Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 265

Chapter 265 A Vanishing Act
When Ning Tao stripped Hanks of his clothes using the erroneous plucking talisman, he knew that someone would ask to see his “large smart chip.” Lin Qingyu was asking to see it now. Joanna would surely ask too.

Ning Tao inched to Lin Qingyu’s ear. “It’s very dangerous to remain here. Your next-door neighbor…”

Lin Qingyu suddenly stretched her hand into Ning Tao’s trouser pocket.

Ning Tao pressed down her hand and asked awkwardly, “What are you doing?”

Lin Qingyu was still forcefully reaching into his pocket. As she did that, she said, “You’re hurting me.”

Ning Tao immediately released his hand. Her one sentence had made him feel bad.

There was no longer any resistance holding back Lin Qingyu’s hand. She easily reached into his trouser pocket and fished out a crumpled piece of medium paper. As she studied the creased paper talisman, her reaction was the same as Hanks’s. She cried in astonishment, “You’re duping me?”

Ning Tao gave a wry smile. “You pulled it out yourself. What did I deceive you about?”

Lin Qingyu suddenly advanced and reached her hand into Ning Tao’s other trouser pocket.

Ning Tao did not stop her because he was sure that if he had, she would claim that he was hurting her again. At this moment when Lin Qingyu was fumbling in his trouser pocket, he had used the corners of his eyes and his state of smelling to examine the room. After his spiritual power had greatly increased, his state of smelling with his nose had surpassed even that of a hound. Within two seconds, he had discovered a few “small things”.

There were three bugs in the room and two pinhole cameras. The three bugs were hidden in a cranny in the sofa, on the chandelier, and on the curtain by the balcony. The two pinhole cameras were hidden in a book on the bookshelf and in a painting on the wall under the headboard. The two cameras could survey every inch of the room except for the bathroom.

Suddenly, Ning Tao’s body froze. His eyes surveying the room soon shifted down to below his abdomen.

Lin Qingyu reacted as if she had been electrocuted. Her hand too froze and suddenly retracted. Her fair face began to flush, a crimson hue spreading to her ears.

The culprit to all this was that trouser pocket. There was a hole at the bottom.

Lin Qingyu’s hand fishing in his pocket had been so impatient that she had reached into that torn hole…

Attacking an enemy’s most vulnerable part when on the offensive.

A few seconds later, Ning Tao gave a dry cough. “I have said before: I don’t have any large smart chip. You believe me now, don’t you?”

Obviously, he was trying to divert her attention. But Lin Qingyu was happy to be diverted. Her thoughts soon returned to her bafflement. “You haven’t answered my question. How did you strip that jackass Hanks of his…”

Ning Tao watched Lin Qingyu with strange eyes. She, a knowledgeable and highly educated girl, calling someone a jackass? Her one word had made him upturn all his former impressions of her. But for some strange reason, he preferred this swearing Lin Qingyu who was calling someone a “jackass”. She seemed more down-to-earth, without the haughty aloofness and excessive cultivation of a rich girl.

Unfortunately, Lin Qingyu corrected herself in an instant. “I’m sorry, that guy made me so disgusted that I swore. What I meant is this: how did you manage to strip Hanks of his clothes?”

Ning Tao smiled. “I know a bit of magic.”

Lin Qingyu rolled her eyes at him. “You think I will believe you?”

Ning Tao gave a slight shrug. “I’m telling the truth. I can’t help it if you don’t believe me.”

Lin Qingyu suddenly retreated two steps and opened the plucking talisman with the erroneous plucking talisman, fished out from Ning Tao’s pocket.

Ning Tao did not step forward to stop her.

The plucking talisman with the erroneous plucking talisman was all crumpled and the runes and diagram on it had turned into a bloody blur. There were a few creases on the medium paper used for scribbling the talisman. It resembled those self-made sanitary napkins used by poor women.

Lin Qingyu frowned and threw it on the floor in disgust. “What’s this?”

Ning Tao stepped forward and picked it up, casually pocketing it again. He could only use this paper talisman once, like a bullet which could only be fired once. But this “bullet shell” could be recycled. The medium paper used for drawing the rune could be reused as mash to make new medium paper. If such medium paper must be thrown away after one use, the cost of using a paper talisman would be too high— he would not be able to afford it. The rat blood, incense ash and spiritual power used to draw the inscription were on the other hand all cheap resources. He could easily secure them. In other words, for him the “bullet head” was not costly, but the “bullet shell” was.

Lin Qingyu’s brows furrowed even deeper. “Don’t you find it filthy?”

Ning Tao said, “It’s not good to throw rubbish everywhere. This is a paper I used to wipe away blood from my nose. I merely used it to hoodwink Hanks. As for the question you asked just now, I repeat: It’s all magic. What do you think it was? Magic arts? ESP?”

Lin Qingyu was rendered speechless. But a few seconds later, she said quick-wittedly, “Show me the trick again.”

Ning Tao was speechless.

