Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 295

The BMW 745Li halted at the entrance to Hakka Alley. Pan Zhendong alighted, carrying his briefcase and walking into the alley. One of his bodyguards was accompanying him, while the other remained in the car to guard Qing Zhui and Bai Jing.

Qing Zhui watched Pan Zhendong walk into the alley through the car window. She asked, “Sister, should we follow him in?”

Bai Jing answered, “It depends on the situation. Since we’re here, we might as well wait.” She watched Qing Zhui and added, “Are you eager to go home to sleep with him?”

Qing Zhui answered, “Yes. Would you like to join me?”

Bai Jing started chuckling. She hit out a tender fist at Qing Zhui’s chest.

What kind of an attitude was that? Probably only she herself knew.

The bodyguard remaining in the car glared at Qing Zhui and Bai Jing. He asked fiercely, “What are you two muttering?”

Qing Zhui showed a terrified face. “Don’t hurt me. I’m so scared.”

Bai Jing only watched the bodyguard quietly.

Qing Zhui was “pretending to be weak”. There was no one else in the car and the bodyguard started to feel lust overcoming him. He chuckled and stretched out a hand to touch Qing Zhui’s thigh. As he did so, he said, “Let me enjoy myself. Later, I will surely beg for Boss Pan’s mercy and ask him to let you go.”

Before he could stretch his hand to touch Qing Zhui’s thigh and “enjoy himself”, Qing Zhui retracted her terrified expression and unleashed a fist on his chest.


The sound of ribs breaking.

An excruciating pain overcame him. The bodyguard opened his mouth wide to cry, but only blood gushed out from his mouth. Terrified, he watched Qing Zhui beside him, as beautiful as a fairy. He could not believe such a pretty and feeble woman could shatter his ribs in one strike!

“Oh? So you can still bear it. Not too bad,” Qing Zhui said. The moment her voice faded, she hit another fist on the other side of the bodyguard’s chest.


Another sound of ribs breaking.

The bodyguard in the car closed his eyes and passed out.

Qing Zhui was too lazy to look. She said, “Sister, let’s continue our chat. Brother Ning says that he won’t touch me until he gets married. But I really can’t find him a suitable wife. Shall I…”

Two women muttering in a car.

As though the badly injured bodyguard in the car and everything happening outside were not their business…

Pan Zhendong finally located No. 101 in Hakka Alley. It had no ordinary house number, but one written on a sheet of paper.

Pan Zhendong signaled the bodyguard with his eyes. The bodyguard accompanying him gave the door a knock.

The house door opened and Ning Tao emerged. He was wearing a flat cap and his eyebrows were darkly drawn. There was a mustache above his lips. He looked much more mature than before.

This was the reason why he had overtaken the car and raced home. He had only encountered Pan Zhendong once and although he was certain the latter would not recognize him, he still needed to put on make-up. He drew his eyebrows using Bai Jing’s eyebrow pencil. His mustache was made up of hair from his armpits. He had no other choice. Only the hair from under his arms would resemble that of a mustache. He would not consider the third place.

If only he had Tang Zixian’s Yingu Soul-suppressing Talisman. Then it would be much easier. Unfortunately, he did not.

After opening the door, Ning Tao smiled. “Is this Boss Pan?”

Pan Zhendong answered, “Yes. You are the one who needs the loan?”

Ning Tao nodded and said politely, “Yes, it’s me. Please come in quickly.”

Pan Zhendong studied Ning Tao and bewilderment appeared on his face. “Brother, you look quite familiar. Have we seen each other before?”

Ning Tao also “carefully” scrutinized Pan Zhendong before replying, “Have we? I don’t remember. Maybe. I often visit Macao’s gambling places and also bars. Perhaps we have met somewhere before.”

Pan Zhendong did not ask more. He entered Sky Clinic with his bodyguard. Actually, the booked room of the bar was dim. Since he had only eyes for the two girls, he did not carefully study Ning Tao’s appearance. Besides, Ning Tao was now disguised with make-up.

