Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 255

Tang Zhen had cooked a number of dishes and also specially opened a bottle of wine. The wine was a very ordinary locally manufactured red wine, worth less than 50 dollars, but Ning Tao could not judge its quality. To him, there was no difference between a cheap red wine and an expensive red wine. As long as it was with the right company, even drinking plain water would make him happy.

Tang Zhen said with a smirk, “Jiang Hao, pick some food for Tao.”

“I refuse,” Jiang Hao said with a face of unpleasantness.

The smile on Tang Zhen’s face stiffened. “You two has… fought?”

It seemed like she had wanted to say “husband and wife”, but did not manage to after all, since they were nowhere near that stage yet.

Ning Tao picked a piece of sweet and sour pork rib and put it into Jiang Hao’s bowl. “Have some pork rib.”

Jiang Hao glared at Ning Tao. “You’re so busy. Isn’t it a waste of your time picking pork ribs for me?”

Ning Tao: “…”

“I finally have an off day, so if you accompanied me for a movie, I’ll have your pork rib,” Jiang Hao said.

Ning Tao was a little conflicted, but he really could no longer reject using the excuse of seeing his patients. He was also reminded of how he had owed the large amount of treatment fee earned that time to her. He gave in and nodded. “Alright, let’s go catch a movie.”

Only then did Jiang Hao finally smile. She then picked a deep-fried capelin fish for Ning Tao. “This fish is high in protein. Have more, it’s good for your body.”

Ning Tao accepted it graciously, promptly eating the fish which Jiang Hao had given him.

Tang Zhen smiled saying, “That’s better. A joyous and harmonious family, how wonderful! It would be even better if our family had a baby as well.”

Jiang Hao rolled her eyes at Tang Zhen. Yet, she was also peeking at Ning Tao from the corner of her eyes.

Ning Tao had bitten his tongue while eating his fish.

After the meal, Ning Tao accompanied Jiang Hao shopping. They then went to a cinema and bought tickets to the next immediate movie slot. Jiang Hao said that she wanted to have popcorn and coke, so Ning Tao went to get some, and finally, they entered the theater.

The theater was rather empty, just a few people in the audience area.

Jiang Hao sat down, eating popcorn while drinking coke, appearing to be in a great mood. She felt like she had rediscovered the feeling of her teenage years. Who would have thought that Jiang Hao, who was munching on popcorn and sipping her coke, was an elite secret service agent?

Ning Tao looked at Jiang Hao quietly. He had never seen such a peaceful side of her before. She felt like a girl next door, whom he had spent his innocent and carefree childhood years together with, having grown up into a demure and elegant lady.

Jiang Hao grew uncomfortable under Ning Tao’s stare, so she pushed the popcorn bucket to Ning Tao. “You hungry? You’ve been watching me eat. You can have some too, I’m not have all of this myself.”

Ning Tao smiled and shook his head. “I’m not eating. I’m happy just watching you eat.”

Jiang Hao grabbed a popcorn and stuffed it into Ning Tao’s mouth, which caught a speaking Ning Tao off guard. A popcorn ended in his mouth just like that.

The popcorn tasted sweet.

Jiang Hao giggled, saying, “Here, aren’t you eating it now already? You live by too many rules. Aren’t you tired? Put some of those rules aside. Be braver and be more open to your feelings, and you’ll be more relaxed. Don’t you think I’m right?”

It sounded like a question, but it was also actually a hint.

Ning Tao was very clear of her feelings for her, and agreed with what she had said. He shouldered too much responsibilities, and had to let go of some of them to live life in a more carefree manner. But it was always easier said than done. He was the Sky Clinic’s owner, which meant that he was the top enemy of all the evil people in the world. If he and Jiang Hao got together, that would mean he would be dragging her down into hell with him. Would that not be harming her? Besides, even though he and Qing Zhui were not a married couple in reality, Qing Zhui was already his destined concubine in name. How would he explain it to Jiang Hao? It would be even harder to get her to accept Qing Zhui.

Basically, the situation was that, an opportunity for a beautiful relationship was placed right before his eyes, but he dared not accept it.

Yet she had a different interpretation of his silence.

Just when the lights went out in the theater, Jiang Hao had suddenly gathered her courage to get closer to Ning Tao.

Without any warning, two lips met just like that. It was silent, but it felt as if fireworks were being set off.

Ning Tao froze for a moment. His mind went blank. A tongue pried his lips open clumsily. A strong sign of life, a chaotic and burning breathing overwhelmed him. After his mind went blank, it was soon followed by a sense of bewilderment.

Jiang Hao was not Qing Zhui in a way that her every word and smile were alluring, but she possessed fervor and guts, along with the passionate feelings accumulated in her heart. Those were all slowly melting the walls around his heart. His hands had reached out subconsciously, hugging onto her waist. But he was very soon unsatisfied, reaching into her t-shirt clumsily and greedily.

The movie was starting soon, but who could still be bothered with the movie?