“If you aren’t willing to, you must be lying,” Lin Qingyu said.

Ning Tao thought for a while. “Follow me into the bathroom. I will show you there.”

“There are no outsiders here. Why must we go into the bathroom?” Lin Qingyu asked. There was a strange excitement in her eyes. She seemed to be interpreting Ning Tao’s words differently from him.

“If you want to see my magic, we’ll have to go to the bathroom. If not, I won’t show you,” Ning Tao said.

“Alright then, I’ll go. You think I’m afraid of you?” Lin Qingyu lifted her feet and walked towards the bathroom.

“Isn’t it simply to strip me? You think I’d be afraid?”

Ning Tao also followed Lin Qingyu into the bathroom. He stretched one hand into his trouser pocket.

In the adjacent room.

The display panel of the laptop was showing two windows. They displayed from different angles Lin Qingyu and Ning Tao entering the bathroom.

There were six people in this room, four whites and two blacks. One was sitting before the display panel staring at the screen, while the other five were getting ready their weapons. On the table before the five was a communication device. The white youth standing at the doorway just now would glance now and then at the communication device. He seemed quite anxious.

Beep, beep…

The white youth immediately grabbed the communication device. “Mr. Hanks, that guy’s in the monitored room. We’ve got everything ready.”

“Capture the woman alive and kill the man! Act now!” From the communication device came Hanks’s voice.

The white youth stood up and grabbed an M4A1 assault rifle with a silencer beside him. He strode with big steps to the door.

The room door opened and bald Hanks was already at the door. There was an automatic pistol in his hand, also mounted with a silencer.

The assailants who had pursued Ning Tao and Lin Qingyu in the day was under his command. So it no longer seemed strange that he had insulted Ning Tao at the dinner table.

The five armed men came to Lin Qingyu’s door. Two were on the left and two on the right. There was one just in front of the door.

Hanks waved his hand.

The white youth suddenly kicked on the door.


The door opened and the five armed men dashed in, heading straight for the bathroom. They were not at all worried that Ning Tao would ambush them, since the whole room had been under their surveillance all this time. Even when they were outside the door, their companion at the laptop had sent them data from the room using a micro receiver.

Hanks was the last one to enter the room. He conveniently shut the door which had been kicked open. As he walked to the bathroom, he said, “Doctor Ning, you can’t run. Come out now. I will slowly strip you and your girlfriend of your clothes. After that, you will dance for us. Your girlfriend will service us happily. I want you to watch how we abuse your girl.”

The bathroom door was shut. Not a sound emerged from inside.

A tinge of anger suddenly appeared in Hanks’s brows. “Scram out of the bathroom now!”

There was still no sound from the bathroom.

Hanks waved his hand. When he put down his hand, he could not help but scratch his thigh. There was an indescribable itch there. But thoughts on how to torment Ning Tao and Lin Qingyu after capturing them were crowding his mind. He could only think of how to allay his hatred. Why would he pull down his pants and inspect his thigh now to find out the problem?

The white youth raised his rifle butt and rammed the fogged glass of the bathroom.


The glass door broke.

The armed men with guns, together with Hanks, were all stunned motionless.

The bathroom was empty. The faucet at the wash basin was running. There seemed a trickle of blood in the wash basin. But soon, it was diluted into nothing by the running water.

“Where are they?” The white youth asked instinctively.

No one could answer his question.

Hanks scratched his thigh again. It was getting more and more itchy, even a little painful.

At the same moment, at Sky Clinic.

Ning Tao carried Lin Qingyu out of the convenient door. Plumes of green smoke spiraled out from the good-evil tripod. The human face on the tripod was showing a smiling face, but it was only a mild smile. From his experience, Ning Tao could roughly guess Lin Qingyu was someone with minor merits.

Lin Qingyu’s eyes were tightly shut. She could not know where she was now. One minute ago, after she entered the bathroom, Ning Tao had pricked her with a Sacred Needle before she could say anything. She then passed out.

Carrying Lin Qingyu, Ning Tao went out of Sky Clinic and came to the rented apartment where he and Qing Zhui had been residing. He carried Lin Qingyu to his room and placed her on the bed. He pulled Lin Qingyu’s shoes off and also lifted her legs up the bed, lying her supine.

Lin Qingyu lying on the bed seemed gentle and beautiful. Her curves were mature and alluring. If he had tried anything on her, she would not be able to resist. But Ning Tao was no such man. The only thing he did was to cover her with the blanket.

After returning to Sky Clinic, Ning Tao opened another convenient door. He appeared again in one of the rooms in Joanna’s booked presidential suite.

Given the situation just now, the only thing he could do was to open the convenient door and take Lin Qingyu away. He did not confront them partly because of Lin Qingyu. The likelihood of her surviving those raining bullets was almost nil. Even he himself could not face those madly firing assault rifles in that narrow space.

But right now, the ball was at his feet. It was time for he and his teammates to retaliate.

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