real!

Ning Tao walked out. The commandos’ dozen or so rifles were still pointing at him.

“What are you doing? Put down your rifles and get out!” Cagu Talman berated them loudly.

The dozen or so commandos did not dare to hesitate. They turned and retreated from the royal store room.

Only now did Ning Tao speak. “King Cagu, you can come down now. The table you are standing on is now mine.”

His words sounded quite disrespectful to the king, but no one really cared.

Supported by two noblemen, Cagu Talman stepped down the table. He saw a pile of whitish tissues by the table and some black fluids. He asked in astonishment, “These… are all from my body?”

Ning Tao said, “Strictly speaking, I extracted them. I not only drew out all your excessive fats, I also extracted all the accumulated toxins and viruses from your body. I assure you; you are now healthier than you were at 30. After treatment, I must have extended your life by 10 years.”

Cagu Talman walked towards Ning Tao and gave Ning Tao a hug, not caring if he was willing or not. He chuckled. “Half an hour ago, I didn’t believe in you at all. But now, I completely do.”

Shalim Talman brought Cagu Talman’s clothes to him. She reminded him. “Father, Professor Jade is still waiting for Doctor Ning.”

Compared to Joseph Talman and the noblemen, she was not too surprised at the performed miracle, since she had experienced a similar miracle herself.

Only now did Cagu Talman release Ning Tao. He took his clothes from Shalim Talman, but they no longer fit. He tied his jacket around his waist and started to chuckle. “Looks like my tailor will be busy for quite some time.”

Joseph Talman came to Ning Tao’s side. The expression in his eyes was a little awkward. “Doctor Ning, how… how did you do it?”

Ning Tao stared at him and answered blandly, “I have my own set of rules in treating my patients. One of them states that I cannot disclose the process to the patient, or his family members.”

Joseph Talman was instantly gagged. He had the impression that Ning Tao’s alleged rules were just anything he wanted to claim.

Ning Tao said, “Princess Shalim, please get your men to carry this table to my room. I will take it away when I leave. This shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“Of course not. Other than this table, you can pick one other item in the royal store room.” Cagu Talman was in a delighted mood.

“Father…” Joseph Talman wanted to speak, but checked himself.

Ning Tao smiled instead. “Most respectable King Cagu, thank you for your generosity. But I am a stickler for rules. Since I have said I only want a table, I won’t take anything more. Now, take me to see Professor Jade.”

With these words, he turned and walked out of the door.

Behind him was a stunned crowd.

One must know that all the antiques and treasures in this royal store room— be it jewelry or china— would all cost an arm or a leg. But this youth from Hua Country had rejected them all!

Was he against wealth, or did he think it as filthy lucre?


Ning Tao did not want any, because he was cultivating the ways of Heaven.

When had Heaven been inconsistent? Would night follow night instead of day, or would the sun rise at night?

The cultivation of the ways of Heaven meant that one must punish evil and promote good. One must be thoroughly consistent. White would be white and black, black.

The Ice Cedar Table of Spiritual Timber was carried to Ning Tao’s room.

Ning Tao also saw Professor Jade.

Professor Jade was lying on a bed in a room. The chemotherapy had left him desiccated and emaciated. His face seemed only a stretched piece of skin, and his complexion was lusterless. He looked like a dry corpse. He was wearing an oxygen mask. In his present condition, he was at the brink of death. It would be normal for him to just perish like that.

Ning Tao could not help but furrow his brows. Since taking over Sky Clinic, this was the first time he had encountered such a patient. He did not have any confidence faced with a terminally ill patient.

But he did not regret promising Shalim Talman to treat this old man here. Besides winning the Ice Cedar Table of Spiritual Timber, he would have to face a terminally ill patient sooner or later. He could not hide. And he was never one who would shirk his duties in face of difficulties.

“Doctor Ning, please cure Professor Jade.” Joseph Talman bowed his head slightly at Ning Tao, who was observing the patient. His tone carried a note of respect and apology. “And… I apologize for my former behavior towards you.”

Ning Tao said blandly, “No need for apologies. All of you have to get out. I will give him a diagnosis and treatment right now.”

This time, Ning Tao did not need to reiterate his rules. Everybody left the room. Joseph Talman even closed the door himself.

Although he was not worried that someone would barge in, Ning Tao still locked the door from the inside. Then, he walked to the window and shut it as well, drawing the curtain. Finally, he returned to the bedside and took out his ledger of bamboo slips, placing it on Professor Jade’s hand. At the same time, he injected a whiff of spiritual power into Professor Jade’s body.

After receiving the injected spiritual power, the patient’s pulse became steadier. The dying Professor Jade slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Ning Tao and uttered a sentence with his feeble voice.

But he spoke in the Ruitian language.

Ning Tao said in English, “Professor Jade, could you converse in English? I am your doctor.”

“I don’t… need… a doctor…” Professor Jade said in English. “I need… a pastor…”

Ning Tao answered, “Then I will be your pastor.”

Professor Jade’s mouth opened but he did not say anything. He obviously could not understand Ning Tao’s words.

Ning Tao picked up the ledger of bamboo slips and unfurled it.

Information appeared on the ledger of bamboo slips, “Jade, born July 3, 1951. A man to be dealt with by Heaven. No prescription should be given.”

Ning Tao was instantly stunned. This was the first time he had encountered such a diagnosis. Such a diagnosis meant that this man was a patient which Sky Clinic could not accept. Hence, the ledger of bamboo slips did not even bother to calculate his sin or merit points.

Ning Tao was facing a tough problem.

Such a patient would be dealt with by Heaven. It was no longer a question of curing him, but whether one ought to treat him in the first place.

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