The door of Sky Clinic shut.

A scowling face appeared on the good-evil tripod. Green fumes spiraled out of the tripod.

Pan Zhendong watched the good-evil tripod and asked in surprise, “What kind of a tripod is this?”

Ning Tao answered blandly, “It’s a good-evil tripod.”

Pan Zhendong asked again, “Is this an antique?”

Ning Tao nodded. “Yes. An antique at least a few thousand years old.”

Pan Zhendong then said, “Brother, you’re asking for a loan of 10 million. It’s no small sum. You must include this tripod in the IOU clause. If you can’t pay on time, the tripod will be mine.”

Ning Tao replied, “No problem. How can I get the money?”

Pan Zhendong said, “Of course through a bank transfer. Once you mortgage that courtyard house of yours in Beidu with its three certificates, I will lend you the money after I verify it.”

“No problem. I’ll bring them out.” Ning Tao walked towards his study table.

Pan Zhendong studied the clinic. He went around inspecting everything and could not help but ask, “There are so many antiques in this house. Are they all yours?”

Ning Tao smiled. “Yes. Would you like me to include them in the IOU?”

Pan Zhendong could not suppress the agitation in his heart. “Of course you must! Then I can loan you more money at a lower interest rate. Include this house and everything in it in the IOU. If you pay on time, I will not take anything. The clause will assure me, won’t it?”

“Alright then. I have no other choice since I need the money. Boss Pan, come here and inspect the property ownership certificate.” Ning Tao took out a letter from his drawer.

Pan Zhendong walked over. Ning Tao handed him the letter and he took out a paper from the envelope.

Inside the envelope was not a crimson property ownership certificate. Neither was it a land use certificate or a house deed. It was a sheet of white paper, folded into a booklet size.

Pan Zhendong immediately frowned. “What’s this?”

Ning Tao answered blandly, “Take a look at it first.”

Pan Zhendong bore with the curiosity and unfolded the paper.

On the paper was a drawn picture of a courtyard house. There were white clouds above it, the sun and a willow tree by its side. There was a chicken at the foot of the willow tree, and a worm.

It was like the Divine Fowls Painting drawn by Stephen Chow’s Tang Bohu. The writing by its side read, “Ownership Certificate of the Courtyard House”.

Pan Zhendong saw this and started to fume. He crumpled the courtyard house drawing and extended his arm to direct a fist at Ning Tao’s face. His angry sputter of saliva landed on Ning Tao’s face. “Damn you, how dare you dupe me!”

Ning Tao smiled. “So what if I did? What can you do to me? Moron, come hit me!”

Almost every loan shark was part of the underworld. The moment Ning Tao uttered these provocative words, Pan Zhendong aimed a fist at Ning Tao’s face.

Ning Tao did not dodge.


Pan Zhendong’s fist hit Ning Tao brutally on his face. Ning Tao collapsed to the floor under the blow. He cursed, “You moron, do you have the guts to bash me dead?”

Pan Zhendong was almost mad with fury. He aimed a foot at Ning Tao’s head and growled, “Bash him up for me! Kill him!”

The bodyguard accompanying Pan Zhendong also joined in the fray. The two of them rained a shower of fists and kicks at Ning Tao on the floor.

Ning Tao did not even bother to shield his head. As he was being attacked by Pan Zhendong and his bodyguard’s pummels and kicks, he cast his eyes at the good-evil tripod. He wanted to see the reaction on its human face.

The face on the good-evil tripod was scowling in deep rage.

Ning Tao felt somewhat frustrated. He told himself, “I’m so badly beaten and yet you still remain unmoved?”


A chime resounded from the good-evil tripod.

Pan Zhendong and his bodyguard bashing Ning Tao instantly collapsed to the floor, blood oozing out from their mouths and nostrils.

