Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 294

In the booked room of the bar, the uneasy Qing Zhui gave the door a glance.

The two bodyguards of Pan Zhendong were standing by the door. After Ning Tao was taken away, Pan Zhendong signaled with his eyes and they shifted position.

She could not see the person she wanted to see, but had to face someone she disliked. Qing Zhui squirmed restlessly in her seat.

“Miss Tang, don’t worry. Your friend is having beer outside. I’ve already instructed my two men to give him a warm reception. All the bills he chalks up today will be under my name.” Pan Zhendong was smiling. He then asked probingly, “Could you tell me what that guy’s relationship is with you, Miss Tang?”

Qing Zhui bore with the disgust in her heart and said, “He is my fiancé.”

“Oh, so he’s your fiancé.” Pan Zhendong’s face was still wearing a smile. But a tinge of jealousy and hate flashed across his eyes. Such a pauper should not deserve such an alluring fiancée!

In the eyes of many people, a pauper does not deserve to be happy. He should not put on nice clothes and own a good cell phone— let alone have such a pretty fiancée!

Bai Jing’s face was wearing a smile. “Could I know where Mr. Pan is working?”

Pan Zhendong said with a smile, “Me, I own an Internet lending company. I’m in the loan business. If you need any money, just ask. I will immediately give you a loan of anything below one million.”

Bai Jing had a sweet smile on her face. “So you’re a loan shark.”

Pan Zhendong rebutted. “What loan shark? The owner of a lending business is not a loan shark. We are a legitimate company.”

Bai Jing also shifted her eyes to the door of the booked room. She frowned a little. Why wasn’t anything happening?

At this moment, a bartender opened the door and brought in a bottle of Suntory Whiskey. He put the bottle down and whispered into Pan Zhendong’s ear. “Brother Dong, we’ve already put the drug in the whiskey.”

Pan Zhendong nodded and waved his hand.

The bartender went off and one of Pan Zhendong’s bodyguards shut the door.

Pan Zhendong held up the Suntory whiskey and unscrewed the bottle cap. He poured half a glass of whiskey into both Bai Jing and Qing Zhui’s glasses. Then he raised the glass and said, “Girls, let’s have a glass. Henceforth we will be friends. Look me up if you have any problem. There is nothing I can’t do in Guan City.”

Bai Jing said with a smile, “Boss Pan is so forthright. Let me thank you first.”

Qing Zhui gave a cold snort. “What a creep.”

The corner of Pan Zhendong’s mouth jerked slightly and he seemed about to flare up. But in an instant, he was smiling again. He raised his glass. “Drink up, drink up.”

Bai Jing raised her glass but did not drink. She watched the whiskey in the glass and smiled. “Boss Pan, you wouldn’t have drugged this whiskey, would you?”

Pan Zhendong’s complexion immediately changed.

Qing Zhui said impatiently, “I won’t wait any longer. I find this guy so disgusting. I’m going out to wait.”

Qing Zhui got up and walked towards the door.

Pan Zhendong’s face immediately sank. He slapped a palm on the tea table. “You won’t give me face, eh? You will rather be punished than be toasted?”

The two bodyguards immediately blocked Qing Zhui’s way before the door.

One of them said fiercely, “Damn you. Brother Dong is giving you face by treating you to whiskey. You won’t drink it? Are you looking for death?”

Qing Zhui halted her steps and frowned. She was wondering if she should strike.

Pan Zhendong stood up. “F**k, you think this is a supermarket? That you can just leave after you come in? Let me tell you straight: you two girls will sleep with me tonight. If you don’t give me good service, you must pay for the whiskey. It costs five million. Pay up and you can go.”

Bai Jing smiled. “So you have finally shown your true colors.”

“F**k you!” Pan Zhendong brandished his whiskey glass and hurled it over, aiming at Bai Jing’s head.

Bai Jing stretched out her hand and caught the glass. Unfortunately, some whiskey had splashed out. Quite a lot had splashed onto her body. She frowned and put down the glass. “My dress cost me five million too. If you don’t pay me, you will suffer.”

“Two crazy women! Hold them down! I will do it right here!” Pan Zhendong was utterly infuriated.

The two bodyguards advanced, one grabbing her dress, the other reaching out to grab Bai Jing’s body.

Qing Zhui retreated and Bai Jing stood up. The sisters stood beside each other, shoulder to shoulder.

The three men started to force themselves upon the sisters. They were all wearing hideous smiles. The gleam of beastly savagery shone in their eyes.

Doo-doo… Doo-doo…

Pan Zhendong’s cell phone suddenly rang.

“F**k, who’s the idiot?” Pan Zhendong swore. He pulled out his cell phone and looked. It was an unknown number. His business habit made him swipe up the reception panel and demand fiercely, “Who’s this?”

A voice rang out from the other end. “Boss Pan? I have some urgent business and need money. I have a courtyard house in Beidu for mortgage. It is worth 100 million. I need an urgent loan of 10 million.”

Pan Zhendong waved for his bodyguards to stop. Then he asked, “Where are you now?”

“At Hakka Alley. Um… No. 101. Come to the alley and you will see my house,” said the voice in the phone.

“How did you get my number? This is no joking matter.” Pan Zhendong was already stirred.