Jiang Hao was initially sitting in her seat, but just within a few seconds, she had already pushed Ning Tao down. Chaos had erupted, unable to be held back anymore. What was going to happen at this rate? She did not think about it at all, and did not fear what would happen.

“Hey! This is a cinema, what are you doing?” yelled the cinema staff, who was about to leave after turning off the lights, when he discovered Jiang Hao and Ning Tao entangled with each other.

That voice was like a cold bucket of water splashed over Ning Tao and Jiang Hao, waking them up from their passionate affair and their sweet dream of the past half a month.

Jiang Hao picked herself back up from Ning Tao’s legs in a fluster, and returned to her seat. Her face was completely flushed, yet she still attentively rearranged her unbuttoned jeans and rolled up t-shirt back into place. She had the recklessness and the courage to let Ning Tao do whatever he wanted to her earlier on, but right then she did not even have the guts to look at him in the eye.

Ning Tao was incredibly flustered and embarrassed as well. He pulled his zip back up with composure. He too, had also thrown away all ethical code and rules of public conduct to the back of his mind earlier on, breaking out of his cage and running free with courage, and still, he could no longer properly look at Jiang Hao.

The movie had a romance theme, which had started out with a kissing scene, adding fuel to the flames of the situation. Mercy.

The cinema staff rambled again, “What’s with youngsters these days. Go get a room if you were so desperate. This is a cinema. Seriously.”

Ning Tao and Jiang Hao continued sitting in awkward silence, pretending to have heard nothing.

Some time after the staff had left, Jiang Hao finally broke the silence between them. “Just now…”

The two words were all she had said, the remaining essay was stuck in her heart.

Ning Tao had finally managed to suppress the desires inside his body. After a moment of silence, he said, “I like you.”

Jiang Hao was stunned momentarily, then a smile blossomed on her face. She had been waiting for that confession for a long time, and that was finally the day. She gazed at Ning Tao with eyes full of happiness, bliss, and an ocean of endearment.

Ning Tao felt like his heart was pricked. His eyes met with Jiang Hao’s. He mustered his courage and said, “I know you like me too, and I like you too, but… but we cannot be together.”

The bright beam on Jiang Hao’s face instantly stiffened.

“I don’t know how to tell you, but some things had happened to me, and you would be in danger while being with me.”

“Do you think I’m a woman who’s afraid of danger?” Jiang Hao glared at Ning Tao; tears looked like they were welling in her eyes.

Ning Tao said with reluctance, “I know you’re not afraid of danger, but the enemies I’m faced with are much more complicated and dangerous than you can imagine. Also, Qing Zhui…”

Jiang Hao sighed scornfully, “So this is the point. I knew it, your relationship with that woman was not simple at all!”

“I’m indebted to her. No matter who I get together with, I need to take her along. My other half has to accept her. She has to be… my concubine.” Even though it was difficult, Ning Tao had said it after all.

“You’re actually thinking of having two wives!” Jiang Hao was infuriated.

A few audiences in front turned back instantly to watch them quarrel. They had clearly heard Jiang Hao’s “having two wives”, which was far more imaginably entertaining than the movie.

Ning Tao actually felt at ease after finally revealing the secret which he had been hiding in his heart for a long time. A hint of smile appeared on his lips. “If we got together, can you accept her?”

Jiang Hao stood up suddenly, and gave him a slap.

Ning Tao did not shirk from it, simply letting Jiang Hao hit his face.

A loud slap.

Jiang Hao could no longer suppress her emotions. Tears flowing, she ran out of the theater immediately.

Ning Tao did not chase after her. He only sat quietly, his heart at peace.

He liked her, so he could not lie to her.

He could have gotten her easily if he had just lied to her, but he would not do that. He could not abandon Qing Zhui. No matter who got together with him, he would take Qing Zhui, his “destined concubine” along. He would love bravely, and would also marry his concubine bravely.

“Bro, you’re really something to ask your girlfriend to share a husband with someone else,” a youth ridiculed Ning Tao.

The woman beside the youth derided, “More like a jerk who wants the best of both worlds. Does your family own a real estate company? Are you that capable?”

The few people present laughed.

Ning Tao picked up the popcorn bucket from Jiang Hao’s seat. He stood up and leaped across a few meters. Then jumped another few meters in mid-air, landing before the few audiences in the bat of an eye.

The small audience was left agape. They were really stunned. They had merely remarked in passing that someone was a jerk, who turned out to be an incredible martial arts master, how embarrassed were they!

Yet all Ning Tao did was place the popcorn in that young woman’s hands. “Can I bribe you with popcorn?”

That young woman nodded subconsciously.

Ning Tao turned and left.

Behind him, the crowd was still left dumbfounded.

Jiang Hao was nowhere to be seen in the cinema’s lobby. Ning Tao sighed internally. “I’m sure she must hate me right now? But this is the best for her, then I can focus on my cultivation in peace.”

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