It was not because the good-evil tripod would not suppress them. But since Pan Zhendong and his bodyguard had entered as healthy men, the retribution of the ways of Heaven had not yet visited them. The good-evil tripod would not release retributions for no rhyme or reason. This was the reason why Ning Tao had made use of the courtyard house drawing and insults to infuriate Pan Zhendong. He wanted Pan Zhendong and his bodyguard to attack him, the owner of this clinic.

If there were to be no retribution even if the owner of Sky Clinic was attacked in his own premises, what reverence would this clinic representing the ways of Heaven inspire? But Pan Zhendong and his bodyguard were also greenhorns, so their provoked retribution came a little late. If they had been tyrants on the level of Bai Sheng, the clinic would have instantly suppressed them.

While Pan Zhendong and his bodyguard collapsed to the floor, spewing blood, Ning Tao made a slit on Pan Zhendong’s lower abdomen with his Blade of the Solar Eclipse. Then he advanced forward and stabbed the blade conveniently into the bodyguard’s waist.

Before treatment, they must be inflicted some wounds. This was the method Ning Tao had learned.

The Sky Clinic had its own set of rules. And so did Ning Tao.

“You…” Pan Zhendong watched in horror as his lower abdomen was being sliced open. Fresh blood spurted out madly. His brain suddenly became blank. He could not believe something so horrific would befall himself.

That bodyguard watched the surgical knife stab into his waist and asked in a trembling voice, “Who… who are you really? What… what are you trying to do?”

Ning Tao drew out the Blade of the Solar Eclipse and blood immediately gushed out from the bodyguard’s wound. It instantly soaked his clothes crimson.

“Ah—” The bodyguard shrieked horrifically.

Ning Tao said quietly, “I am a doctor. You two are both injured and I can offer you treatment. But I have my own set of rules in treating my patients. You two need to sign on the prescription pacts I write. If you won’t seek treatment, you will die from excessive bleeding.”

Tottering, Pan Zhendong took out his cell phone.

But before he could call, Ning Tao had waved his hand. Pan Zhendong’s hand holding his cell phone dropped to the floor.

“Ah—” Pan Zhendong gave a horrendous shriek and passed out.

Even such acts were very cruel to villains. But Ning Tao did not pity them in the least. His heart was so unruffled that there was not even a flutter of emotion in it. To subdue evil with malice, he must be even more malicious than the evildoers under such circumstances.

Ning Tao grabbed hold of Pan Zhendong’s severed hand and injected a whiff of spiritual power into it.

Pan Zhendong regained consciousness. The moment he saw Ning Tao before him, he wetted his pants.

These evildoers enjoyed bullying the kindhearted. But they were actually more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Ning Tao asked blandly, “Let me ask you one last time: will you seek treatment?”

Pan Zhendong did not dare to reject. Tears gushed out of his eyes. He said, choking back tears, “I will. I’ll sign… please don’t kill me… I only attained such a position after hard work… I don’t want to die…”

A cold smile hovered on Ning Tao’s lips. He would be the one determining Pan Zhendong’s life or death.

One hour later, Pan Zhendong and his two bodyguards appeared at a dense primeval forest. They were left with no hands or feet. They could not crawl out of this forest, let alone walk out of it.


“Save us!”

Their hopeless cries resounded around the valley.

Suddenly, from behind a rock came a voice. “Brother Dong, is that you?”

“Who’s that?” Pan Zhendong looked in terror in the direction of that voice.

A man without hands and feet tumbled out from behind the rock. He sobbed. “I’m Zhou Qiang. Brother Dong, save me… I don’t want to die…”

“Why are you guys here? Where’s Chen Bin?”

“I don’t know either. Chen Bin has been taken away by wolves. Boohoo…” Before he could finish, Zhou Qiang burst out into tears and started crying.

Pan Zhendong suddenly quietened down. He lifted up his head and watched the night sky’s vast expanse. Tears rolled down his cheeks…

Unfortunately, there was no medicine called regret available to people in this world.

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