A courtyard house in Beidu would cost far more than 100 million. Such a lender would mean a rich bounty from heaven! A loan of 10 million! After deducting the transaction fees and interest, he could make the borrower sign a few blank IOUs. Then he could fill in whatever amount he liked! He could get the courtyard house for less than five million. To sell it, and he would rake in 100 to 200 million!

The voice in the cell phone said, “Why would I joke with you? I got your number from a friend, Boss Pan. If you can’t lend me the money, I will borrow from someone else.”

“No problem! I have no problem at all, anytime! I’ll come over to you right now!” Pan Zhendong would really like to fly to Hakka Alley and offer him the loan.

The voice in the phone said, “I need money urgently. Bring the money along. I’ve got the property deed ready here.”

“No problem. See you half an hour later at Hakka Alley.” Pan Zhendong hung up the phone and started chuckling. “What the f**k, what day is it today? Good things keep happening.”

One of the bodyguards toadied to him. “Brother Dong, it must be that Golden Buddha you fetched from Thailand a while back.”

Pan Zhendong started chuckling. “You’re right. If I clinch this business deal, I will buy each of you a car.”

The other bodyguard also toadied to him. “We’re so fortunate to be your subordinates, Brother Dong. What shall we do about the girls?”

Pan Zhendong gave Bai Jing and Qing Zhui a glance. He could not let them off. “Bring them along with us. Make them pay my whiskey with their bodies!”

One of the bodyguards took out a knife and flourished it around Bai Jing’s face. “Be good and come with us. Otherwise, I shall disfigure you!”

How strange. The girl who had wanted Pan Zhendong to compensate her five million started to feel terrified. She said in a quaking voice, “We will go with you. Please don’t hurt us.”

Qing Zhui also took the cue, pretending to be frightened. “We… we will go with you. Don’t hurt us.”

Pan Zhendong gave a cold snort. “Damn, now you know what it’s like to be afraid? Two bitches. After I clinch this deal, I will show you my true prowess!”

In that dark lane behind the bar, Ning Tao slipped his cell phone back into his trouser pocket. He picked up the ordinary prescription with the blood lock, skirted around the lane, and came to the bar entrance.

His electric motorbike, God’s Will, was still parked by the wall next to the bar.

A teenager was trying to pick the faucet lock of God’s Will. But he did not succeed.

Ning Tao coughed. “Brother, this lock needs a key. Shall I show you how to unlock it?”

The teenager turned back his head and glanced at Ning Tao. He started, then sprinted away.

Ning Tao mounted God’s Will and unlocked it. He rode it for some distance along the road. Then he parked his electric motorbike by a tree. He turned around and looked at the entrance of the bar.

A few minutes later, Pan Zhendong and his two bodyguards came out of the bar with Qing Zhui and Bai Jing. One of the bodyguards was gripping Qing Zhui’s arm. The other held on to Bai Jing’s arm. They came to a BMW 745Li, opened the car door, and hurled the sisters into the car.

While they were getting into the car, Qing Zhui and Bai Jing threw a glance in Ning Tao’s direction. Qing Zhui even smiled at Ning Tao. The sisters could know whether Ning Tao was close by simply with their tongues.

Ning Tao also gave the two sisters a slight smile. He said to himself, “Luckily, they didn’t cause me trouble. They can hold their temper much better now, and know my clinic rules better too. Not bad. My training has indeed paid off…”

He did not know that if he had delayed the call to Pan Zhendong by a few seconds, there would be three maimed men on the floor.

The BMW 745Li drove into the main road, heading in the direction of Hakka Alley.

Only then did Ning Tao mount God’s Will, following them from a distance.

In the BMW 745Li, Pan Zhendong on the front passenger seat started to call Zhou Qiang’s number. But he only heard an auto reply saying that the number was not within service vicinity. Then he called his other subordinate, Chen Bin. There was again the same auto reply: he was not within the service vicinity.

“F**k, where are those two morons?” Pan Zhendong could not help but curse.

One of the bodyguards said, “Brother Dong, we can do the job too.”

Pan Zhendong instructed them. “Later, don’t put on such a fierce face. Be more refined. Don’t scare away our big fish.”

Then, an electric motorbike streaked past the BMW 745Li. In a twinkling of an eye, it had overtaken the car and left it far behind.

“What the f**k! What vehicle was that?” The bodyguard on the driver’s seat seemed to have seen something incredible. “That was… an electric motorbike!”

The other bodyguard said, “Your eyes must be playing tricks on you. How can an electric motorbike be so fast?”

Qing Zhui and Bai Jing exchanged glances and smiled.

“Sister, what really is going on between the two of you? Why haven’t you slept with him?” Bai Jing whispered into Qing Zhui’s ear.

Qing Zhui rolled her eyes at Bai Jing. “You are with me every day. Surely, you know if I have been sleeping with him?”

“So you’re blaming me for being in the way?”

Qing Zhui thought for a while before saying, “I think you had better try him yourself.”

Stunned astonishment appeared on Bai Jing’s face.

“What are you girls mumbling?” Pan Zhendong turned back to look at Qing Zhui and Bai Jing, a fierce look on his face.

Bai Jing said hastily, “Don’t hit me. I’m… scared.”

Qing Zhui started and also chimed in. “I’m scared too. Please don’t hurt us.”

For a split second, Pan Zhendong wanted to laugh. But somehow, he felt something was not quite right…

Theirs was a cheap act. Of course, their audience would not find their acting convincing enough.

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